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Tải ảnh: 0.065s Scan: 0.039sIn a village far to the northeast of Karanis, near the fallen Wall Maria, the busy scene of the past has disappeared. The streets, fields, and even the edges and interiors of the houses are all filled with giants wandering around or stuck in the buildings, not knowing how to move.


With a crisp sound, a fastener was suddenly nailed to the wall of the windmill house, and a figure appeared in an instant.


With a flash of knife light, a giant who was pulling the windmill had his neck chopped off, and fell to the ground like a deflated inflatable doll.

The surrounding giants who were doing the same thing paused and looked at the figure standing on the roof of the windmill, their eyes revealing naked desire and cruelty.

However, they did not notice that several figures in the air behind him were approaching quickly.

Soon, all five giants surrounding the windmill were killed.

Those who came here were none other than Ronan and his party who were ordered to investigate the situation here.

At this time, standing at the highest point of the village, Ronan and his party were able to see the whole picture of the village, and their expressions suddenly tightened, because there were too many giants here!

"Hey, hey, hey, this is a bit abnormal, how can there be so many!" Oruo said in shock.

Nodding, Elder observed for a while and analyzed calmly:"It's not just the number, the state of these giants is very worrying. According to the intelligence, the garrison saw a strange lightning in this direction. We just arrived at this village along the way......."

"It shouldn't be wrong. The problem is here. Since I entered here, I have inexplicably felt uncomfortable, or weird. I always feel that something is not right." Gunda echoed.

In this regard, Oluo and Elder both agreed and looked over at the right time.

As the direct person in charge and the captain of the team, Ronan has the highest decision-making power.

"Do you find it strange that the giants got stuck in the house?"Ronan said meaningfully.

Hearing this, everyone immediately realized that it was indeed the case. Unless they fell from the sky, it was impossible for the giants to get stuck in the building, especially the one closest to them, which was stuck in the middle of the house.

"It doesn't look like it came in from the outside, but rather it seems to have jumped out from inside the house. But this doesn't make sense. With the size of this giant, it's impossible for it to enter the house. It's strange, really strange~" Elder looked puzzled.

"Don't think too much, our mission goal is just to investigate the situation here, you guys record all the situations here, I'll go take a look somewhere else~" Ronan

The three had no objection to this, nor were they particularly worried about Ronan.

They knew that after reaching this level, teamwork was actually a burden to him, after all, he had to divide his energy to protect others and cooperate with others' actions.

Unless other people can reach the same level as Luo, this situation will not happen.

But now, the only two people who can reach this level in the Survey Corps are Levi and Sanmao.

The two of them plus Ronan are the top three fighting forces in the Corps!

Not knowing what the three were thinking at the moment, Ronan had a conclusion about the situation of the village since he saw its full picture.

"All of them were forcibly injected with the Titan's cerebrospinal fluid. Calculating the time, Reiner and the others are only children in their early teens. They are really brave."After patrolling the roofs of the village, Ronan found that not only adults, but even children were injected with the Titan's cerebrospinal fluid and turned into pure Titans. He suddenly realized that he seemed too naive before.

He thought he had a God's perspective, that he was the protagonist, that he could make everything follow his ideas, that he could control everything, and that he understood everything, but the reality told him that everything was taken for granted.

Of course, the impression given by Reiner and the other two in the plot was not too bad. They all had their own characteristics. Many times, they only killed a lot because of their different positions, but these could not be their atonement.

As a member of the wall, as a member of the Survey Corps, and as a member of the Shiganshina District, Ronan should not be soft-hearted and should not have any unrealistic fantasies. Some people, even if they are not bad in nature, should die if they are in a hostile state!


Taking a deep breath, feeling the irritability surging in his heart, Ronan frowned, ignoring the giant following closely behind him. He was not going to stay in this hell on earth any longer, and was going to return to the windmill house to join Oro and the other two. He touched the giant spinal fluid injection in his arms with his right hand, and his eyes became firm.

The next time he meets Reiner and the others, he will not be confused. As long as he is sure, he will take action and kill them.

The power of the giant should be kept inside the wall and left to the people around him who are trustworthy!

But just as Ronan was about to leave, an abnormal roar broke out from the windmill house. Looking up, he saw that the giant imprisoned by the house had forcibly broken free, and the movement attracted the attention of the other giants in the village.

Because the windmill house is located at the highest point of the village, the view from below is also unobstructed, which directly caused almost all the innocent giants in the village to run towards the direction of the three people, including many strange species.

"not good~!"

Realizing the critical situation, Ronan did not hesitate and rushed back quickly.

Even if personal feelings were not taken into consideration, he had brought these people out intact, and he would bring them back intact!

Rushing at full speed, it didn't take long for Ronan to feel the vicinity of the windmill house that was surrounded by heavy enemies. Since the battle was inevitable, even though he knew that the giants in front of him were innocent villagers, Ronan could only draw his sword and fight.

He had no other choice!

Only a fight!!!

At the same time, Ronan, Oro and the other two did not know that in a bush not far away, a pair of eyes were staring at them!

PS: There will be two more in the afternoon!

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