Byodoin Phoenix's own mobile phone didn't know what to say for a long time: ... Well...... Is it that this little white hair didn't open the package? Or is the little white hair so big that no one has ever sent him anything? Otherwise, the thing he sent is still worth going all the way to say thank you to him

in the morning? What kind of life did this child have before?

The Phoenix of the Equality House rarely felt a little guilty in his heart, the little junior has such a pitiful life, he has no idea about it, and he only thinks about improving his strength all day long, but he doesn't know how to care about all aspects of life, it's too much failure!

After thinking about it, the Phoenix of the Equality House couldn't sleep, so he took out his mobile phone and ordered a lot of things... Anyway, the international express is not expensive, so let's send him some more!!

Let's go back to the other side.

Nioh's whole body froze there and did not move: ....

Well, how do you say it? how much I looked forward to it before I opened it, and how much I thought about it after I opened it...


Nioh looked at the tennis racket in the box, and the whole person was not good. Byodoin

seniors, all the way away, you are from Europe, you can send me a tennis racket? It is better to bring me a piece of soil, at least it is a 'native' specialty!

What is the matter of sending him a tennis racket? Is it too bad for the seniors to dislike him? Eh, no, it suddenly occurred to Nioh that the seniors should not just send a tennis racket, could it be that there is something special about this racket, with the signature of a superstar?

Nioh gets excited and prepares to take out his tennis racket and take a good look at it.

And then-I'll take it~ Alas, why can't I hold it?

It's so heavy

! It took two hands, and Nioh, who barely picked up the racket, turned it around, half a sound, came back to his senses, poof~ It's really just a tennis

racket! Amazing, my senior, a racket!

And, if he remembers correctly, what did the courier say just now, dozens of kilograms, the weight of this hand is at least 20kg, let's start~It was 25 kg easily.

Nioh understands the painstaking efforts of the Phoenix of Byodoin, but he feels that his strength is not up to par, and wants to use this racket to exercise his strength.

Painstakingly, he understood, but what about this sadness and loss?

Nioh dragged his racket to the corner, and the whole fox was emo.


sure enough, with the rugged appearance and the wide-open personality of the predecessors of the Equality Academy, I still expect him to be able to think about souvenirs?

Even if he was lost, Nioh was reluctant to let go, after all, no matter how he said it, it was something sent by the seniors of Byodoin!

Nioh stared at the racket for a long time, and then decisively went out

-[Ni-chan]: Host, where

are you going? It's just noon, where are you going?

Nioh said, "Buy something." Nioh

sighed and said, "Go buy an incense case and offer the racket that my predecessor gave me!"

Then he misses the predecessors of the Byodoin

!hum╯^╰, dare to call him Xiao Baimao behind his back, this extraordinary 'longing' must be transmitted to Europe through the incense case! (That's right, Xiao Baimao's hatred, now I remember!)

[Ni-chan]: .......

I always feel a little unable to understand the host's operation. Are you resentful or resentful of that Byodoin senior now?

In the eyes of the people of Lihai, Nioh visibly became emaciated...

However, in just half a month, although it is not skinny, it is obvious that the eye sockets are a little sunken.

What's going on?

" Nioh, have you eaten well lately?" Marui offered Nioh a pack of chocolates, "The next game is going to start tomorrow, are you sure you can hold it?"

"This year's Kanto Tournament is just as smooth as last year, the start of the Yamabuki is still a bit of a threat, the rest of the games are not threatening, and tomorrow is the final of the Kanto Tournament.

Nioh's current state, does Marui really doubt that he will be able to hold out until the end of the game?

Something is wrong!

Nioh said to himself, I can't tell you, I've been training secretly lately, it's not because of the morning, I haven't forgotten what the purpose of wanting to train at home in the first place was to be able to tan a fox cake in the sun one day.

So, it's all worth it now

!" The weather is slowly getting hotter and hotter, and my appetite is not good! I can't sleep a little in the morning!" Nioh can only use this as an excuse.

Marui believed, "Then you can eat more high-protein foods to maintain it... At least keep yourself healthy!"


Yukimura, as a minister, cared about Nioh no less than Marui, and approached Nioh several times to inquire about the recent situation.

I only got a conclusion that if you are healthy, you are thin.

Yukimura: ... So, is it really possible that it's because of the weather

?" "Liu, do you feel that something is wrong?" Yukimura found Yanagi.

Ryu thought for a moment and said, "Nioh is different from us, maybe it's really been too hot lately!" Nioh is

like this every year, he doesn't like to bask in the sun, and if you add his original picky eater, this may indeed happen.


The final of the Kanto Tournament is with the Ice Emperor.

Nioh wasn't surprised when he knew this ending, after all... It's so normal. In the first half of the region, in terms of strength, the one who is in the best state

is the Ice Emperor! Then, how can you say it?

The result of the game is not unexpected!

Although the Ice Emperor is also very strong, however, Lihai is even stronger.

In one day, Lihaida won 3-1 and still won the final victory.

For Nioh, everything was fine except that the sun was a little hot on the day of the race and the face of the trace was not good...

It's a day to remember...

When he got home in the evening, Nioh lay down on the bed satisfied, the recent things were really going too well, he won the game again, and his strength was steadily rising, and he was not discovered by the tennis club

about his sneaky training! Nioh Fuzhi looked at the racket he offered with his heart—

is it really so good to offer the racket given by the predecessor of Byodoin?

Nioh: "Little mud, you say... Is the thing sent by the predecessor of Byodoin so evil?"Can you also increase your luck value? You must know that in the past, whenever he had a little strange idea, he would definitely be discovered by

Yukimura! And now, it's been a month, and his plan to improve his strength and want to be lazy has begun, and Yukimura hasn't found out yet! What does this mean? This shows that someone is protecting him!

Nioh's eyes instantly looked at the racket, although this racket does not have the signature of a famous star on it, and there is nothing special about it, but it is 'psychic'!

Host, I can't find the time to interject at all from your thoughts

?As a supernatural system, how should I remind my host not to believe in those ethereal things?

It doesn't seem convincing!

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