
After a series of gunshots, the only members of the Reis family were Frida and Rhode, who was blocked by Petra and Yumir.

Looking at Yumir, who turned into the giant of O, Rhode swallowed his saliva, and his heart was very frightened.

Why are intelligent giants here?

Why would this intelligent giant help Ronan?

Could it be that Ronan came from outside the walls?

Everything seemed to be different from the scene he expected, I thought that everything was under control, but now it seems that I am too self-righteous, not only Ronan, but even Kenny Ackerman seems to have already been out of control.

Why should they do this to themselves ?!

“I’m their king!” Rhode shouted in his heart.

At this time, facing the hateful giant, he couldn’t say a word, so he could only let him pick himself up and walk to Ronan’s side, not far behind him, Grisha Dust servant came to this side.

On the way here, he saw many soldiers around, some of Ronan’s men, and some of Kenny’s, who controlled the entire estate.

At this time, seeing Dana Fritz in the underground world, and the rest of the people, their steps quickened and went straight to Ronan’s side.

“My king, why are you running?” Ronan smiled faintly.

This kind of smile fell in Rhode’s eyes, but it was like a demon’s smile, and he couldn’t help but tremble.

“Waste~!” Kenny whispered.

Thinking that he had been working for such a guy for so many years made me feel a pang of nausea.

Hurriedly urged: “Hurry up, let me see how you obtained the power of giants.” ”

“It’s not us, it’s not you, it’s not us, it’s not you~”

“Who is that?” Kenny asked subconsciously.

Even Petra and Yumir were very puzzled, they did not know the identity of Daina, but they just believed Ronan’s decision and did not object.

“The scene may be a little bloody, but there is no way, whoever makes it impossible for several of you to escape the influence of that so-called oath, I can only let others exercise my responsibilities as a descendant of the royal family.”

Speaking of this, looking at Grisha who had arrived here, Ronan nodded: “You can start~”


Looking at Frida, who had a dull look and had no idea of living for a long time, a trace of unbearability flashed in Grisha’s eyes, but he knew that the best way now was to transfer the power of the ancestor giant to Daina.

Necessary sacrifices are inevitable.

Subjectively ignoring the boys and girls who fell in a pool of blood, the only person present who felt very uncomfortable was probably Petra, but she didn’t say anything, the matter had reached this stage, and no one could stop Ronan’s plan.

“You… What do you want to do?! Rhode seemed to understand something, and his expression became more and more hideous.

Even the inner fear was overcome.

“I don’t like this guy, can I kill him?” Yumir squeezed Rod’s fingers tightly.

The latter couldn’t help but cry out loudly.

“You… Do you know who I am?! Let go of me, let go of me right away! ”

“Hehe, it’s all this time, and you’re still carrying the rack of the king of the wall, Rhode, don’t you know the situation you are in now?” Kanny said sarcastically.

“It’s really bad~”

Whispering, Ronan stepped forward, signaled Yumir to let go of Rhode, and then kicked it directly into the air, crashing into the stone pillar in the distance, and completely fainted.

“I’ll deal with this guy later, get down to business first~”

Not ready to waste any more time, Ronan directly motioned for Kenny to send Frieda to Daina.

“It’s really bloody~” Kenny laughed.

Without the slightest hesitation, he walked directly over and left Frieda in front of Dana Fritz.

It was like a cat that smelled catnip, it was particularly excited, even if it had no limbs, but it still struggled to get close to Frieda and swallow it whole, and the naked desire to devour in his eyes made the corners of Keny’s mouth can’t help but show a cruel smile.

“Interesting, really interesting.”

Turning his head and looking at Ronan, “Don’t tell me that if you want to gain the power of a giant, you must first become this unconscious giant, right?” ”

“Look ahead, you will get the answer you want~” Ronan looked calm.

“Just what I want~”

Back to Ronan’s side, Kenny raised his hand and shot directly, directly breaking the rope that bound the giant, tens of meters apart, but so easily breaking the rope, the accurate marksmanship, seeing Ronan’s eyes couldn’t help shrinking, and his heart was not without surprise:

“Are you demonstrating to me… Childish approach ~

For Kenny Ackerman’s sharp knife, while Ronan values and uses it, he has enough confidence in his heart to be able to control it and not let it eat him.

If it really doesn’t work, you can also turn it into a scaleless giant first, and then kill it.

Provided, of course, that he voluntarily becomes a scaleless giant.

Back to the topic~

With the rope breaking, Dana Fritz managed to break free and squirm quickly towards Frida’s position.

Looking at Daina who arrived in front of her, especially her weird smile, Frida’s originally dull face finally appeared other figures, and she was afraid.

But before she could cry out, Dana swallowed it in one gulp, and blood splattered as she chewed.

Seeing Petra and Yumir couldn’t help but turn their heads, the former was even more disgusted, and the memories that had been hidden in her mind completely emerged at this moment, and at that moment, she also obtained the power of giants in this way, and did not die and soul.

Thinking of this, Petra’s expression became very ugly, and Yumir couldn’t help but clench his palm.

Ronan hesitated, did not say anything, looked at Kenny next to him with an excited look on his face, and sighed slightly:

“This guy is very perverted~”

Grisha looked expectant, his hands clenched into fists, trembling…

Soon, Frieda was swallowed by Daina, and her gaze looked at Ronan and the others in time, but without waiting for her to make a move, her movements were sluggish, and her body began to spontaneously vaporize…

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