Despite the foreboding, Nioh came to ask for help, and Mori did not refuse in the end.

Yukimura looked at Mori, who had already entered the field to guide Yagyu, with a smile on his face. "How did you come up with the idea of having him guide Yagyu?" he gave him the task of making sure to bring people back, and Nioh... He also successfully fooled

Maori to do something! With Yanagi's sense of responsibility, he should appear in the tennis club every day because of Yanagi in a short period of time!

"Because the senior is a kind senior in his bones!" Nioh sighed, all he can do is to work hard, and the final decision is still in the hands of Maori seniors.

Maori seniors just don't want him to be too embarrassed!"Yukimura, you don't really have to think too much about Maori seniors!" He knew that Yukimura had been worried about whether the deterioration of his relationship with Maori seniors would affect the third-year seniors to make any stressful moves. "My predecessors loved tennis, and now it's just... "

From an adult's point of view, the Maori seniors will not find it difficult to accept.

Yukimura looked at Nioh with a strange look in his eyes: "You... Is it still Nioh?"

Nioh: ... I can't communicate anymore!!

It's April, but the qualifiers in Tokyo have already begun. Since the beginning of the school year, the first main selection tournament of the tennis department has also been in full

swing... Friday is the main selection tournament, and today is Wednesday -

"Kirihara... Do you mean you're going to take on a challenge today?" Nioh suddenly remembered what day it was.

Since losing 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 and 6-0 to the four of them last time... Kirihara left angrily and submitted a challenge on Monday to re-challenge the four of them, and if he lost, he joined the tennis club.

"Isn't that today?" said Nioh, who was holding a small meeting at the club office. They are now discussing the preparation of the four groups of members for the main selection competition.

Make sure that there are people in each group, and also ensure that the main selection is not in a group...

"Would you like to add Kirihara directly?" Nioh asked. Anyway, after today's match, it's their tennis club!And Kirihara is very strong—

Yukimura nodded, "Of course I have to add it." "This is a leek that has run to their bowls, and if you don't cut it, you won't cut it!

Hey, I didn't even compare, so I was judged to have lost?]

Just as he was talking about Kirihara, Kirihara came.

"Minister Yukimura, let's go over and take a look, Kirihara is here to play again!" said the second-year, who was watching the first-grade game on the tennis court.

Nioh raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart, it is better to come early than to come well!

"I'm not the same person I was a week ago!" Before everyone could speak, Kirihara said first, he was hunched up, looking menacing, "I'm going to challenge the four of you again—Uncle Ben will definitely win you

!" Sanada snorted coldly, "Stinky boy, it's not big or small!" "A first-grader still dares to call Uncle here?" "

Yukimura, I'm the first to come this time!" Sanada hurriedly coaxed, wanting to go down and teach Kirihara a a lesson. Whether it is the member of the Discipline Committee or the deputy minister of the tennis department, he is not used to seeing Kirihara's arrogant appearance.

In his words, the thorns need to be cleaned up!

Thinking of this, Sanada also glared at Nioh in passing. This guy went to the rooftop to eat again at noon today!

Nioh innocently touched his nose, "..."I don't blame him for this incident, I really can't help it." The scenery on the rooftop is good, as a fox, he is almost suffocated to death in the square part of the classroom all day, and he is not allowed to go out to see the sky at noon.

"Okay. Yukimura readily agreed, "However, do you want to have a competition this time?"

was proposed to him by Liu yesterday, but unfortunately the side reflects whether each other's strength has improved.

"I'm okay!" Sanada entered the court with his racket.

"Sanada, I like Kirihara very much," muttered Maori, who came over suddenly.


almost didn't squirt out a mouthful of water, "Maori senior, where did you see that Sanada likes Kirihara?"

Mori said firmly, "Look, when Sanada was playing with you, when was he so irritable

...", he was serious, "Besides, didn't Nioh tell me that the deeper the love, the more serious the responsibility..."

"It's too lax! What have you been doing this week? You haven't done a good job of training...""It's

too slow, your arms are too light... Didn't you eat

??' "Hit me hard?' What is the use of this red eye?......

" "It's as fast as the wind—

" Maori blinked, and said earnestly, "Look, I'll just say!"

Nioh looked at Yukimura and said, "I've just said it, Maori is actually very easy to get along with!"

Yes, it's very easy to get along with, and his brain doesn't look bright

! Liu didn't want to speak, Liu's grades were very good, and his favorite in more subjects was the language of the flower planter, and this sentence was a flower planter, a very famous wise saying in ancient times!

It really made him

, the pure literary holy land in his heart, so slandered by the innocent appearance of his Maori predecessors, and he was angry

! Liu breathed countless times, calming his mind: this is a senior can't fight, can't fight, can't fight!

I'm so angry!As

a senior fox friend of Yanagi, Nioh understands his mood at the moment very well, and comforts, "Actually, if you think about it, there is nothing wrong with the explanation of Maori seniors..."

In the mouth of the Maori seniors, Sanada just fell in love with Kirihara, and in your mouth, Sanada became a father directly,

and suddenly stopped being angry, and wanted to laugh a little!

"I'll write this down for Sanada—" Ryu took out his notebook.

"Don't do that, I'll just make a joke casually-" It's Sanada who knows, and it's going to kill you!"

Yukimura smiled with his chin propped up, "I also want to see what it would be like if I knew that he was a father today..."

"Yukimura, what are you doing here at this time!

He really wants to go back to the self who strangled him a minute ago, oh my God, and then that time will be gone!

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