
Yanagi looked at Nioh, his eyes were dark, and his intuition told him that even if one day the success rate of Feng's one-ball soul penetration reached 100%, and Nioh would definitely have a way to deal with this trick!

Is it that the three of them are not worthy of Nioh's hole cards?

Yanagi clenched his racket tightly, unwilling to be underestimated by his partner, this is an oppression that he can't feel in the golf club, and he chose the right tennis club

! Nioh Masaharu, wait! One day I will let you use all your strength to play with me!!


The score was 6-4.

Lihai won the day.

The first doubles ended without any suspense, losing the game, Shishido and Feng looked at the ugly face of the trace, originally thought that they would be given a beating, but unexpectedly, the trace department didn't say anything, so they asked them to find a coach! Shishido

did not give up, and asked, "Won't you be punished?" The Ice Emperor has always been that only the winner is qualified to sit down with peace of mind, and if he loses the game, he will be punished.

Jibu sighed, "I don't blame you for losing the game this time..."

Coupled with the presence of Nioh, the trace department knows the outcome of this game, so he is not disappointed.

As he pondered, he felt that Nioh had changed drastically this year and last year!

There was a sense of foreboding in his heart... I thought to myself, I want to discuss it with Coach Sakaki, and when I met Tachikai Dai during the Kanto Tournament, let them play doubles two, and try Nioh?

On the other hand, Shishido and Ho, who lost the game, were not criticized by the trace, and Nioh and Yagyu, who won the game, were not praised by Yukimura.

In Yukimura's words, it was "

a game that could have been won 6-2, but it had to be dragged to 6-4." Although he knew in his heart that Nioh was trying to run in with Yanagi, Yukimura was still unhappy when he saw this score.

In this regard, Nioh can only say: You are the minister, you have the final say! Anyway, he will not be able to play a uniform 6-0 score like Yukimura at any time.

Kirihara listened to Yukimura training Nioh on the side, and said in his heart, it turns out that Tachikai Da thinks so much about the score, so that he will have to work hard to make his score more beautiful in the future, so that he will not be criticized by Minister Yukimura!


Doubles one.

On the side of Tatsukai are Marui and Kuwabara, and the Ice Emperor is undoubtedly Shinobu and Muri, whom Nioh calls his sister's head.

Speaking of Xiangsun, Yanagi couldn't help but look over and glance at it, and then-

"What's the matter, I didn't lie to you, it's a sister head!" Nioh knew he was looking at Xiangri as soon as he saw Yanagi's expression.

Yagyu: ... Is he so obvious?

"Nioh-kun, who do you think will win this game?"

“...... Bear with them!" After thinking about it, Nioh gave the answer.

Yanagi raised his eyebrows, it wasn't Marui? Don't believe in his teammates?"It's

the difference in strength, Marui is very powerful, in terms of personal strength, he is better than Xiangri, but Kuwabara is not up to the standard..."

Compared to Nioh's nearly two-hour match, doubles one hour is already short.


"Ah, what a pity. Lost 6-4!" Marui cried and mourned, with a look of 'grief'.

Nioh said in his heart, he is really a drama spirit, and he can really act. "Okay, let's take it a little bit!" So many people are watching, acting, it's too much!

Nioh also knew that this was just a practice match after all, and there was no need to play cards according to the normal routine, just as he and Yanagi used this match as a testing ground for the two of them.

Let Kirihara play singles three is also to hone him....

Otherwise, if you don't count Nioh according to your singles strength, Kirihara's strength will not be in the top five.


"Singles One, have you and Sanada decided who will play?" asked Nioh.

The Maori seniors are already preparing, and it seems that Yukimura finally decided to let the Maori seniors play singles two.

"—me. Yukimura said, "Last time Sanada, I already had a fight with Jibu, so it's time for me to give it a try!"

"Don't underestimate him, he's the winner of the next JR tournament. Seeing that Nioh had been staring at that Hiyoshi, Ryu told him the news of Hiyoshi.

"Puff~JR Contest!" is a familiar name, the champion of the JR Contest, and they are all famous people. "

What about our Kirihara?" Although he is a tennis fanatic, Nioh doesn't believe he won't go to that tournament.

Ryu sighed, "Kirihara said that he overslept and took the wrong bus, so he didn't keep up with the game~" This is really a reason that people can't refuse! The reason is

very Kirihara!

Nioh decided to give his junior a thumbs up, excellent~


"..."Nioh squinted his eyes at Hikiruka, and always felt that this guy had a strange aura on him, which made people a little concerned.

"Liu, do you know what Hiyoshi's house does?" asked if he didn't understand, of course, the military advisor knew the most.

"Do you think I'm an intelligence dealer?" However, despite this complaint, Ryu still flipped through his notes, in case he memorized it.

Unexpectedly, he still let him turn over the ancient

martial arts dojo! Nioh understood, opening the ancient martial arts dojo

, no wonder there was an aura on his body that made him care.

Why don't you go to Hiyoshi's house to see what the situation is?

"Is there anything about this Hiyoshi that you care about?" Ryu noticed that Nioh had been staring at him.

"Looking at his playing style, he combines the ancient martial arts he practiced with tennis..."Nioh sighed, and the children are now smarter than the other, "If you completely combine your ancient martial arts with tennis, this Hiyoshi will be Kirihara's biggest enemy!"

"Is it the intention of releasing him now that he is going to be cultivated as a future heir?"

Perhaps!, Nioh said in his heart, but in the bottom of his heart, he was more concerned about Hiyoshi's family...

Why don't you visit tomorrow when you're in Tokyo?

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