Natsume smiled sadly, "I... There is nothing to say about the past! "

Those fearful, terrible pasts, he doesn't want Nioh to know....

It would be nice for him to bear the suffering alone, wouldn't it?

Natsume thought so and lowered her head in frustration.

Watching Natsume's Nioh quietly clench his fists, Natsume, you, are really a fool, a big fool, the most gentle big fool!

How can I bear to leave you alone and sink in that terrible past?

At the same time, he also set up a way to make friends with Natsume's character, Natsume's personality is too gentle, lest some bad things in his past break his heart.

As his friend, if he really wants Natsume to have a little more happiness, he has to show his strength appropriately, for example, now

, he obviously noticed that Natsume's heart was moving, and he wanted to communicate with him, but he was overly worried and said something he refused!

What to do – be strong or show weakness!

"Natsume, friends should communicate with each other about things that were happy or unhappy when they were young, then what we see is special, but we should also communicate with each other - I've already booked tickets! Let's go on a trip next week! "

As for showing weakness...

Natsume was shocked by Nioh's swift action, "Well, when did you book your ticket?" Where are we going? What tickets did you order? "

He doesn't know anything? Sister, he remembered that he didn't tell Nioh about when he was going to take a holiday! How did Nioh get to next week?

Nioh broke out in a cold sweat and sighed in his heart: ... Finished!

Patronizing the strong, isn't this a hurry? It's just that I just want Natsume to agree first, after all, Natsume wants to go, but as a result, why did Natsume ask so clearly?

How should we round the field now? Can anyone help him?

Online Urgent!

Nioh's heart was in turmoil, but his face was as steady as an old dog, "That, I'm so smart... Of course - "

Natsume squinted: ... Stare at!

Nioh was firm, "I've quietly seen your school before..."

Natsume continued to squint: ... Stare at!

Nioh bowed his head in frustration: ... Well, the army will not be defeated!

No matter how good the brain is, with a three-year gap, he is a high school student, and he has an advantage over his country, right?


, Nioh did not expect that as soon as his 'majesty and strength' was erected, he would be defeated in the next foolishness, and he would not succeed at all!

Natsume looked at Nioh, who lowered his head and was so lost that he couldn't do it, hooked his lips and chuckled, Nioh is really too cute like this, is there?

And -

it turns out that anyone is so looking forward to traveling with him?

Natsume's eyes were full of indescribable tenderness when he looked at Nioh, "Congratulations, you guessed it, it's really time for us to have a holiday next week!" "

I was invited by a little teenager so hard, isn't he, an older person, a little bit like a senior?

Nioh raised his head violently and looked at


" "In half a month, let's go on a trip together!" Let's take a trip between people who can see yokai.

With Natsume's consent, Nioh's eyes became shining, and Natsume was also a special case in his life. Especially his own personality is like that, gentle and generous, Nioh always feels very comfortable talking to him together!

Coupled with all kinds of reasons, he always wants to be nice to Natsume, a little better!

It's great to be able to travel together!

Nioh was just about to express his feelings, but at this moment,


Nioh is really depressed, what's the situation, could it be that he really has a cold today?

No, Nioh touched his head in disbelief, this... It's not hot!

So, what's wrong?

Nioh looked up curiously, and when he looked at it casually, he crashed into a pair of gloomy and expressionless eyes with anger that could be seen from his eyes...

With the standard blonde chicken nest hair, and the scars on the cheeks, as well as the heavenly (scary) momentum revealed from the top and bottom of the body...

Nioh: ... Isn't this the predecessor of Byodoin?

When he realized who that man was, Nioh was stunned, then delighted, and then shocked!

I'm glad that, oh my God, the seniors of Byodoin have come to see him play!

I was surprised, oh my God, the seniors of Byodoin came to see him play!

The two sentences are exactly the same, but they represent completely different meanings...

Nioh, who realized it later, looked at Byodoin and remembered what he had done on the court and what he had done after the game, and his heart didn't know why—pull out the cold!

What did he do?

Not to mention the various behaviors of teasing the opponent and verbally provoking on the playing field, these are all easy to explain! Right, after all, it's a competition, no matter what you do, it's a normal behavior of the game, no shame... Well, Nioh mainly felt a little shy about being seen by the Byodoin Phoenix...


, after the game, I didn't find out about the existence of the predecessors of Byodoin. I also chatted happily with Natsume on my own, and even discussed where to play!

You say, this in case, in case, the predecessor of Byodoin is proficient in lip language again, and I heard clearly what he was talking about with Natsume.


The moment Nioh's gaze crossed with Byodoin's eyes, the Byodoin Phoenix grinned with 'happy' teeth!

Well, a full hour has passed, and this kid finally knows that he is there, right!

Very good!

Of course, it's very good, you can see how happy he is smiling!

When Nioh saw the smile of the phoenix of Byodoin, his heart changed from cold to cold, and he didn't know what was going on, but if the senior of Byodoin came to watch him compete, he would be able to jump with joy!

However, why do you feel so weak when you find out about this situation now?

Well, isn't he just talking to Natsume, right? I didn't do anything wrong!

Yes, not empty-hearted!

Nioh is firm in his eyes, and he keeps doing psychological construction for himself, he can't be weak-hearted, phew, he doesn't need to be weak-hearted!

At this moment,

the Phoenix of Byodoin hooked his hand at Nioh: ... Come here!

Nioh: ... Can you not go over?

Of course, the answer is no, but just as Nioh got up and said to Natsume and Yukimura, he heard his phone ring and looked down.

Message from the seniors of Byodoin: - Come out!

When he looked up again, the Phoenix of the Equality Temple, which was still sitting peacefully in his seat, had disappeared.

Nioh: ... Is this a little more mysterious to make him die and die?

Byodoin Phoenix: ... That's right, little white hair! I know my future very well!

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