The Survey Corps' base, at the door of an underground stone cell~

"Ronan, I'm sorry......."

Raising his hand to stop Hanji from speaking, Ronan comforted her,"I know you have no choice, and this will eventually come to pass. We can't stop it. This time I brought you a strange species and placed it in your laboratory."

As he said this, in order to prevent Hanji from feeling too guilty when seeing him, Ronan pushed open the thick wooden door and walked into the cell.

It was not as dim as imagined. The interior was bright and warm. The entire space was about 100 square meters, with only one"room". This prison must have been built to hold extremely important prisoners.

The underground setting adds to its sense of security and privacy.

"Could it be that Erwin made it recently?" Ronan guessed in his heart. He didn't think much about it and nodded to the fully armed and stern guards. The latter opened the cell door and walked straight in.

Finally, he saw the figures of Ymir and Petra.

The former looked calm and peaceful, while the latter seemed a little anxious.......

After hearing Ronan's footsteps, they both looked up suddenly. When they found it was Ronan, Petra stood up and said excitedly:

"Ronan, you are finally back. Ymir will not have any other intentions. She should not stay here!"

"You calm down first......"

Giving Petra a calm look, Ronan walked up to Ymir and said,"Why did you choose me?"

"Because I believe in you!"

Standing up and looking directly into Ronan's eyes, Ymir said solemnly:"My intuition tells me that you have already suspected my identity, but for some reason, you have not taken any action against me. Maybe I am useful to you, right?"

"Are you willing to work for me?" Ronan smiled.

He looked calm as always, without any equipment on his body, and had no defense at all.

"Serve you?"Ymir emphasized the word"you".

Hearing this, Ronan nodded.

"Ronan, Ymir, you......"Petra looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Petra, you go out first!"Ronan and Ymir said in unison.

They looked at each other and felt a little awkward.


For some reason, looking at Ymir and Ronan who were so close to each other, Petra suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in her heart, just like the feeling when her favorite toy was taken away from her when she was a child.

But looking at the expressions of the two at the moment, Petra finally walked out of the cell and left the space for Ronan and Ymir!

After a few seconds of silence, Ymir, who couldn't hold back, spoke first:"You seem to know me very well?"

"There is no need to test anything. Although I share the same blood with you, I am not from the outside world."Ronan said with a hint of meaning

"You really do know this! No, you shouldn't know this!" Ymir was a little excited.

Seeing this, Ronan still had that calm expression, as if everything was under control:"If I say that all this is my guess, do you believe it?"


She wanted to refute, but looking at Ronan's calm expression and eyes that seemed to see through her completely, Ymir finally nodded hesitantly:

"I can only choose to believe~"

"You are very smart, so I ask again, are you willing to work for me?"Ronan stared into Ymir's eyes.

Without responding immediately, Ymir fell silent again, lowering his head and thinking.......

Not caring about these, Ronan stood there, quietly waiting for Ymir's reply. He was confident that the other party would not give a rejection answer, because at this time, there were actually very few people that Ymir could truly trust.

Petra was one, and Ronan could barely be considered one, there was no third person!

If Petra had said this at this time, Ymir would definitely choose to agree immediately, but Ronan, who did not feel the sincerity and did not invest real emotions, but only felt a sense of oppression, would have to think carefully.

As mentioned before, Ronan believed that Ymir was a smart person and would definitely make the best choice.

Not long after, about five minutes, Ymir raised her head, stared at Ronan who had been staring at her, and said meaningfully:"I can work for you, but Petra must go with me. I only trust her!"

"Of course, Petra is a member of my team."

Without hesitation, Ronan agreed directly, and immediately stretched out his right hand, smiling and said:"Welcome to join Ronan's team!"

(Levi: mmp!)

"I hope this is not a wrong decision."Ymir reached out and shook hands with Ronan.

Feeling her cold palm, Ronan comforted her:"Don't worry, you won't be in danger for the time being. Just tell Captain Erwin what you know later."

"Can you guarantee my safety?!" Ymir stared at Ronan with a serious look.

Seeing this, Ronan said seriously:"I guarantee it with my life!"

As a member of his team, Ronan would naturally guarantee Ymir's safety. No one could hurt her, no one!

The power of the Jaw Titan must be controlled in his own hands. This is an extremely important part of the plan.

"Believe you for now......"

Letting go of Ronan's warm right hand, Ymir whispered,"Captain~"

"Well, come with me, this is not the place for you to stay." Ronan turned and walked towards the door.

Ymir followed closely, looking at Ronan's back, a faint smile appeared on her serious face, thinking:

"Following this guy doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

The problem of identity and personal safety was temporarily solved. Ymir felt a big stone in her heart fell, and she felt much more relaxed.

When she arrived at the door, Ronan said to the guard who was hesitant and nervous,"I'll take the person away.~"

"Captain Ronan, this seems......."

"I have a special order from the leader~" Ronan said bluntly

"I understand~" The guard said nothing more.

He brought Ymir to the ground and successfully reunited with Petra. Feeling the warm sunshine outside, Ymir took a deep breath, and the anxiety in her heart dissipated a lot at this moment. It feels so good to be free.......

"Ronan, is Ymir okay?"Petra immediately walked to Ymir's side and stared at Ronan.

Hearing this, Ronan smiled and said:"It's okay for now, but now she has to come with me to do something."

"What's going on?" Petra asked cautiously.



Ymir:"You are so anxious, Captain.~~~"

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