Folfer was very depressed, how could he do it without pursuing it? Is it still a demon?

And as far as he found out yesterday with his strength, the information about this demon called White Velvet was almost zero, either because his background was too strong, or because he lived in a particularly house. But either way—letting him go home meant that he might never find him again, which made Folfer itch even more....

"Hehe, if you can persuade him, you can do it!" Ba Qike sneered. It's too late for her to like such an excellent disciple, can she ever persuade her? If it weren't for Bai Rongrong's own determination that she should go home, and it would be her turn to talk to Folfer?"

"Go out and turn left into the third room!" "Go and hit the wall yourself."

Folfer glanced at Baqiko suspiciously, "Okay, I'll go find him first, and I'll continue when I get back..." I can't go through so much now, and that white velvet is the easiest.

in the room.

Becky wasn't lying, Nioh was really packing up. Nioh was a little shocked when he told him that both tasks had been completed

, but it was also a good thing, he had expected to leave after playing a game with Folfer. Now, it's not far off....

Yes...... It's been a long time since I've seen the predecessors of Byodoin.,Thinking about it like this.,I miss it very much!Thinking that I can go to Kyoto after I go back, Nioh has begun to float behind him~ I have been in the demon world for so long, and the demonic aura contaminated on my body disappeared in an instant, and only Xiaohuahua remained~

At this moment, Folfer pushed the door and entered.

Nioh was taken aback, "Folfol... "Why is he here?" doesn't he come so far to seek revenge? Didn't Master Baqike say that demons are very generous to those who have won him

? So, what is the situation?

"I have something to look for you?" Folfer said solemnly what he thought.

Nioh was really stunned, won once, and made Folfer fall in love with him. As for the fact that I can't find his information, Nioh scratched his face in embarrassment, I can't tell you, I'm not from your world at all...

"Lord Folfer thank you for your kindness, but I should have gone back—" There was still someone waiting for him to come home.

Folfer looked disapproving, "Learning more, becoming better, and becoming a better demon is not a bad thing for your family, why are you in a hurry to go home?"

Yes, Masaji-sama, stay a few more days, it will only be a few minutes or a few hours for our side, and it will not matter. Why don't you agree!Nioh

rolled his eyes at Ni-chan in his heart: ... This kind of thing of becoming stronger can still be used in the future, but what I learned from Folfer is how to deceive people and how to be quiet! After learning, I will return to the human world and prepare... Who are you going to use it for? Is it possible to be the world's No. 1 liar king? Please, consider whether the practicability of the small computer is good!

So, forget it... Verbal communication or something, he has learned enough now that he can crisscross the human world. For the rest, don't learn it... Let's let humans go!

【Ni-chan】:... This sounds so Versailles, but it is very true! Demons are not at the same level as humans at all.

However, no matter how wise Nioh Masaharu was, he couldn't defeat one of them, and he pulled down his face and blocked the gate to prevent him from leaving.

Nioh really wanted to say: ... Lord Folfer, you are already a mature big demon, can you not be so naïve!

Hehe, if you give me your home address, I can still let you go. I don't even give you the address of this family, and I don't want to run away with you until I learn it!

Nioh: ... As the saying goes, no matter how smart a person is, he is afraid of Lai Pi! Plus this Lai Pi's force value is quite high, so it is even more... It's not comparable....

"Half a month," Nioh sighed and compromised. "Will I walk again in half a month?" Folfer

squinted and smiled, this time it was really sincere, alas, fortunately, the little devil was persuaded to come down, otherwise he would not be able to catch it if he ran away...

"Very good, then leave it to me in the next half month..."Folfer folded his hands, ready to make a wave of emergency lesson plans, "That's it, before you start, I want to ask, who gave you

the name White Velvet? Parents? Why do you call it such a strange name?" The demons of the demon world seem to prefer the name of domineering personality, although the name of White Velvet sounds very personal to some extent, but it is also too much...

Folfer wanted to ask, is it because of this name, so the little devil's personality has a huge contrast?White Velvet sounds really soft, and the little devil itself is very demonic~

White Velvet Velvet sighed, "I'm not called White Velvet - this is what Master Baqike has to call it!".

"My name is MASA!" Nioh looked at Folfer, "you're now my teacher, so it's only natural to tell you my real name." "The respect for human beings is in their bones, and if he leaves today, Folfer is nothing more than a demon he has challenged, but if he chooses to stay, then Folfer will mean a different thing to him!"

Folfer breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it was great, he thought that this little devil was because his name was too soft, and he had some kind of rebellious mentality, and he had been doing it for a long time, and it was Baqike's tendon ghost.


Hearing that Nioh would stay for half a month, Baqike Lollipop was shocked, "Folfol, how did you do it?" Obviously she had persuaded her for so long?

Nioh said, "Maybe, I can't grind him!" Moreover, as far as the demon's persistent personality is concerned, if he runs away, his tail is not cleaned up, and Folfer runs away to the human world, it will be terrible, he can't bring a huge disaster to his family

! So, let's stay! It's only half a month, you can persevere!

Nioh said this, and Baqike was heartbroken, "I regret knowing that I wouldn't let him go to you..."

It's a pity that there is no place for her to regret it now

! The disciple has run away!

Half a month later...

Satisfied, Folfer looked at the transformed Nioh and left happily, "MASA, go and become the most cunning demon~" Nioh

looked in the mirror and looked at it, this free deceit and innocence, poof, although it is a good thing to be more cunning, but, why is the mood so complicated?

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