Tourists also enjoyed the beauty of peach blossoms blooming in various forms.

"In the past, there were many poems related to peach blossoms. Peach blossoms reminded the season, peach blossoms describe women. The girls who go home describe them as beautiful as peach blossoms, and even if the flowering period is over, they will still bear rich fruits. They have appearance and connotation, and I like her from the bottom of my heart."

"And this song, last year in this door today, the faces of the peach blossoms are red..."

Qingchuan told a brief and romantic encounter with a hoarse voice and a soft tone. Outside the camera, many people were moved by this story.

[The ancients are so powerful, a few words can bring out a melancholy past, and a few words can describe the beauty of women so extreme. Although their lives seem to be far away from us, they still feel cordial all of a sudden. Is this the beauty of culture? 】

I am also of Chinese Miao descent, but there is no ethnic distinction at all in daily life. At this time, this feeling suddenly became very clear, my ancestors are like this, I am a little proud. 】

[I hope the anchor will say more and want to know more about the history behind the food. 】

"It seems that I have accidentally said too much. If you are interested, you can pay more attention to ancient literature and ancient history. Now let's return to the topic, and then these sugar paintings will be given as small gifts to People who have stayed here to support me since the beginning. Now that the yam paste is steamed, only the last step is left.”

Qingchuan divides the yam mud into two parts, kneads it evenly by hand, spreads it flat, and compacts it with a bamboo board. Spread a layer of jujube paste between the two parts of yam paste, and then trim the edges.

[My God, the yam cake pressed by the anchor is as flat as it was pressed by a machine, and the thickness of the four sides is exactly the same. What kind of technology is this? 】

I answered for the anchor, thank you. 】

[Upstairs he is showing off his ancient literary qualities, which means 'practice makes perfect'. Yes, in fact, I am also a lover of ancient literature. 】

【Do you still have time to talk? I was so seduced by this fragrance that I couldn't help myself, and I had only eaten. 】

[No, no, no, there must be a pattern for those with quick hands, even if it is a little more expensive, I will recognize it. 】

[It sounds like you can grab it in the fast mode. 】

I hate you local tyrants who disrupt the market the most. Do you know how miserable it is that you cannot afford to eat a restaurant once a year? You know what it's like to eat just copy-pasted packaged food every day? 】

He sprinkled a drop of osmanthus honey mixed with dried golden osmanthus on each piece.

"Finally, it needs to be steamed for another five minutes, in order to fully integrate the two ingredients: jujube puree and yam puree. Everyone should have noticed that I removed the gauze in the steamer and put a piece of green Leaf. This is a lotus leaf, which is dried and then soaked. Using this lotus leaf to steam the pastry, the pastry will bring the fragrance of the lotus leaf, which will make the aroma of the jujube mud yam cake more complex and wonderful.”

Cover the lid, Qingchuan took out the sugar paintings just made, and placed them one by one on a long cyan leaf,

"This is the cleaned and flattened green zongzi leaf, with seventeen peach blossoms on it, one of which is a complete peach blossom branch. Check the food safety first." He scanned it with a food safety scanner Again, it's all safe green.

"The food safety scanner used at home is the latest model. If you are worried, you can use your own scanner to scan it again. I will set a fixed purchase price for the basic currency. The purchase conditions are People who have been in this live broadcast room for more than an hour, each with an id. There are fast hands, but no slow hands."

He made a please gesture.


The live broadcast room instantly became a fighting field, except for those who did not meet the conditions to jump there and eat sour, and those who met the conditions fought hard.

Soon, the first winner appeared in the live room.

This person first proudly displayed his trophies, this is a fully open peach blossom, even the stamens inside are so real, placed on the green leaves, like a crystal carved peach blossom .

Then he compensatively swiped ten bouquets of one hundred website coins. (One hundred website coins is equivalent to a real base currency.)

Totally reluctant to eat it, I'm going to freeze it and let my family and friends share the good luck too. 】

【Compared with ordinary mechanical candy, it is sweeter, probably because of the taste of 'mother'. Serious face. 】

When I think that the anchor just turned 12... It seems that I have to admit that there are really geniuses in this world who are talented and work hard. 】

Then other lucky winners also posted pictures one after another, and sure enough, one is more beautiful than the other, especially the one who got the whole peach blossom, adjust the light angle a little, the crystal clear and soft and sentimental peach blossoms flourish freely on the branches The feeling of letting go is overwhelming.

The first person who thought of using peach blossoms as women is a genius. If that kind of beauty is directly described as beautiful, it will lose its charm. But using the analogy of peach blossoms, you can feel the vitality contained in the beauty through the words.

