The two old men looked at each other I didn't believe it, this was his disciple, how could he have only met it once?

Takigawa Masakami really wanted to swear to his face, he swore that what he said was true.


His eyes were pleased, although it was really the second time he had seen him, but he still wanted to praise this child, in front of everyone, "Although I have only seen it once, but this state means that his concentration has reached its peak..."

Although this description is a bit exaggerated, it is very true!

Grandma Saionji looked at Nioh, who had not been able to calm down for a long time, and said, "Okay, let that kid stop!"

Although she has never seen it, she is also a master of the older generation, so she can naturally see that Nioh's state is

now exhausted!

What's more....

"If I'm not mistaken, just now, you said, he has only been studying for three weeks..."Three weeks

to reach such a level, it is not easy-Yagui

bowed his head and replied respectfully, "Yes."

However, he was afraid that Saionji would simply regard Nioh's possession as a talent, so he said, "Saionji-sensei, although Masaji's talent is indeed outstanding, but being able to reach such a level is the result of his desperate efforts-" Saionji

glanced at Takigawa Masaka with disgust, "Of course I know." "She's not such a superficial person, Yagui is upset for this child.

Xiyuan Temple was not angry at all, on the contrary, she was quite happy, "Yagui really looks like a teacher now." "

As a teacher, you should protect your students, and the old man Takikawa also glanced at Yagui with relief, and said with a look that he didn't care about his words questioning his elders.


Nioh, who was called down by Masaka, rubbed his sore shoulders and forehead that was still aching, "MASA-san..."

"Masaji, you're consuming a lot right now, so let's rest for a while..."The three of them could see that although Nioh's state was magical, it was very energy-consuming.

Unexpectedly, Nioh thought about it, but shook his head directly, "No, I'm going to finish shooting." He

bowed to Grandma Saionji and Old Man Takigawa, and stood back in his original position.


"This is a persistent child!" said Grandma Saionji was even more satisfied.

Not only was Nioh persistent, but she also insisted on seeing everything, but the arrival of a phone call made her reluctantly change this decision.

"In that case, I'll send you out..."Old man Takikawa turned his head to look at his grandson, "Then you take good care of him." He

was referring to Nioh, of course.

"Good. "


Yagui looked back at Nioh, the previous steps had been completed, and all that was left was - shooting.

However, Nioh was like looking for a state, and he refused to release the arrow. Yagui thinks it's funny, others will accidentally release the arrow too early in the process of archery, because the feeling of having to send the arrow in your hand will always press your nerves. But Nioh would have liked not to be in such a mood!

Like a beast that wants to catch its prey, he understands the laws of nature and has an unexpectedly extraordinary patience, which is good... It's

not good! Yagui frowned, just like now, he was using this time to deliberately look for a state!

This is not good...

The state of archery is very subtle, it is natural and peaceful, not deliberately searching.

"Masaji...", but Yagui was about to say something, but he found that Nioh, and the white light on his body seemed to come out again.

Well, what's the situation

? Obviously, he just felt Nioh's state, very deliberately, why?

This is not logical.

Nioh Masaharu was originally a fox who played cards out of common sense...

The remaining three arrows were shot quickly, and what made Yagui puzzled the most was that every white light appeared faintly, although it was not as strong as the first time, but it did appear.

This made Takigawa Masaka, who had always thought that he knew the reason for the appearance of the white light, very puzzled.

"You white light, can't it be that I have always

guessed wrong?" Nioh calmed down his heart before saying, "No, I haven't guessed wrong all along, I was just in an experimental state..."

In the end, Nioh, who thought about it for a long time, could only attribute all this to the conclusion that sports things were communication.

After figuring this out, Nioh thought about it seriously for a long time...

I remember that Ni-chan asked him at that time, "Host, you have obviously used the first of the three realms, the selfless realm, but why are you still unhappy?"

The little computer didn't understand why Nioh looked like this.

Nioh replied at the time, "Because, I'm thinking about whether I should take this path!" The

three realms were created by Echizen Minamijiro, and they are also the path that most of everyone who learns tennis in their tennis world will choose!

However, is it necessarily the right path that so many people will take? Or is it necessarily easy to walk? Or is it suitable for everyone?

Nioh doesn't know, but just like the first realm, when there is no self, he feels it, it's the concentration of the whole body, but sometimes in that concentration, you are conscious or unconscious...

It is undeniable that the first time he used selflessness, Nioh did not feel what kind of state he was in at that time. He felt that his body, mind and spirit were no longer under his control.

For someone like him, this state is undoubtedly terrifying....

So, he was thinking about whether

he should continue on this path if selflessness had always been like this,

and now...

"Did the host come to a conclusion?" Nioh

nodded with his eyes down, "Got it!" "

He wants to open up a new path for himself, tennis is not only a triple realm, for him, tennis is just tennis, it doesn't mean that without the triple realm, you can't play tennis!

"I'm going my own way!".

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