Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 39 The theft of the sun's authority, the source of the gods' panic, the first grea

"After all, I am a bard, and I came to the Holy Lake to explore the truth!"

The blond young man known as Edward looked at the Druid saint in front of him with a smile on his face, and said excitedly: "So, is my guess right?"

"The sun god Luger once came, and other gods of Avalon also came at that time?"

"They're here for King Arthur, right?"

One question after another was asked from Edward's mouth, which was enough to prove how strong his curiosity was.

In fact, it was precisely because of this curiosity that he came to the Holy Lake.

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I just didn't expect that there is a druid guarding the holy lake, and she is also a saint of the Druid religion.

This made Edward even more interested, so he stayed here for several months, not even watching King Arthur return to the King of Camelot City and officially hold the ceremony to become the King of Camelot.

As a born king, the scene of Arthur becoming king is the deed that the bards are most keen to spread.

But Edward was able to abandon this temptation and come to this holy lake to explore the truth. This shows how persistent he is.

"Edward, I can't stop you. After all, bards are allowed to exist by the will of the gods. When you discover something, you have the right to explore... This is a resolution passed by the gods at the round table."

Samantha shook her head. As a saint of Druidism, although her status was transcendent, she was equal to any bishop of the sect of gods.

But she is also a member of the followers of the gods and must follow their will.

What's more, the existence and power of the bard was a resolution passed by the gods at the round table.

She cannot violate it.

Otherwise, it would be like Arthur violating chivalry during the duel, causing the Sword in the Stone to break.

If Samantha violates the will of the gods... she will also be punished by the gods.

"Haha, sure enough, I knew it, so tell me now!"

Edward cheered excitedly, and then looked at Samantha with interest, eager to tell the truth about the drying up of the holy lake from the latter's mouth.

This is undoubtedly the most exciting thing for a bard who has a strong curiosity and is passionate about spreading, promoting and exposing the truth.

"You guessed it right, the sun god Luge has arrived, and also the supreme and noble king of the gods... Nuada!"

Samantha made earth-shattering remarks as soon as she opened her mouth. Looking at Edward's gradually stiffening face, she smiled gracefully and said, "As for the reason, it's just as you guessed. Because the sword in the stone broke, Camelot's royal power was no longer in the hands of others. God approves…”

"So, Merlin followed the will of the gods and took Arthur to the holy lake, asking the fairy in the lake to give Arthur the holy sword 'Broken Steel Sword'!"

"But the unexpected happened!"

"The rumor circulating among Avalon is that a very courageous thief carefully and cautiously stole the Broken Steel Sword in front of the gods!"

"The gods were furious, and the sun god Luger came after him with the spear of the sun, but he lost track of the thief!"

"Meanwhile, the gods discovered that the thief had not only stolen the Holy Sword... but also stolen the power of the Sun God!"

"The breath of the sun you sensed in this holy lake was not left by the Sun God Luger, but by the thief!"

The words fell!

Edward stared blankly at the dry holy lake. The amount of information was so overwhelming that it was hard for him to accept it for a while.

So, the drying up of the holy lake was caused by a theft?

However, this thief was a bit too powerful. Not only did he steal the Holy Sword, he also stole the power of the Sun God.

Most importantly, this incident also alerted the arrival of the King of Gods!

That is the most powerful, supreme and noble god-king in the entire Celtic mythology!

"Wait, if that's the case, why didn't the gods find the thief..." Before Edward could finish his words, he suddenly stopped because he reacted.

Not found!

That’s right, the gods couldn’t find the thief!

Because of this, Samantha, a saint of Druidism, would guard this dry holy lake to prevent anyone from prying into it and learning the truth.

But what I didn't expect was that Edward, a persistent bard, came.

According to the decisions of the gods at the Round Table, the bard has the power to explore all truths.

Therefore, Samantha couldn't stop Edward. After he got closer to the truth step by step, she had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Edward, do you realize the seriousness of the problem?"

Samantha said softly: "None of the gods can find the thief... not even the God King Nuada."

"This may mean that the thief's ability is still higher than that of the gods, or it may be that he hid it well!"

"But no matter which one it is...his appearance has caused the gods of Avalon to become nervous!"

Hearing this, Edward suddenly thought of something, his heart skipped a beat, and he faintly felt uneasy and said, "You... can't you?"

"Could it be that the gods... No, it's impossible. It's just that the power of the Sun God was stolen and the holy sword was stolen. Therefore, it would be too outrageous to break out into a war among the gods!"

Avalon is located in a different world opposite to the outside world. The gods who live in it are isolated from the world. Even if the Kingdom of Camelot is destroyed, they will only feel regretful.

But definitely don't get nervous about it.

The only thing that can make the gods nervous... is a new war of the gods!

"No, you are wrong. The power of the sun god has been stolen, which means that the power of other gods may also be stolen!"

Samantha shook her head. As a saint of the Druids, she knew better than many people how serious this was.

This is a blasphemy against the gods, and even more a provocation, which is tantamount to a declaration of war.

The most important thing is that the gods of Avalon are now suspecting...the thief who stole the power of the sun is likely among them.

Therefore, the war of the gods will soon break out!

And this will also be a war beyond the scale of the past!

The war between gods...there is only one result, that is, one side will fall completely.

Edward was completely confused. He just wanted to explore the reason why the holy lake dried up, but he didn't expect that he would know the outbreak of the next war of the gods.

This is no longer exciting...but terrifying!

"I have a hunch, and this is also a prophecy from the elders of Lonely Mountain. In the next war of gods, one tribe will be destroyed by another tribe, and the twelve kings of the world will compete for the final and strongest one to become the eternal king who rules the entire Celtic territory!"

"By then... the entire Celtic continent will be completely renewed!"

At this moment, Samantha seemed to be the bard, dancing lightly by the holy lake, telling the upcoming war of gods.

The incomparable cruelty, the unimaginable epic feeling, the decisive battle between gods!

Everything is so perfect.

But at this moment, a curious voice suddenly appeared behind Samantha and Edward.

"The war of sounds very interesting. I didn't expect to encounter such an interesting thing just after I came!"

"Two little guys, can you tell me in detail?"

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