
Seeing Ronan take the initiative to step forward, Erwin was a little confused, but he didn't say anything. After all, there were outsiders present, and some things could not be discussed openly. He just took the initiative to introduce:"Captain Kenny, this is Captain Ronan of our regiment.~"

"Are you Ronan?"

Looking Ronan up and down, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, Kenny said with a smile:"You actually let a teenager be the captain, and your army is still as chaotic as ever.~"

"Please be careful with your words~" Without waiting for Ronan to speak, Levi, who was standing in front of him, responded coldly, looking at Kenny with indifference.

Seeing this, Kenny shifted his gaze to Levi in a timely manner:"How heartless, is this how you treat your savior?"

Then he changed the subject and continued with a playful tone:"You are still the same height as when you were a child~"

Hearing this, Levi's face turned cold, his eyes were like two sharp swords, staring at Kenny, his right hand had already placed the knife���On top, they looked ready to launch an attack at any time~

This made the members of the Central Military Police behind Kenny nervous, and they all pointed their guns at Levi.

Because they were against human troops and would not fight against giants, the main weapons of Kenny's men and himself were double guns with blades, and they were not equipped with black gold bamboo swords. While sacrificing their combat power against giants, they greatly increased the damage to humans.

After all, the range and power of guns are not comparable to ordinary knife weapons, and relatively speaking, it is easier to fully master them.

Seeing the Central Military Police like this at this time, the commander Erwin did not express anything, and the surrounding members of the Survey Corps all looked hesitant.

"What a trouble. I just wanted to come and see what kind of person Kenny is, but I encountered such a thing."

Thinking in his mind, Ronan stepped forward without hesitation, stood in front of Levi, pulled out his hands, put his finger on the trigger, and said coldly:

"Is it that our swords are not sharp enough, or are you arrogant enough to think that you can get away with it by attacking here!"

The blade pointed directly at Kenny Ackerman.

In this situation, Ronan must take action. He represents not only himself, nor Levi, but the glory of the entire Survey Corps. Being looked down upon or humiliated by others in the presence of a large group of people is something that must not happen.

No one had thought of this before, but now seeing Ronan directly taking a fighting stance, the others also reacted, and drew their swords and glared at him.

With an absolute advantage in numbers, they surrounded Kenny and his group.

The situation was tense!

Seeing this scene, the surrounding The people's expressions tensed up, and they immediately fled in all directions. They didn't want to be affected by the battle, especially when one of them was the slit-throat team led by Kenny Ackerman. How could they dare to stay here any longer?

Soon, the large number of people around fled, and only the Survey Corps and the Central Military Police were left in the entire area. The members of the Garrison Corps at the entrance of the city wall quietly stayed away and didn't dare to interrupt.

The battle was about to break out, but Kenny Ackerman smiled and looked at Ronan again, as if he wanted to squeeze every detail of his body into his heart:

"Interesting, really interesting~"

Waving his hand, signaling his men to put away their weapons, Kenny Ackerman stepped forward and came to Ronan.

"Ronan boy, I will remember you, my gun is very fast~"

"Your gun is fast, but my knife is not sharp?" Ronan confronted.

He didn't think he would be forgiven for showing weakness now, or rather, since the moment he joined the Survey Corps, he had been on the opposite side of the people that Kenny Ackerman served.

Of course, based on Ronan's understanding of Kenny Ackerman, he was not so loyal to the Reis family. As long as he could give certain benefits or offer gifts that would interest him, he could definitely win him over to his side.

But the premise is that Ronan has the same level as him, or a higher level of status!

Now, of course, it is far from enough.

Hearing Ronan's words, Kenny Ackerman was slightly stunned, but he quickly reacted, and the smile on his lips became even wider:

"Hahaha, I like you boy~"

He turned around and smiled at Erwin, who had also come here and remained calm from beginning to end, as if everything was under control:"Captain Erwin, if it’s not too much trouble, why don’t you give this kid to me?"

"I mind~" Erwin said calmly.

Kenny seemed to have expected the ending a long time ago and didn't care too much. He just said with regret:"That's a pity, but generally I won't let things that I can't get continue to exist in this world, so......"

"So you have to be careful, Captain Kenny, because I have the same personality~" Ronan interrupted directly.

Hearing this, the members of the Survey Corps who had also put away their weapons were all surprised and looked at Ronan as if he were a warrior.

This is the slit throat~ Kenny Ackerman!

A notorious devil!

Everyone who was targeted by him eventually died. Ronan dared to respond like this, and everyone was shocked!

Kenny Ackerman was stunned again after hearing this, and then said with a hint of meaning:"You are very smart, but there are some things that you can't participate in now......."

Then he stopped smiling and looked at Erwin calmly:"It's getting late, I won't stay any longer, I'll take that person away.~"

"Please~" Erwin was as calm as ever.

His peaceful eyes made it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

In the following time, the two sides conducted a handover of Annie, and the whole process went very smoothly without any mistakes.

When leaving, Ronan clearly noticed Kenny Ackerman's gaze, but he didn't care. Some things are bound to happen and it is impossible to avoid them unless he gives up all his plans and chooses to be an ordinary person.

But with Ronan's current state, it is obviously impossible to retreat, he can only move forward!

There is no need to escort Annie anymore, and the pressure on the Survey Corps is undoubtedly much lighter. They are more than a thousand meters away from the Central Military Police in front, and are slowly moving towards the base. Everything seems to be returning to peace.

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