Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 101 Misunderstanding, Thor's Hammer and Sword of Victory, the powerful Frey, Loki'

"Damn it!"

"Thor, are you crazy?!"

Frey was horrified and looked at Thor, who was walking angrily from outside the hall.

The latter's whole body was filled with terrifying thunder, and his red cloak billowed with the wind. His red hair and beard were now filled with lightning, and his eyes reflected a crystal light!

At this moment, Thor is like the mythical God of Thunder, holding two thunderbolts in his hands, like a god sending punishment from heaven!

"Do you want to kill me?!" Frey yelled.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’ ๐‘ก๐‘ค๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘›.๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š]

That blow just now...if he hadn't reacted quickly enough, any other protoss, even a main god, would have been severely damaged and on the verge of death.


Thor responded in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on Frey and the highest throne behind him, which symbolized Odin's supreme status, and roared: "You know what you just did!"

The words fell!

Frey's heart skipped a beat and he felt a little guilty, but he still managed to stay calm and said in a deep voice, "What did I do?"

"All I saw was that you threw the thunder towards me indiscriminately, trying to kill me!"

"Thor, you have such a bad temper, no wonder Frigga doesn't entrust you with this important task!"

Odin's supreme throne symbolizes supreme authority. How can ordinary gods dare to sit on it?

That means blasphemy against Odin.

Unexpectedly, after Odin fell into a deep sleep, even Queen Frigga did not dare to sit on the highest throne when she summoned the gods.

Even if Niord was recognized by the gods and temporarily replaced Odin as the eternal authority, he would not dare to go beyond that.

Itโ€™s enough to see what kind of symbol Odinโ€™s supreme throne is.

But Frey was so courageous that he sneaked into the palace hall and sat on the throne, hoping to die, and was seen by Thor again.


"You blasphemed Odin, insulted me, Asgard, and you dared to tell lies!" Thor was furious when he saw that Frey refused to admit it and even slapped him down.

For a moment, he raised his hand and clasped it in a low voice, "Answer my call... Thor's Hammer!!"


A sense of boundless and terrifying oppression came from the end of the horizon, and a ray of cold light flew over and landed in Thor's hand.

The extremely hard hammer head was completely entangled and wrapped by the branches of the World Tree, and countless thunder burst out!

It is Mjolnir, one of the most powerful artifacts in Norse mythology, also known as Thor's hammer!

"Are you serious..."

"You're not the only one with a magical weapon!"

Frey's expression condensed, and he felt a hint of murderous intent from Thor. He felt something was not good, and he also raised his hand and called out his artifact:

"Sword of Victory!"


A ray of light that was as blazing as the sun fell from the sky and turned into a divine sword made entirely of sunlight, emitting endless brilliance.

It is the sword of victory that symbolizes โ€˜victoryโ€™ in Norse mythology!

This sword has extremely powerful divine power, no less powerful than Thor's hammer. It can directly lock on the enemy's head and chop it off from a world away!

No matter who masters this sword, the sword will follow the wishes of the sword holder, flying on the battlefield, killing enemies, and the owner will win every battle.

At the same time, it is also a symbol of the glory of the sun.

This is an artifact of the Aesir clan. It was given by the god of the Aesir clan after Frey came to Asgard.

At this moment, after seeing Thor taking out Mjolnir, Frey also realized that something was wrong and subconsciously summoned the Sword of Victory.

"The Sword of Victory... This is something belonging to our Asa clan. It is a sinful god who blasphemed Odin and is not qualified to hold it!"

Thor was furious, and after seeing the Sword of Victory in Frey's hand, he became even more furious and killed him directly with Mjolnir.


Boundless thunder rolled and roared down from the sky.

For a moment, a thunderstorm broke out, resounding throughout Asgard.

Countless gods felt this and raised their heads one after another, sensing Thor's terrifying power, which was like the power of God.

At the same time, another divine power was not inferior to it, reflecting boundless brilliance, as if the sun had set on Asgard.

"This is...who is Thor fighting with?"

"Such a blazing divine aura must be fighting Frey!"

"What's going on? Why did these two guys start fighting?"

The gods of Asgard looked puzzled, and then rushed to the place where this wave of war was coming from.


"Thor, calm down, this is just a misunderstanding!"

Holding the Sword of Victory, Frey kept dodging the thunderbolts that were coming, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

These thunderbolts contain Thor's divine power. Once struck, even a powerful protoss like Frey will be severely damaged.

Add Mjolnir to the mix...and it's even worse!

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding!"

"I only saw you blaspheming Odin!!"

Thor fell into a state of rage, completely unable to understand, let alone listen to anything.

"Damn it!"

"I was really just curious so I sat on it and tried it!"

Frey was also driven into panic and couldn't help but curse. Then he raised his sword of victory and waved the sword helplessly!


Boundless fluctuations emerged, turning into rays of sacred light one after another, like the arrival of billions of suns!

In an instant, Thor felt the danger and backed away suddenly.

"Surrender. You are no match for me!"

Frey sighed and looked at Thor helplessly. The latter obviously felt something was wrong.

But it was too late... Frey's Sword of Victory, who had been out of his hand at some point, had already come to his head, with the blade upside down!

Rumor has it that the Sword of Victory can lock the enemy's head from a world away.

And once locked, it almost means death!

Because the Sword of Victory never misses!

"Frey, you bastard!"

Seeing this, Thor was furious and could not calm down.

But he did not dare to move. The Sword of Victory was a divine weapon in Norse mythology that was no less powerful than Thor's hammer.

Once locked, even the gods at the level of the main god could not escape, and so did Thor.

So, he could only be honest now.

"Hey, listen to me, Thor..." Frey frowned. He did not expect that a misunderstanding would make Thor so angry.

If he had known earlier, he would not have sat on the supreme throne.

Why did he have such curiosity?

Suddenly, Frey's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of confusion...

Yes, why did he have such curiosity?


"This won't work!"

In the shadow of the palace hall, Loki, who was covered in darkness and no one could see his existence, couldn't help shaking his head.

He could feel that Frey had begun to waver and was about to doubt that this was a trap!

In fact, this was indeed a trap.

It was just set up by Loki, just to make Frey and Thor fight fiercely.

In this way... he could take the opportunity to sneak into the treasure house of the Kingdom of Asgard and take away what he wanted!

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