In a secluded manor, Ronan, Rod Reiss, and Kenny Ackerman sat opposite each other.

"That’s about it. Except for the hard-hit Shiganshina area which cannot be conquered in a short time, other areas within Wall Maria are back under control. All we need to do next is organize a batch of supplies and let the people return to their original homes~" Ronan reported calmly.

Before Rhodes could say anything, Kenny spoke directly:"Well done. I thought you were just sending those people to die, but you actually succeeded. Next, the inside of the wall should be able to return to its original life soon, right?"

"It will take at least three years of recuperation. After all, the population, soldiers, buildings, fields and other resources lost this time are so huge that it is impossible to restore to the original level in a short period of time, provided that stability can be maintained~" Ronan hinted.

Hearing this, Rhodes' eyes revealed a hint of annoyance, and he looked over at the right time:"Did you encounter any intelligent giants in this operation?"

"No, but in the previous operation we only caught one of them, and the other two have lost their traces. We don't know when they will jump out. In this regard, we are relatively passive~" Ronan looked directly at Rhodes. He could clearly see the impatience and anxiety in his eyes.

Kenny on the side sighed with some exaggeration:"Who would have thought that there are intelligent giants? I originally thought there were only......"

""Kenny, please be careful!" Rhodes said seriously.

He shrugged his shoulders, and Kenny smiled indifferently, while his eyes secretly met with Ronan's.


After taking a deep breath and calming down, Rhode asked with a smile:"Ronan, you have made great contributions this time. Do you want to go further?"

This action is enough to show Ronan's ability, and from the current situation, this should be one of his own people who can be used by him. Rhode doesn't mind helping Ronan again.

"Of course I do~" Ronan showed his desire for power and status without any concealment.

Seeing this, Rhode was more determined in his inner thoughts. As long as Ronan had the desire, it was a good thing, which meant that he could still control it.

Little did he know that all of this was just acting.

"I understand. Go back and wait for the news. This time the reward will definitely not disappoint you."Rod said with a smile

"Thank you very much for your generosity. I will leave first then~"

After saying goodbye, Ronan stood up and walked towards the door. Only when the door closed and the footsteps faded away did Rhodes turn his head and say:"What do you think of him?"

""It's a good kid. We can use him." Kenny smiled faintly.

Hearing this, Rhodes nodded thoughtfully.

At the same time, Ronan had already left. He did not return to the base, but came straight to his home. As soon as he entered the door, Allen and others who had not seen him for several months gathered around him.

"Brother Ronan, you are finally back!"

Allen ran up to him and looked at Ronan's body. He breathed a sigh of relief after finding no wounds. Mikasa, who was one step behind, said politely,"Brother Ronan,~"


Ronan rubbed the two little kids' heads and said with a smile:"You two haven't made your aunt angry during this period, right?"

"No~ We are very good."Alan and the others shook their heads.

"Mikasa has always been very well behaved, and we don't need to worry about her at all, but you......"

Before Ronan could finish his words, Grisha, Karal, Uncle Harry and Aunt Martha came out. When they saw Ronan, they all breathed a sigh of relief and showed joy on their faces.

After not seeing each other for several months, everyone had endless things to say. Ronan also tasted the warmth of home for the first time in a long time. It was not until late at night that everyone was about to separate. Ronan and Grisha sat opposite each other in the room, drinking tea and whispering about the progress during this period.......

"I have successfully gained the trust of most of the senior executives, and other powerful people have no doubts about me. As long as we can identify the target, we can take action at any time~" Grisha looked expectant, even with a hint of eagerness.

Ronan, who understood his meaning, pondered:"Don't worry, I will dare to complete the plan before the time is up~"

Grisha's time is running out. On the one hand, Ronan feels sad, after all, the other party can't fake their feelings for him. On the other hand, he also feels a sense of urgency in his heart.

As an extremely important part of the whole plan, Grisha, who possesses the power of the Attack Titan, is crucial!

"That's good. I believe in your judgment, but many times, we can't fully anticipate everything, and it's impossible to have no risks at all, so when it's time to take risks, I think we still need to take risks!" Grisha reminded.

In his eyes, Ronan is very capable and scheming, but he is too cautious, which undoubtedly restricts Ronan's progress.

Ronan is naturally aware of this, but he only has one life, and he really can't help but take it seriously.

"Yeah, I know~"

Nodding to show that he understood, Ronan turned his head and looked at the quiet scenery outside through the half-open window, and said with emotion:"More than 100,000 people died in this operation, but Rhode didn't show any expression, as if the dead were not people, but insignificant ants."

"Alas, when I first entered the city wall, I also had thoughts and hopes for the rulers here, but as time went by and I got to know them better, I deeply felt their corruption and stubbornness. If you want to make a breakthrough, you must break the current situation."

Grisha was also very emotional. The figures of Dyna Fritz and his colleagues in the Eldian Restoration Party emerged in his mind. At that time, they were so high-spirited and full of a sense of mission. Now he is the only one alive.

He carries not only his own dreams on his shoulders, but also the ideals of all of them........Liberate the Eldians!

Thinking of this, Grisha couldn't help but ask:"Ronan, this time you went out of the wall,...Have you seen her?!"

"I saw her wandering around your house. She will not leave the Shiganshina area in the short term. I will find a chance to capture her and restore her to human form......."Ronan comforted


"Don't say that. Whether from the perspective of feelings or our plan, she is a very important link."Ronan said truthfully.

Dana Fritz, who has royal blood, is able to activate the power of coordinates and is very important.

Of course, he now has the backup plan of Christa.......

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