As soon as I pushed the door of the infirmary at the base and entered, the strong and pungent smell of medicine hit me in the face, mixed with many wailing sounds.

In this battle, the Survey Corps suffered heavy losses. Two-thirds of the soldiers in the base were killed or wounded.

The remaining one-third were almost all injured.

There was no way, Zeke's throwing ability was too terrifying, like a Gatling gun, constantly pouring bullets. If Levi hadn't stepped forward and cut him, I'm afraid that in the end, the number of members of the Survey Corps who survived would be less than ten digits.

The powerlessness of humans in the face of giants is despairing!

Even if they have many new equipment, as well as powerful artillery and thunder guns, they still cannot pose too much threat to opponents like the Beast Titan who have long-range strike capabilities.

"We still need to continue to develop. The current level is far from enough!" Ronan thought to himself. He then took Petra and Ymir into Levi's ward and saw Levi, who was still in a coma. Feeling his steady breathing and his still healthy limbs, Ronan breathed a sigh of relief.

Levi's combat power is extremely important to Paradis Island now. There is a big difference between having him and not having him.

Especially when facing the attack of the giant, the role played by a cutting-edge combat power is definitely not to be ignored.

""Captain!" The doctor in the ward saluted, his eyes full of awe.

Waving his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be so restrained, Ronan asked:"Deputy Captain Levi, is there any problem?"

"The injury has stabilized. He will recover after three months of rest. However, given the deputy captain's physical condition, it shouldn't take that long. It may only take about one and a half months to recover without any sequelae. The doctor laughed.

Ronan breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Thank you for your help. Please pay more attention to his condition during this period.""

"Please don't say that, this is my duty!" The doctor said seriously.

Nodding slightly, looking at Levi on the bed with deep meaning, Ronan turned around and walked out with the two girls. There were still a series of things outside that needed him to deal with, and Reiner's handling and explanation issues were also on the agenda.

"It seems too early to make it public now~" Ronan thought.

Although the capture of Reiner was surrounded by smoke because his body was in the process of vaporization, the specific process was not seen by the people around him, but a human was captured just like that. Anyone with a little IQ should be able to think of the secret of the intelligent giant.

The giant was transformed from a human!

Although this idea is extremely bold, the facts are in front of us and we have to believe it.

"Let's wait a little longer, at least for a few more months, until Wall Maria and Wall Rose are completely under control, and Erwin completes the reorganization and control of the two major corps, and then inform everyone in the wall of this situation~"

Thinking of the possible scenes and shocks that might occur after doing this, Ronan couldn't help rubbing his temples.......Headache!

Seeing this scene, Ymir and Petra felt helpless. They couldn't help much, and the current situation in the garrison was already like this and could not be changed. They could only try their best to appease the soldiers and do a good job of post-war pensions.

Well, they were thinking wrong!

After walking out of the infirmary, Ronan went straight to the command center and saw Sanmao who was scratching his head and dealing with various documents.

Obviously, Sanmao was not good at handling these paperwork.

Seeing Ronan return, he was immediately overjoyed and said:"You are finally back, then these are handed over to you, I....I'll go and comfort the soldiers outside."

As he said this, he quickly ran out of the headquarters, looking like he was choking.


Petra couldn't help laughing out loud,"It's the first time I see Captain Sanmao with such an expression. His cool image is completely ruined. It turns out he is so afraid of handling official documents.""

"I'm scared too~"

Ronan pointed to the various documents piled on the table and said,"I'll leave it to you. I'll go check on the Armored Titan. He should have woken up."

Just like Sanmao, he didn't give Petra any room to react. He turned around and fled out of the headquarters.

"Ronan!" Petra stamped her feet, obviously very dissatisfied.

Ymir, who was standing next to him, sighed slightly:"Okay, don't just stand there, let's start working."

"Ymir, you just follow Ronan's instructions. How long will it take for the two of us to process so many documents?!"Petra was speechless.

Hearing this, Ymir was very calm and responded calmly:"I'm used to it. Anyway, we have always been doing this."

"It seems so......"

Thinking of Ronan's hands-off attitude, on the one hand, she was happy that she was trusted, but on the other hand, Petra was very helpless.

It was too uncomfortable for her to bear the responsibilities and obligations of a regiment commander when she was just an ordinary soldier.

Despite this thought, in the end, Petra still obediently took the main position and handled various documents, while Ymir assisted her.

Since the change of regime, the two of them have become Ronan's secretaries.......

At the same time, Ronan had already arrived at the prison where he was imprisoned.~

"Head of Group~�"The guard saluted respectfully.

He smiled and nodded at the others, then Ronan ordered,"You guys go out first. I want to interrogate this prisoner alone."~"


In response to Ronan's words, the few of them saluted again without hesitation and walked out of the prison quickly.

Soon, Ronan and Reiner were the only ones left in the prison.

With Ronan's perception at this moment, he easily knew that Reiner was pretending to sleep, and he smiled and said,"Don't pretend, I know you are awake, Reiner Brown......."

"You know my name......"

Opening his eyes in surprise, looking at the overly young Ronan, Reiner suddenly realized:"That's right, the Jaw Titan is already under your control. She has memories of us in her mind, so it's normal that you know my name."

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