He's not so much like a fox as he's like a cat.

Lazy, no ambition!

Liu Du wanted to sigh, how can there be such a person in the world? It's different from others. If he hadn't been able to beat Sanada and Yukimura, he would have wanted to be a minister or vice minister.

But Nioh is just different -

unfortunately, Nioh wants to be lazy, but there is a hawking Yukimura behind him, staring there.

If Nioh was just an ordinary member of the ministry, Yukimura might have put up with him being lazy like this, as long as he made sure that he didn't lose the game. However, who made him unusual?

They are all positive selections, and the four-pointed star and the positive selection are still different!

Sanada: ... Well, he admits that if it were Nioh, he would indeed slip away because he didn't want to do

it! Last time, he was forced by him to even climb the wall, and Sanada felt that Nioh should have no lower limit on the matter of escaping!

Yukimura is indeed very good at picking time.

It's you, Minister!

And here, Nioh was stunned, although he knew from the beginning that it was definitely not a good thing, but he didn't expect that it was really not a good thing.

"Minister, where do you see that I am a usable talent? Nioh himself blushed, and in order to arrange things for him, he even put the words 'usable talents' on him.

Yukimura smiled and said, "You can see it from everywhere, you can handle singles and doubles, and your communication skills are first-class

, of course you are a usable talent!" "Minister, you wait a while!" Nioh almost choked to death from his own saliva, "I'll show my attitude first, I really can't do it

!" "Joke, I want him to work more, not to mention the door, there are no windows

!" "I've done a lot of work for the tennis part now!" Nioh said bitterly, wanting to let the survivors take back their lives, "We have a good distribution of the tennis club now, why do you suddenly have to assign me extra work?"

Yukimura is in charge of the overall situation.

Sanada is in charge of the shock.

Ryu makes a training plan.

And he, how

good is it?

What is this for him to do more?"

"Kirihara-" Yukimura said the name abruptly. He was willing to follow Nioh's wish and let him be a fox cake, but... However, this year, there are more

Che Yuan! Che Yuan, is a magical baby!

Energetic, the personality is called upright, and it is not good to listen to the lack of strings. This is a good thing for tennis players who want to climb the mountain forever, but it's not a good thing for causing trouble!

Suddenly I thought about it, and I couldn't find a reason or excuse to refuse

! Kirihara -- these two words are too true! Kirihara

is really a magical existence in Lihai University, and usually if a person is beaten four 6-0 by the four of them in a row, not to mention whether he will give up tennis, there is fear.

As a result, Kirihara is different....

I am not afraid at all, I am even very much looking forward to it, and I am full of motivation every time I think about it. This is a good thing, but it's a pity that his mental power has been distributed to other places.

It's as big as chasing you to play, and as small as poking you in the heart with a tendon.

It's the end of June, and Kirihara entered the tennis club in April, and has already experienced three times of getting lost, sitting on the station five times, going out for training camps and getting lost, and arguing with others with red eyes...

Of course, the biggest headache for everyone is the academic performance!

Yukimura also has a headache

... "Do you remember the midterm exam after the Kanagawa Prefecture Tournament? After the Kanto Tournament, there will be a final exam..."Yukimura sighed, "There are so many intermediate competitions, just Kirihara's character, I definitely can't settle down to review, after the Kanto Tournament, if his results are not qualified, there will be no way

to participate in the national tournament-" The first one in the tennis department may not be able to participate in the national tournament because of his unqualified results!

When I think of these Yukimura, I feel that my whole head is big, and he can take care of many things in the tennis club, everything! It's just Kirihara's grades, which makes people feel anxious!

"You said that our Likai University is so difficult to get into, how did Kirihara get in?"

Nioh: ... In another place, he wanted to pat Yukimura on the shoulder?

Minister, it's hard work!

Everything has to be said and spoken.

"So does this have anything to do with me having to work more?"

Yukimura glanced back at Nioh, and the look seemed to say, "How did you say

such a merciless word?" Nioh winked back, and he didn't want to work—let me ask such a merciless question!

No one, nothing could stop him from wanting to spread himself out in the sun and become a fox cake...

Yukimura looked at Nioh with unkind eyes: "Is this fox growing up and its wings stiff?"

"Then you will double your training next week!" Yukimura said.


"..."So shouldn't the name of this chapter be called--This minister, really willful

!Nioh bitterly haha, "Minister, don't play like this!

" Yukimura smiled, "Oh, you give me a fight, I win, the minister gives you what you say, I'm what I am..."

Nioh sat down in the coach's chair, tired.

I don't want to work, but my strength is limited...

Is his fox cake plan going to be shattered?

No, help him up, he can still struggle and struggle—

Yukimura looked at Nioh's appearance and knew that his heart had loosened, and persuaded him, "It's just that you and Sanada will take care of Kirihara... Now that you have made great strides in both singles and doubles, and your strength is so bright, it's time to play more roles for the tennis club!"

[The strength is so eye-catching?] So all this is because, he has been so good lately, so Yukimura is worried about him?

yes~ Very likely!

Nioh seems to have found his way to continue to be a fox cake, "I understand..."Nioh said, "Minister, leave it to me!"

Nioh swore solemnly, "After the Kanto Tournament, there will be a period of time in between, and during that time, I will supervise his study every day!

Yukimura: ... Is there some conspiracy? I always feel that something is wrong? Nioh doesn't even rule out tutoring Kirihara with Sanada, it doesn't make sense?

However, in view of the current situation, it is not easy for Nioh to agree to take care of Kirihara, and Yukimura did not say anything.

"Okay, then I'll hand over Kirihara's final grades to you and Sanada. "Yukimura Road.


Nioh sat down beside Ryu and said angrily, "Ryu, you didn't expect to cheat me like this, you can!"

"When did I cheat you?"

"Hehe, I don't believe you don't know what Yukimura is looking for me for?" let him face Yukimura directly without knowing anything, and he couldn't run. It's so devoid of teammateism. Still not a member of the gossip team anymore!

Liu: ... When did we set up the gossip squad? How did I not know about this?

Nioh: ... The last second was established!

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