Cheng Yang is not Liu Xiahui, especially this body, which used to be full of sensuality. Recently, because of the end of the world, it has been a long time since he has touched a woman.

And Lin Wanru's words were so obvious, Cheng Yang naturally wouldn't refuse.

"It is detected that the host's hormones are rising rapidly, and the room lighting is automatically adjusted to a romantic and gentle series."

The smart butler system can monitor the physical status of the people in the room in real time, and the lights in the room are gradually dimmed.


A thunderstorm suddenly sounded outside the window, and it began to rain lightly, and then the rain gradually became heavier, as if responding to Cheng Yang's mood.

The heavy rain did not subside until midnight.

Cheng Yang didn't wake up until the sun rose very high the next day.

The person next to the pillow has disappeared, only a faint fragrance.

Looking at the red color, Cheng Yang couldn't help thinking about it again.

"Ding! On the 4th day of the countdown to the doomsday, the host can sign in, whether to sign in or not!"

"Sign in!"

"Ding! The host chooses to sign in, and if the sign-in is successful, you will be rewarded with a Golden Desert Eagle pistol and an unlimited magazine!"

"Ding! Rewards can be sent to the system space, and the host can check them independently!"

Cheng Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up. In fact, in the doomsday world, guns are definitely one of the most reliable partners.

Now the system finally gave him an artifact-level firearm!

If it is just a desert eagle, it is naturally not a magic weapon, the most powerful thing is this infinite magazine!

With this infinite magazine, it is definitely an artifact level!

Opening the system space, Cheng Yang took out the Golden Desert Eagle stored in a small compartment in the warehouse.


Cheng Yang fiddled with it skillfully, and then put the gun back into the system space.

After all, the doomsday has not yet come, and there are very few opportunities to use this thing.

Cheng Yang got dressed and went downstairs, seeing Lin Wanru cooking breakfast in the kitchen, Cheng Yang walked over and hugged Lin Wanru from behind.

Lin Wanru is now Cheng Yang's first real woman.

"Young Master Yang... breakfast will be ready soon."

Lin Wanru's face suddenly flushed with two blushes, obviously a little embarrassed.

"Just call me by my name from now on."

Cheng Yang smiled and pecked Lin Wanru lightly on the face.

"But... my name is Young Master Yang, and I'm used to it."

Lin Wanru said softly.

"That's up to you."

Cheng Yang let go of Lin Wanru, and then sat down on the dining table.

Breakfast was soon served in front of Cheng Yang. After Cheng Yang and Lin Wanru had breakfast, Lin Wanru asked Lin Wanru to drive him home.

Today, he was going to move for his parents, and at the same time, he informed Su Xiaoxiao to start working in the fortress.

The moving process went smoothly, there was no need to move many things at all, and the only things that needed to be moved were Cheng Hengdong's collection of antiques.

Cheng Hengdong actually wanted to visit the doomsday fortress that Cheng Yang spent a lot of money to build, but before all the dangers were eliminated, Cheng Yang didn't dare to let them come.

After all, the Doomsday Fortress is quite closed. If there is danger, the consequences will be very dire.

During the moving process, Huang Mao called Cheng Yang. After so many days, he finally purchased what Cheng Yang wanted.

Cheng Yang directly asked Huang Mao to send everything to the Doomsday Fortress, and then asked Lin Wanru to pick up Su Xiaoxiao, and he drove another car to the Doomsday Fortress.

After rushing to the Doomsday Fortress, Huang Mao had already brought a convoy of trucks outside the Doomsday Fortress.

Cheng Yang opened a cargo channel above the wall, and put the convoy of trucks into the outer area of ​​the Doomsday Fortress.

Various materials and flamethrowers were removed from the car one after another, and placed in various positions in the Doomsday Fortress under Huang Mao's command.

Cheng Yang came to a pile of materials and began to modify his supercar.

"System, start vehicle modification!"

"Ding! Please choose the modified model, A doomsday armored vehicle LV1, B doomsday assault vehicle LV1."

"Choose A."

"Ding! The remodeling space is starting... The progress is 30%...60%...100%. The refitting space is successfully opened!"

The moment the modified space was successfully activated, the scene in front of Cheng Yang suddenly changed drastically, and the materials on the ground were instantly transferred to the modified space.

In the modification space, various materials were quickly absorbed by sci-fi machines and produced into various modification parts.

And these accessories were quickly installed on the supercar brought by Cheng Yang by intelligent robots one by one.

Hidden in this space is a fully automated modification production line, and all of this is carried out in the system space.

The entire modification process took only ten minutes, the modification space disappeared, and Cheng Yang returned to the real world again.

His own supercar has turned into a doomsday armored supercar.

"Ding! The host has successfully modified the doomsday armored vehicle, and gained modification experience +50."

The appearance of the supercar has changed a lot. First of all, the thickness of the body has become a lot thicker, and the material has become alloy armor, and the hardness has also improved a lot.

Cheng Yang got into the car directly, drove the chariot around a circle, and then parked the chariot in the underground garage of the fortress.

Then Cheng Yang rushed home again, drove out in another car, and modified a doomsday assault vehicle.

Cheng Yang's modification ability has also been raised to level 2.

Cheng Hengdong, Cheng Mu, and Su Xiaoxiao have also moved into the Doomsday Fortress, and Lin Wanru is leading them to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Cheng Feng and his sister-in-law will also move in at night.

Coupled with the yellow hair, only a few of them will live in the doomsday fortress.

In the end, Cheng Yang parked the rented helicopter on the parking platform on the roof, and all the preparations before the end were basically ready.

From now on, Cheng Yang will not let his family members leave here again.

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