Today is the day of the main selection competition.

The main selection tournament of Lihai University once a month is divided into 4 groups because of the large number of people in the tennis department.

They are Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D. According to the principle of seven positive selections and one substitute in the competition, a total of eight positive players need to be selected, and the qualifying places in each group are two, as long as the top two players in the group stage can become the main selection.

There are four words on the list, and the first-year freshmen who look at it are both envious and take it for granted.

"That's the one who can fight with the seniors..."Although the fight is 6:0, it is already very powerful to be able to muster up the courage to fight with those four seniors.

"That's right, Kirihara is in the first year and has a chance to participate in the tryouts, which means we have a chance too!"


"Hah~ The first grade is really vibrant!" Nioh yawned and lazily put his hand on Yagyu's shoulder.

He is in Group C today, and the tennis department of Lihai University is quite large, and all four groups are playing at the same time, although Nioh is in Group C, but the number of matches is relatively low, so he came here to take a break.

"Nioh-kun is only in the second grade this year, so there's no need to say such old-fashioned words!" Yanagi, who hadn't dodged several times, could only let Nioh treat him as a shelf, "Also, can you deal with your legacy problems..."Yagyu

is in Group D, and he is also very backward.

"Oh~that!" Nioh sighed and looked behind him.

The remaining problem for Yagyu is Kirihara, who has been staring at him for unknown reasons since the end of the game the day before yesterday. Especially during club activities, he has to stare at him if he has nothing to do! Nioh

looked at Kirihara speechlessly, Kirihara's eyes were not too eager, sure it wasn't a dog staring at meat?

Nioh beckoned, and played with the love of his seniors, who had little to offer, "Kirihara, didn't you eat today?"

"Eat!" was summoned by Nioh, ran over and replied obediently.

"Then what do you think I'm doing?" Nioh wondered what made Kirihara look at him like a bone.

Speaking of this, Kirihara was full of energy, and said out loud his bold words, "I want to be like my predecessors... Anger Vice Minister Sanada to death!!

" Nioh was so frightened that his shoulders collapsed, "What are you talking about?"

"The day before yesterday, Nioh's seniors were really too handsome!" "Kirihara's eyes lit up, "I've never seen a person who can

make Vice Minister Sanada angry like that!" "Nioha senior, how did you do it, make Vice Minister Sanada angry like that, and still live unharmed to this day!"

In fact, what Kirihara wants to say more is that he is worthy

of the monster senior, and he can make that, so terrifying Deputy Minister Sanada angry, and he can still fight back confidently and calmly! It's so handsome

! Every time Kirihara thinks of the deputy minister Sanada senior who oppressed him, and then looks at the Nioh senior who can successfully resist the deputy minister every time, he vows that he must study hard! Learn all the skills of Nioh's predecessor, and

then kill Sanada senior!"

Senior, please don't be stingy and teach me seriously, thank you!" After speaking, he bowed 90 degrees to Nioh.

Nioh just wanted to say that this bear child...

Although, if more than one person is angry with Sanada, Nioh thinks that day is still very-worth looking forward to! Well,

it is reasonable to enjoy each other...


Kelp, kelp, haven't you figured out your family status yet...

Although he and Sanada are either angry with each other, or running on the road to kill each other, there are ups and downs... But when it comes to the issue of Kirihara, it is very consistent.

[Sanada: ... It's clear that you're angry with me from beginning to end!]

Nioh's eyes narrowed and he said, it's time to teach you a lesson and teach you how to be a man, little kelp.

He remembered that today's match for kombu was in

Group B, and in Group B, there was Sanada, right! Group B had already played a few games, and it was time to get Kirihara and Sanada in the round.

This is not just right-poof~

He hooked his lips and hooked Kirihara aside, "The secret is, don't coax him at any time! When you see Sanada, you must glare at him angrily, you can't lose the momentum at the beginning, and then no matter how he attacks you, you can't lose the momentum..."

Kirihara's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Senior, you are really a good person! I'll come to you after the race! You must wait for me!"

After the brief conversation, Nioh's status in Kirihara's mind became higher and higher.

Nioh waved his hand, said goodbye to the simple kelp, and sighed in his heart, aquatic products are relatively simple!

Yanagi pushed his glasses, "You don't really want to discuss with Yanagi about pitting Sanada..."

In the past two days, Yanagi has been thinking, since the relationship between the four stars of the tennis club has reached the point of forcing people to climb over the wall, how did they make an appointment to [revolution] together

in the first place? "How is it possible, just a first grade wants to rebel?" Nioh smiled slyly, "Yes~ Liu!"

Nioh leaned back his neck and summoned the divine beast hiding there.

"Why do you find out every time I hide?" Ryu was curious, obviously he couldn't be found when he was in Tokyo last year, but this year, Nioh's data seems to have made a big breakthrough.

Nioh smiled and didn't answer, how could he open his mouth casually when it was a question related to his family's life.

"Alright, I've heard all of Kirihara's words!" Now the focus was on Kirihara, Nioh raised an eyebrow and looked at Ryu meaningfully.

Ryu received the message, "I'll tell Sanada about this! Let this kid with the head iron suffer setbacks!" Ryu

also admired Kirihara very much, obviously playing against him, there were four people who lost him, but he was eyeing Sanada, who was the most serious and upright.

Sanada is very good, at least he won't cheat you like Nioh!

However, Sanada is not good, like Kirihara who passed with a provocative attitude, unless he can run in another way like Nioh, there is only one ending - a miserable death!!

Yagyu: ... The water

in this tennis club is really deep!

" What you just told Kirihara to let him enjoy Sanada's highest treatment, in fact, is-" Yanagi's tone was inexplicable.

"The special affection of the Deputy Minister!" Nioh replied with a smile.

Yagyu: ... I feel a little sorry for that kelp!

"Alright, it's not too early, I'm going to compete..."Yanagi just wants to stay away from this man who has more eyes than arms and legs.

Nioh: ... Is he disliked?

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