"We have never set out from this area before, so we didn't know there was such a forest here. It seems that we need to add a mark on our map!"

The leader took out the map he carried with him, marked his current location on the map, and then added a picture of a forest to remind himself what was in this place and how he could borrow it in the future.

"We didn't notice it before, isn't it because our research has always been outside the walls of Maria?"

The captain glanced at him and said in a flat tone:"Really, I didn't expect that after so many years of hard research, the research location has changed from outside the walls of Maria to inside the walls of Maria!"

The captain frowned slightly. Levi was right.

They had always been conducting investigations outside the walls of Maria, which was considered a real investigation outside the walls, because the walls of Maria are the outermost walls outside the three walls!

And now, with the fall of the walls of Maria, the Survey Corps, which symbolizes freedom, is actually not free anymore. They can't even go to places they have been to in the past!

Their current investigation is only conducted between Wall Rose and Maria, with the purpose of preparing to take back the battle plan for Wall Maria!

And this First of all, this kind of investigation outside the wall seems a bit unrealistic, because they are still inside the walls of Maria!

Because they are inside the walls, the things they have stored about the outside of the walls of Maria are naturally useless, and they have to study the things inside the walls of Maria. After studying these things, it is not certain whether they can really recapture the walls of Maria! Maybe the walls of Maria are not recaptured, but the walls of Rose are lost. In that case, do they have to investigate the area between the walls of Rose and Sina?

"But if we don't work hard, this will happen even faster!"

The captain whipped the horse with his whip, and the horse under his crotch felt pain, raised its hooves, and galloped away.


"There is such a big forest here, which has never been discovered before!"

The captain is not here, so Sister Pei led everyone into the forest.

To be honest, it is still very dangerous to rashly enter the forest, because the sight here is not as good as in the open area!

The giants are huge in size, and because they are tall, they can be easily discovered in the open area!

But this forest is so dense, and the trees are very tall, so even if there are giants in it, it is impossible to find them unless you get very close!

This requires them to maintain a very high level of vigilance, otherwise they may pay a heavy price here if they are not careful!

"That's because we didn't start from this city before. We went to other places before, and our investigation was outside the walls of Maria. Speaking of it, we may know more about the things outside the walls of Maria!"

Elder held the reins tightly in his hand and drove the warhorse forward carefully, ready to respond to any dangers around him at any time!

Lin Quan was a little emotional. They still came to this forest!

In the original world, the four of them died in a corner of this forest. Therefore, when he saw this forest, Lin Quan had a very strange feeling in his heart.

"That's right, there is a beautiful lake outside the walls of Maria! The water there is so clear, and the grassland beside the lake is so beautiful!"

Sister Pei seemed to have thought of some beautiful memories, with a hint of blush on her face, which looked weird!

Lin Quan poked Oro on the side with his arm. This guy was a chatterbox. It would be easiest to ask him for information!

"Senior Aolu, what happened to Sister Pei? She looks a little unusual!"

Lin Quan asked with a gossipy look on his face. Aolu glanced at Sister Pei, then at Lin Quan and said,"Tsk, it's because someone was bathing in a lake and was seen by someone...ah!"

Aolu is really unlucky. How come Lin Quan was fine on horseback and had no problem talking while riding, but this guy couldn't talk on horseback. His tongue would fall off when he spoke. This made Lin Quan wonder if he had a big tongue?

"Oluou, did you say bad things about me in front of the newcomers again? You deserve to bite your tongue while walking!" Although Sister Pei didn't hear clearly what he said just now, she saw Lin Quan approaching with a gossipy look on his face, and then she felt that something was unusual.


Oluo seemed to say something, but his tongue was bitten and bleeding. At this time, his words were not clear at all, and it was completely unclear what he wanted to express!

The huge forest was very large. After all the members of the Survey Corps came in, the troops in front did not go out!

However, there were no giants in this forest.

I think there would be giants resting here!

There are indeed many giants on this continent, and there are also many giants wandering in the wild, but because this continent is relatively large, the giants are scattered more widely, and most of the giants are attracted by several cities outside the Rose City Wall.

There are many humans in there, and giants are naturally interested in humans, so the giants inside the wall are basically on the wall.

There are no giants here!

After seeing a green flare launched into the air, Petra also fired a green flare.

The troops in front have already walked out of the woods, and the commander's orders began to come from the central army.

The whole army rests on the spot and pays attention to vigilance.

After receiving this order, everyone began to find a safe branch to fly up, and then took out their own food and drinking water and began to replenish energy.

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