The people who didn't get it were even more indignant, it was just a second slower, this candy painting like a work of art has become someone else's, so angry, really angry!

This wave of dazzling pictures has aroused everyone's enthusiasm and expectation for Zhengzhu, jujube mud yam cake.

There is no moisture in the gifts, and the deliciousness of jujube mud yam cake will not be discounted.

In the live broadcast room, it is by no means the simple aroma of red dates and yam, but more attractive and intoxicating...

The jujube pastry made by my chef has never had this aroma. Even the private kitchen dishes with top chefs do not have this aroma. 】

【However, the big local tyrants have not eaten the anchor's snacks. It is strongly recommended that the anchor choose the hand-quick mode, and can't wait to watch the local tyrants die. 】

I chose the public simulation mode, and the room was always filled with the aroma of the cakes in the simulator. My brother has been asking me what is so fragrant. It's really fragrant. Just smelling it makes my saliva flood. If I can't eat it, I will not forget it for a month. 】

[The left-hand purchase button, ok. Right hand payment button, ok. All preparations are made below. 】

The moment the lid of the steamer was opened, the live room was almost fried. The powder and white pastries, the golden osmanthus flowers, the jujube paste that seemed to drip oil, and the wind blowing from the forest Refreshing and sweet aroma.

How amazing is food?

Many people were shocked.

[Buy one with 100 basic coins, and then decide on the full package. 】

【One hundred basic coins want all-inclusive? Three hundred base coins each. 】

【Wow, are the local tyrants crazy? Not counting labor, the cost of a cake is at most fifty or six cents, right? In addition to the high labor costs, it is three or four yuan. Who has three hundred to buy an ordinary yam cake? Although packaged food is immutable, it is also 100% imitating the master's craftsmanship. How can a child have master-level cooking skills? 】

[After saying so much, do you buy it? Don't be another person who persuaded us to quit with ulterior motives, and persuaded us to quit and buy it ourselves. 】

[…buy. 】

There is absolutely no such urge and expectation for packaged food. Local tyrants, give a way to survive, leave us two. 】

Now I can smell this fragrance and I can immediately understand that if I can't eat this pastry, I will be depressed too. I ask the local tyrants to raise their hands, and hope that the anchor can see our needs. 】

Does Qingchuan see their needs?

See it.

Everyone is so excited just by looking at it and smelling it, as a chef, it's natural to be in a good mood. The live broadcast mode can intuitively feel the enthusiasm of the guests, which reminds him of the days in the tavern. Lovers and friends are accompanied by wine and food, and stories are accompanied by meals.

How merry?

"Okay." He said, "Ten basic coins for a cake, purchase conditions, stay in the live broadcast room for more than 30 minutes, fast hands, slow hands, no, one ID is limited to two."

The cute snacks like big rabbits were packed in cyan leaves like boats. After testing, they were arranged one by one, and there were thirty in total.


If the sugar painting just snapped up was just a battleground, then it is definitely a Shura field now. No one speaks, everyone is robbing, they just hate their hands too slow and too few. All are enemies except me, and the whole live broadcast room is full of murderous aura.

The hacker, who is familiar with all the vulnerabilities of intelligent systems, laughed, and he snatched two before everyone else.

Holding two big rabbit-like desserts in my hands, it seems that my heart has settled down, and I feel the satisfaction and joy I have never had before.

The vigilant Mr. Hacker tested it with his high-sensitivity military food detector, and there was no tempting ingredient.

It's just ordinary ingredients, how can there be such a wonderful fragrance?

Mr. Hacker took a small bite, his eyes widened in surprise.


If this is the real taste of jujube mud yam cake, then what the **** are the chefs at his home and the tens of thousands of private dishes?

All of a sudden, the inherent impression about food was completely overturned.

I used to…

Have you been eating grass?

Mr. Hacker is more confused than ever.

Mr. Hacker didn't know that he had been scolded by the people in the live broadcast room, because he was the only one who had the luxury of enjoying two copies. Those who didn't grab it just jumped and scolded, and those who have grabbed one are going to go to his ancestral grave to scatter wildly.

Mr. Hacker was still doubting his life and didn't reply, so everyone's eyes slowly shifted to the five cakes left by the anchor.

"Not for sale." The remaining five pastries are placed on a white china plate, and a pair of reddish-brown chopsticks, which attract everyone's attention in front of the camera, and then directly Take away, "This is my dinner, see you tomorrow."

The screen went black after speaking, and the ruthless anchor did not leave any room for bargaining and fantasy.

