"We...Are we entering a giant's nest?!" Elder looked around at the giants who were gradually waking up due to the sunlight, and his heart felt cold.


After swallowing his saliva, Oruo, who had always been the main attacker of the team when Levi was not around, felt his hands and feet cold. The fatigue accumulated from the night's journey completely dissipated at this moment....Frightened.

As the only woman in the team, Petra could no longer maintain her gentle and smiling expression, and she looked confused.

Ronan, on the other hand, looked around at the giants who had not yet fully awakened, drove his horse to Elder's side, and said:

"Let's speed up while the giants haven't fully awakened yet. We should get rid of as many as we can. If we really can't, we'll have to fight. Not only us, but everyone in the convoy must go!"

"This is the only way~"

Hearing Ronan's words, Elder quickly calmed down and realized that what Ronan said was the best solution at the moment. As the temporary person in charge here, he immediately asked the convoy to speed up, and he and Petra drove their horses to the front to lead the way......

As for Ronan and Oro, they stayed behind the team and were responsible for clearing out the chasing giants.

"There are too many of them, rookie, we may not be able to escape this time." Oruo's expression was grim.

Hearing this, Ronan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:"Old bird, you can die if you want, I haven't lived enough!"

"I really can’t like you!"

""Me too~"

Ronan and Oruo smiled at each other.

Although they said this, Ronan and Oruo were the best friends compared to the others in the team, which was enough to explain everything.

Soon, as the sun fell, the giants all looked towards the convoy where Ronan and his team were.

Not only them, but also the patrol team in the distance, all fired signal guns indicating the presence of giants.

"Fortunately, we ran fast and were not surrounded, otherwise we would have been stuck!"

Looking around, especially in front, Oluo was surprised to find that they had actually escaped the encirclement. Now there were only giants on the left, right, and back. They just needed to rush forward.

"Don't be too happy too soon. The normal ones are no longer a threat, but we won't be able to escape from the three abnormal ones."

Looking at the abnormal giants that had regained their mobility and were chasing after him, Ronan drew out his two swords, and his meaning was self-evident.

Seeing this, Oruo also drew out his two swords, staring at the three abnormal giants whose steps were chaotic and irregular, but very fast, and said bluntly:

"The two on my left and the one on your right, it's decided!"

Without giving Ronan a chance to object, he drove his horse straight ahead.

"Don't die......"

Without pretending, Ronan drove his horse straight to the left.

This was a five-meter-tall, self-supporting giant, swinging its hands irregularly like a yangko dance. It was very fast, and its rapidly swinging hands were a big threat. If you were not careful, you would be thrown by its arms or caught!

Once caught by the giant, there would be no room for maneuver.

Ronan didn't know how strong the giant was, and he didn't want to find out by being caught.


The sound of horse hooves was rapid. As the mounts that the Survey Corps had trained for a long time, these horses that could go beyond the wall were not very afraid of the Titans.

The key point was that the Titans would not actively harm other creatures except humans for no reason. This was very fucked up.

This time, Ronan did not launch an attack from the front, but prepared to drive his horse to the side of the abnormal species. However, the opponent was obviously not going to give him this opportunity and rushed directly to the front at a very fast speed.

In this case, Ronan made a prompt decision and chose a head-on confrontation, his eyes fixed on the abnormal Titan in front of him.

~100 meters!

~80 meters!

~60 meters!

~40 meters!

~20 meters!

After entering the optimal range of the stereoscope, Ronan pulled the trigger directly, and two cold rays shot straight towards the knees of the strange giant.


A sudden snort sounded, and Ronan held the hilt of the knife with both hands, curling up in the air. When he was about to touch the hands of the abnormal giant, his arms, waist, and feet......All the muscles in his body suddenly burst out with strength, and the two swords slashed towards the giant's wrist which was within reach.


The powerful forward force, coupled with Ronan's terrifying explosive power and physical strength, plus the extremely sharp black gold bamboo sword itself, cut off the giant's wrist almost without any hindrance. The forward momentum did not decrease, and it broke through the giant's arm defense line and came to its crotch.

There was another flash of cold light, and the giant's ankle was almost directly cut off. It could no longer support the weight of its body and fell straight down. Ronan took the opportunity to release the fastener fixed on its knee and instead set his target on its fatal back of the neck.

After successfully approaching, he swung the sword cleanly and killed cleanly without any delay.

From the beginning of the attack to the end of the battle, it took less than ten seconds in total. It can be said to be a quick battle.

Elder and Petra, who came to support from the rear, were very shocked and said at the same time:


Ps: Second update!

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