At the door of Dana Fritz's room, she looked haggard, obviously having not slept all night. Ronan asked with concern:

"Is she awake?"

"Not yet, but her vital signs have returned to normal, so she should be able to wake up soon.

Shaking his head, Grisha suddenly became serious, staring at Ronan, and said,"Ronan, can you give her some time?"

"Of course, the power of the Founding Titan will not become our regular power. Unless we are pushed to a certain extent, we will not use it."Ronan comforted her.

In his heart, he knew very well that even if she had royal blood, it would take some time for Dana Fritz to fully control the power of the Founding Titan. This really could not be rushed.

"Thank you~" Grisha said gratefully

"No, you stay here with her. I'll ask Petra to bring some food over. I'll send someone home to inform them. Don't worry.~

""Yeah~" Grisha was more grateful.

At the same time, he was quite conflicted. He didn't have much time left, and there were many things to do next, especially for Dina Fritz. It would take time for her to fully accept the current situation.

But what Grisha lacked the most was time.

Without staying here for long, Ronan prepared to do other things after knowing that Dina Fritz was not in danger of life.

As soon as he returned to the living room, he saw Petra, Ymir, and Herista whispering something.

"Ronan, you're back~" Petra smiled. She was obviously relieved.

This incident was a great rebellion, and Ronan was alone with the captain and others. What if something unexpected happened?......

Petra didn't dare to think any further.

"I'm fine. Next, you go and call back all the corps members scattered in various areas in the mainland and wait for deployment.~"

"I understand~" Petra didn't ask any more questions.

Ymir, who was sitting next to her, opened her mouth but didn't ask.

"Ymir, you and Helista should stay here and try not to go out. It may be quite turbulent here during this period~" Ronan reminded

"I see~"

"I will listen to Brother Ronan~"

Both women nodded in response.

Seeing this, Ronan did not say anything more and walked straight out of the living room, ready to go to the place where Rhodes was imprisoned.

Watching Ronan leave, Petra breathed a sigh of relief:"Fortunately, nothing happened. Now it seems that our plan should have been successful.~"

"We can't be happy too soon. Although the biggest variable has been resolved, there are still two obstacles, the Military Police and the Garrison Corps. They have many more people than us. Once they choose to resist, we will be under great pressure." Ymir was very calm.

Hearing this, Petra's eyes flashed with determination:"Things have developed to this point. If it really doesn't work, the two of us must come forward!"

"That's the truth. I hope it won't develop to that point~" Ymir said with emotion.

Petra nodded:"Yes.......I don't want any more casualties.~"

"What are you talking about?"Hrista looked puzzled.

Ymir glanced at him and said,"Children can't care about these things.~"

"I am not a kid anymore~"

Looking down and comparing herself to him, Ymir was silent for a moment.

Ronan came to the secret room where Rhodes was imprisoned, but found Zachary was also there, observing Rhodes intently. Noticing

Ronan's arrival, Zachary smiled and said,"You are here~"

""Well, what are you observing?" Ronan asked curiously.

The other party's focused look really made people feel strange.

"Don't you think this guy is very strange? He has two eyes, a nose and a mouth, but he feels different from us. If he only needs some modifications, he can become a very good work of art."Zachary's eyes revealed disgust.


Ronan, who knew the plot, knew the meaning of the other party's words, and immediately said jokingly:"You still have this hobby?"

"It's not really a hobby, it's just a little impulse." Zachary said calmly

"When he is no longer useful, you can do it.~"


"Of course~" Ronan's words revealed his expectation

"You are indeed a very interesting person, maybe we are the same kind of people~"

Hearing this, Ronan denied it without hesitation:"No, we are different~"


"Let’s not talk about this anymore. Have you passed on what we said last night?"

"Someone has been sent to pass on the message, and they should be almost there by now."

Looking at Ronan meaningfully, Zachary said slowly,"How are you going to deal with them?"

"That depends on their attitude and ability~" Ronan whispered.

At the same time, inside the Sina Wall, after the giant attack, the remaining high-level officials began to gather, some came alone, and some came in twos and threes.

"Do you know why we are gathered together this time?"

"I don't know, but it's probably something about giants........"

"I think so too. However, since the troops led by Vice Captain Ronan returned, there have been no more attacks. I finally got some restful sleep these days.~"

"Yes, I was very nervous in the past few days, but I slept very peacefully these days. Those soldiers are completely different from the military police and the garrison troops. You can tell at a glance that they have seen blood.~"

"Well, why can't I see them today?"

"I don't know, maybe he was transferred back......."


Among the senior executives, Neil Dekker of the Military Police and Commander Pisis of the Garrison Corps walked together. Listening to the conversations of the people around them, their faces were not very good. Whoever is regarded as a waste will not be in a good mood. They were full of doubts about this gathering, because compared with the past, almost all the senior managers in the mainland were gathered here this time, making the command power of the entire area almost non-existent.

If the giants launched an attack at this time, they would definitely not be able to react, and the soldiers would be leaderless and unable to perform.

And somehow, I always felt that the atmosphere was not right, filled with an uneasy feeling.

Not far from the convoy where the two were, in a building around the building where the council hall was located, Kenny Ackerman, smoking a cigarette, watched with an indifferent expression. A member of the human army next to him couldn't help asking:"Captain, what should we do next?"

"After all these people have entered, immediately surround the building and do not allow anyone to leave~" Kenny's eyes flashed with madness.

"Yes, Captain!"

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