The Nioh had no idea that Byodoin was slandering him for his 'kindness'...

He tried hard to think back to the kind Byodoin seniors, to think of the Byodoin seniors who gave him clothes to wear in the cold wind! I wanted to know about the Byodoin seniors who came back to save him despite the danger! I thought about the Byodoin seniors

who never left him even though he knew that he was not an ordinary person and was not a person!

Alas, wait, there seems to be something wrong with this word...

Forget it, you don't have to worry about these little details

! To sum up, the senior is really a very kind person!

"If you want me to say, the group of rumor-mongers and slanderers in your training camp have passed the age of 20, and you must investigate their criminal responsibility!"

This kind of word, which is simply ruining people's image, is used on the predecessors of Byodoin, so that they are not afraid that the seniors will not be able to find their daughters-in-law in the future? That is a major event that will delay people's lives! Who can

bear this responsibility? Therefore, it must be investigated!

Thinking of this, Nioh was even a little worried, "Senior, you said that if your future becomes bad because of this, this group of people will have to bear the greatest responsibility!" Thinking about the fact that all kinds of social news nowadays are the end of geniuses who are overly good and ostracized, and then, lonely in society, and finally betray society

! When he thought that the predecessors of Byodoin might suffer such an end in the future, Nioh felt very worried, clenched his fists, and said conclusively, "Seniors, don't worry, even if those people with bad eyes don't believe you, I will be your most loyal junior, and I will always believe in you! Don't be knocked down by the brain circuits of those believers, you know?"

Byodoin Phoenix: ... I'm going to be knocked down by your brain circuits now!

If he didn't really know what kind of person he was, he would probably have been brainwashed by Nioh's words and felt that he was a good person!

Byodoin Phoenix sighed, I don't know why, suddenly I felt a little sorry for those 'blind' people!

"Nioh, you must come to U17 after graduating from junior high school..."

This made Nioh breathe a sigh of relief, but fortunately, the seniors were not affected by some things!

"Why? Is this an invitation from the seniors alone?" He has not yet decided whether he wants to continue playing tennis after graduating from junior high school? What should he do? The seniors have been invited now, do you want to agree directly?

The phoenix of Byodoin looked at the blue sky in front of him, smiled knowingly, and said, "If you come to U17, it will definitely be a very lively and interesting thing!"

When the time comes, there will be a lot of things that are very exciting! Life will become more interesting because of you...

"Hurry up and grow up, I'm waiting for you under seventeen!" Nioh

was almost in a trance, hung up the phone, and received a personal call from the idol, poof~ I can't bear it!

It's decided, add another carton of milk from today, hurry up and grow taller, hurry up and grow up, and then go to U17 to find seniors... As for what I just said about not wanting to play tennis after high school, it's all floating clouds... He is a young man, and the future of young people is very easy to change, so who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

The idea just now is already a matter of the beginning, and now he has a new goal!

On the other hand, the phoenix of the Equality House also hung up the phone with satisfaction, and then showed a 'bloody' smile

———— As long as he thinks of the various scenes where the future Nioh persecutes his teammates, the Phoenix of Byodoin feels very excited, and there must be a lot of interesting shows to watch at that time!

How did my predecessors think differently from what I imagined?

Kimishima, who lost scissors, rock, and paper, was pushed out by other unscrupulous teammates, and came to find his boss, and as soon as he came over, he saw that the boss was on the phone, and this scene looked quite normal, considering that the boss called, there must be something very important, so Kimishima didn't come forward... On the contrary, he stood aside, preparing to wait for the Phoenix of the Equality House to finish the phone call before calling someone

! As a result, now looking at Kimishima, I feel that the scene in front of me is becoming more and more abnormal! Boss, boss, you can call if you say you call... Why do you want to kick your feet on the mound of dirt on the ground, the earth beckons you to provoke you?

If you just feel a little abnormal now... After that, the scene slowly changed from abnormal to terrifying, and it became terrifying

... Oh my God, what did he see!

Forget about kicking the dirt, what about picking the tree with his fingers? As soon as he picked it, he kept picking at that piece?

Kimishima looked at the time, he had been standing here for 20 minutes, and the eldest of his family had almost cut off the bark.

Damn, what's going on

? And, boss, why is your expression mild, even a little weirdly gentle, is this gentleness really gentle? Are you sure it's not the gentleness of a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Then, the scene of Kimishima completely gasping appeared, and the Phoenix of Byodoin smiled gently, looking up at the blue sky, and his expression was relaxed—I understand, the Phoenix of Byodoin was

dropped! If it wasn't transferred, it must be evil! Or, in the last case, someone wore

it! There is nothing wrong with

it! Choose one of the three, no matter which result is a little terrifying! Kimishima frowned, keenly feeling that this is a big deal, and he must discuss it with his partners first.

Although their partners are a group of people who can't pay for each other's lives, but in the face of the matter of the Phoenix of the Equality House, everyone's goal is still very unified!!

"Kimishima, why did you come back alone, Boss?" asked Duke.

Kimishima ran to Duke with a frightened expression, "Oh, I can't tell you, boss, he's worn!" Duke

: "Ah, what did you say?

Forgive him for being a foreigner and not understanding what he meant.

Duke's voice attracted the attention of all the members of the expedition, and they came over one after another to join in the fun.

"Wear, I'm familiar with this word, has it been crossed by someone?" Taneshima enthusiastically popularized science. "But Kimishima, who do you say

is worn?" he said, "The boss's man is worn!" Duke added.

"Huh~What?impossible!" x8.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Kimishima told his own evidence, and explained to everyone one by one from the expression he saw and the actions of Byodoin on the phone.

Everyone was stunned

! This scene is fine with normal people, but when it is put on Byodoin, it is indeed a bit weird

! "Look, it's really abnormal!" Kimishima said arrogantly, this group of spicy chickens, let them not believe him! Hmph, I was shocked by the final result of Lord Kimishimma!

Taneshima silently touched his chin, this scene always sounded a little familiar, the ghostly Tanejima took out his mobile phone and clicked search-


most striking sentence is called-

[At this time, don't disturb the little couple to make porridge on the phone!].

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