[He said see you tomorrow? I'm a little excited, don't you mean, there will be tomorrow? 】

【If the host is willing to open a restaurant, then you can join in every day. Privacy protection is so powerful now that I don't even know which planet the host is, otherwise how good would it be to go to him overnight? 】

[The anchor just said that they are in March and there are peach blossoms. Who's geography has passed, please check. 】

[There are too many conditions, it would be great if you could know the specific time. 】

【Have you forgotten that the anchor is still a child. Children all have study time, which can be excluded, plus the anchor said it was dinner. Well, how many are eligible? 】

[Leave it to me. 】

Now we turn our attention back to reality.

The Liu family is enjoying their dinner, and today is a western theme. Chargrilled veal steak, croissants, mushroom cream soup, and many other side dishes.

The chefs of the Liu family have mastered nearly a thousand different recipes, and belong to the senior technicians that ordinary people have never touched. The Liu family has always been very satisfied with the chefs at home.

This is also the reason why Patriarch Liu feels that his new unfortunate son is making trouble unreasonably.

You must know that a chef with a high-level certificate is at least at the level of a chef in a real restaurant and restaurant, which is completely different from the public goods that come out of the factory with a taste of machinery.

And now a kid from a robber's nest, dislikes the dishes made by senior chefs? Are you kidding me?

Or are you trying to attract my attention? However, I have already seen through.

The dinner time of the Liu family has always been the warmest and most harmonious moment in the family.

They will ask each other about each other's work and study. Because Liu Xinglang is the youngest, everyone pays special attention to him. academic situation.

Since the death of the mistress of the Liu family, the remaining boys have hugged each other, rejecting any possible person to take the place of their mother, and subconsciously rejecting all attempts to destroy the relationship between their brothers emotional person.

Although they are all grown up now and no longer weak enough to need someone's body temperature to feel at ease, the resistance to the new family member did not leave, but just sank from the face to the bottom of the heart.

"Where's Qingchuan? Why didn't I see him today, he didn't eat?" When he was about to finish eating, the second brother Liu Xinghu suddenly asked.

"He doesn't eat with us." Liu Yuanting said.

"Oh." Liu Xinghu thought it was eaten separately, and the servants sent it upstairs, so it didn't matter.

Everyone's expressions said they didn't care. To tell the truth, he was not here, and they had a more relaxed meal.

Theoretically speaking, this is their younger brother, who is very pitiful. He was locked up in the base camp of star thieves when he was born, and grew up as a future star thief.

Now that he is back, as blood relatives, they should accept him and warm him.

However, a theory is a theory after all. In this era, blood relatives without emotional basis are no longer popular.

More importantly, Liu Xinglang originally appeared in this home to comfort the mother who lost her child, but for so many years, he is the family member who has been with them all the time, Qingchuan is at best a special of strangers.

How could they hurt their family for a stranger?

Furthermore, when Qingchuan was conceived as an embryo, only the mother went to see it a few times, maybe she had some feelings, but the others didn't even look at it, and there was no more brother at all of reality and expectation.

This is also the reason why the unnatural way of giving birth is criticized today, but in any case, at least it liberates the female body.

The wonderful time is short. After dinner, several people went upstairs together and went to their own rooms.

The houses of the Liu family are all on the third floor, and the room of the second brother Liu Xinghu is just above Qingchuan. When you look down, you can see through the layer of transparent glass on the balcony below. scene.

It's just that one of them goes to bed early and wakes up early in the HOS, and the other is day and night upside down and often goes out. It's not a special case that they won't see each other.

Just returned to the house, the current manager's phone flew over, Liu Xinghu walked to the balcony, and chose the personal voice mode, so that all voices would be controlled within one meter.

He is a popular star, and his agent is a gold medal in the industry. In addition to the content of daily work, there are also some things in life.

Liu Xinghu leaned on the guardrail lazily, and looked down while responding casually. He saw that the originally empty balcony downstairs was divided into two parts, one part was drying a lot of clothes, and the other part was planting many plants.

Now there is still a place to dry clothes in the open air? What has he been like before?

I was wondering, I don't know where the extremely tempting food aroma came from, not greasy at all, very light aroma.

Liu Xinghu was born rich and has a successful career, what delicious food have you not eaten? But such a picky taste buds were drooled by the fragrance of this beauty's half-masked face.

"Where does the aroma come from? Does anyone around here order private kitchen dishes?"

The fragrance is gone, but the appetite has been aroused, what should I do? He wandered around the house for a long time, and even went downstairs to ask the chef to make snacks, but he still remembered the aroma and tasted nothing.

Not only did it not taste good, but I couldn't sleep after it was over. I kept thinking about the smell.

"What is it?"

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