"How is it?!"

Grisha couldn't wait to ask as soon as the door was closed.

Naturally, knowing what the other party meant, Ronan smiled and nodded:"Fortunately, I have succeeded in bringing her back. Now we just need to find an opportunity to let her devour the holder of the power of the Founding Titan.~"

"That's great, it's really great!" Grisha's eyes were filled with tears.

To him, Dina Fritz was not only his first wife, but also his revolutionary partner, and his spiritual sustenance and harbor.

The feelings between them were undoubtedly extremely deep.

Now that Dina could be restored to her human form, it was naturally a happy thing.

Thinking of this, Grisha continued,"I have stored enough cerebrospinal fluid injections during this period, and thanks to the giant attacks, many officials were restless and injured. I was able to get close to them and transform those people into pure giants at any time."

"As reliable as ever. Our next goal is to find a way to let Aunt Dina obtain the power of the Founding Titan. Only in this way will we have enough strength to seize the supreme ruling power within the wall and never start seeking the liberation and freedom of the Eldians."Ronan looked excited.

Finally, it was going to this step.

Now, the power in his hands was not small. The Survey Corps was a great help, and he also possessed the power of the three giants. If the power of the Founding Titan was added, then all the previous concerns would not be a problem.

Those guys who disobeyed or refused to surrender, let them all become pure giants and contribute the rest of their lives to the future development of Paradis Island.

Oh no, from what is known now, after becoming an pure giant, it seems that you can get unlimited life unless you are killed.

Ronan thinks that the more of this kind of labor force that works hard and does not need to be paid or eat, the better.

Of course, the premise is that Dina Fritz can perfectly control the power of the Founding Titan.

Grisha naturally had no objection to Ronan's words. He was now eager to restore Dina to a human body immediately.

In the following time, after communicating on some detailed issues, Ronan and Grisha walked out of the room, and at first sight he saw Alan and others waiting outside

"Brother Ronan~"


Looking at the people who were staring at him, Ronan felt a little helpless. Alan and the others seemed to be too dependent on him. Would it be OK if things continued like this?

Now Ronan said that he had no answer, and he would have to wait until things actually happened to know.

But God, Ronan felt the warmth of home again after a long time, and his heart was very comfortable, and at the same time he strengthened his determination.

He must protect this warmth!

Those who want to destroy it, he will be the first to defeat them.

That night, lying on the bed with his hands on the back of his head, Ronan looked at the night view outside through the half-open window, sighed, and said,"You've been here for so long, haven't you seen enough?"

"You actually found me. I have to re-evaluate your threat~"

Kenny Ackerman climbed in from the window with a frivolous voice.

"Are you getting impatient?" Ronan smiled.

Hearing this, Kenny Ackerman closed the window, walked to the bedside and whispered:"You were the one who created those giants during this period, right?"

"Yes~" Ronan admitted directly

"I was right. You do have a way to turn humans into giants. I wonder when you can fulfill your promise to me."

Kenny Ackerman's eyes were full of desire. As a violent person who worships power, he has always coveted the power of giants since he lost to Uri.

But he has never revealed it.

This idea hidden deep in his heart is particularly urgent when Uri died and Rhodes was extremely incompetent.

Now that Ronan actually has this ability, Kenny said that he can't wait any longer.

"Some things can't be rushed. Before I fulfill my promise to you, I think you should cooperate with me first~" Ronan smiled faintly.

With a raised eyebrow, Kenny whispered:"You won't lie to me, right?"

"What do you think?"Ronan looked at Kenny meaningfully.

"The price of deceiving me is very high~" Kenny said meaningfully

"Let's talk about how to cooperate with me first. Where is Rhodes recently?"Ronan said bluntly

"Where else could that idiot be? He has been accompanying his family members underground without leaving for a single step."

Kenny seemed to have reacted to this, and his expression was shocked:"Have you decided to take action?"

"Almost. I just need to pay attention to the Military Police and the Garrison Corps. I don't want to cause too much trouble.~"

"What kind of impact can those pampered trash have? I think you are too cautious."

Now Kenny just wants Ronan to complete the task quickly, and then start to help him live with the power of the giant.

As for whether Ronan will regret it, it is not a problem to consider now. Moreover, Kenny Ackerman is confident that with his deterrent power and the power in his hands, Ronan will not risk offending him to death.

Ronan has already thought about these, but has not made a complete decision. At this time, looking at Kenny, he sighed:

"This is not a small matter. It is always right to be careful."

"That's the truth, but in fact, with the power we two control now and the large number of high-level people killed, we are already able to control the situation inside the wall."

Kenne was very clear about the current situation inside the wall.

Most of the high-level people were killed or wounded, and the remaining ones were either inclined to Ronan, or the Survey Corps, or neutral factions who were fence-sitters. As long as the power in their hands was strong enough, these guys were not a concern. They would definitely have the final say inside the wall in the future.

"In that case, I won't hesitate any longer. I will implement the plan in the near future. Should there be no problem on your side?"

If you don't make a decision, you will suffer from the chaos. Ronan felt that the more he hesitated in the current situation, the worse it might be.

After all, he didn't know when Marley would launch another attack.

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