"Petra~!!!"Ronan and Ymir

's expressions changed drastically. As the Colossal Titan transformed, the air flow swirled, and except for Ymir who was in Titan form and could stand on the ground more steadily, Ronan and Petra were all blown away........

Ronan was still able to rely on the blade to stay on the ground, but Petra was very light and didn't notice it at first, so she crashed directly into the wall of the watchtower, blood spurting out of her mouth and nose, and she was seriously injured!


Ronan, who noticed the situation on Petra's side, had a murderous look in his eyes. He looked at Ymir, who had already reacted and ran to Petra's side, and then he retracted his gaze and turned to look at Hoover, who was helping Reiner to escape.

With Hoover's physical strength, it was obviously impossible to maintain the form of a giant, so he just activated his ability and blew several people away with airflow, but bought them time.

Seeing Ronan staring at them with tiger eyes, Hoover and Reiner looked cold.

Who would have thought that Ronan would react so quickly, not caring about his teammates, but finding them instead!

In their current state, they would definitely not be able to pose a threat to Ronan.


Can't beat!


With the current physical state of the two, they would definitely not be able to escape!

There was only one way for the two of them, that is to sacrifice one person and fulfill the other.

Thinking of this at the same time, Reiner subconsciously pushed Hoover away and prepared to stop Ronan by himself, but unexpectedly, Hoover was one step faster than him.

"Run away!~!"

All the timidity, fear of death, or cowardice completely disappeared at this moment. Hoover was extremely determined at this moment. Now he was a real warrior. He knew that with his ability, he would definitely not be able to escape. If it was Reiner, his chances would undoubtedly be much greater.

Knowing this, Hoover chose to sacrifice himself!

"It's really touching~"

Facing Hoover who was about to block him, Ronan slashed at his limbs. With a sound of breaking, Hoover fell to the ground powerlessly, biting Ronan's trouser legs with his teeth, trying to stop Ronan from chasing him.

"Why do I feel like a villain?"

Ronan kicked Hoover unconscious and looked at Reiner who had stolen their horses and was fleeing in the distance. Just as he was about to chase after him, he heard Ymir's voice behind him:"Ronan, come and see Petra!"


Ronan gritted his teeth and gave up the pursuit. He held Hoover in one hand and walked towards Petra. In the collision, the back of her head hit the wall, and she was bleeding all over the floor. Her breath was very weak.

"Ronan, think of a solution quickly!" Ymir burst into tears.

Seeing this, Ronan subconsciously raised his hand and touched his chest. He carried an injection of giant spinal fluid with him just in case. Who would have thought that it would come in handy so soon?

"what to do...What should I do, Petra, you can't get into trouble~" Ymir panicked

"It seems that this is the only way now~"

Looking at Hoover and Petra who have lost consciousness, Ronan knows that there is no other way to save Petra except to let her swallow Hoover and gain the power of the Colossal Titan.

After all, with Petra's current condition, she will definitely not be able to hold on and return to the wall.

In any case, Ronan will definitely not let Petra lose her life......

Without further hesitation, Ronan walked forward and took out the giant injection from his arms.

Seeing this scene, some memories that had been immersed in the deepest part of his mind emerged, and Ymir exclaimed:"You...Why do you have this thing?!"

"Don't ask, just stay aside quietly, this is the only way to save Petra now~" Ronan said calmly.

Hearing this, and seeing Hoover thrown casually on the ground, Ymir couldn't help but swallow his saliva and said:

"You're going to turn Petra into a giant and eat this guy?!"

"Are there any other options?" Ronan asked.

Ymir was silent, but did not say much. She walked aside and watched Ronan inject the giant's cerebrospinal fluid into Petra's body, who was breathing weakly, and then quickly left the area.

Not long after, Petra's body shape changed, and the whole person expanded rapidly, stretching all the clothes that originally fit her body, and turned into a giant more than four meters tall. She looked around blankly, and finally focused her eyes on Hoover, who was still unconscious. The originally dull eyes flashed with the light of desire, and she couldn't wait to step forward quickly, holding Hoover tightly with both hands.

As if awakened by the pain all over his body, looking at the giant who grabbed him, Hoover was terrified. Before he could scream, he was swallowed directly into the mouth by the giant that Petra had become.

"At once...Just ate it like that?!" Ymir had a complicated expression.

Seeing this, Ronan smiled and said,"You ate Beliku like this back then, right?"

""Yeah~" Ymir nodded truthfully.

Then she reacted and looked surprised:"How do you know about Beliku? I haven't told you about this matter?!"

"" Guessed~" Ronan said perfunctorily.

Hearing this, Ymir's mouth twitched twice, but he didn't ask again, because he knew that Ronan would definitely not tell. Looking at Ronan's face full of murderous aura, he couldn't help but think:"Ronan......What kind of person are you?"

The swallowing process was over quickly, and before long, the giant Petra fell into a deep sleep, his whole body began to vaporize, and his muscles...orthopedics......All obstacles disappeared, revealing the true face of Petra......

"It's amazing, so this is how you recover your human form."

Ronan watched the entire recovery process, looking at Petra who had completely recovered her human form and had no visible injuries on her body, thinking:"Although it is not the best choice, in any case, the power of the Colossal Titan is in our hands~"

In addition to Grisha, the ally who holds the power of the Attack Titan, Ymir, the wielder of the Jaw Titan beside him, and the power of the Founding Titan whose location is already known and can be seized at any time, four of the nine Titan powers already belong to the forces of Paradis Island.

But soon, Ymir's figure suddenly blocked his sight of Petra, and his angry words rang in his ears at the right time:

"Don't look, rascal!"

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