Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 49: Siege, magic and iron-eating beasts, the coming of Angus, the power of the great wizard


A thunderous sound came from the gate of the Royal City of Karades. The huge iron-eating beast, like a mountain, roared and slapped out with one claw.

The bear claw that could easily tear apart a mountain fell on the seemingly fragile gate with an extremely terrifying force.


At the moment when the claw of the iron-eating beast touched the gate, countless rays of light rose up and turned into various magic elements, covering the sky and the earth!

Roar! !

The iron-eating beast roared, as if it felt an irresistible force, and couldn't help but take two steps back.

These magic elements are too many and too complicated... It is not a power that humans can master at all.

"Is it the power left by the gods of this world?"

On the hillside not far away, Chi You, who was bare-chested, looked at this scene from afar, thinking.

When he descended to the Celtic Continent, he appeared in the countryside of the Kingdom of Karades.

After understanding his position clearly... Chi You immediately decided to let himself go in this world.

After all, there is no kingdom or force in the prehistoric world that can make Chi You act so recklessly.

Among the many great witches, Chi You is definitely the most warlike one. In the many conflicts with the Heavenly Court before, Chi You also provoked the most wars.

Once the war between the witches and the lich breaks out, his Jiuli tribe will be the front line of the war between the two tribes.

However, now with the expedition plan proposed by Di Jun, it is clear that there will be no more war between the witches and the lich.

Because the spearhead has been transferred to the unified expedition to the mythical world of the heavens.

"This seems to be the power called 'magic'... But what I just sensed should not be this magic, but a more powerful power!"

Chi You shook his head, turned his eyes, and looked deeper into the royal city.

When he was in the city of Boradet, he sensed that there was an extremely powerful force hidden in the royal city, far exceeding the so-called magic.

In his perception, this power may have reached the level of a great witch!

"Ah... I can't bear it anymore. Come find an opponent and have a hearty battle with me!"

Chi You's face was full of enthusiasm. He was restless. He raised his hand and grabbed the giant axe beside him, and chopped it down towards the gate of the Royal City of Karades!


The power of the Great Witch is extremely powerful, almost enough to destroy the world!

Chi You chopped down with the giant axe, and suddenly there was a boundless and terrifying slash, which directly tore the world apart and instantly hit the gate of the Royal City of Karades!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, magic runes emerged from all over the city gate, densely packed, constantly resisting this slash.

But in an instant, countless magic runes shattered, and the entire Royal City of Karades was on the verge of collapse!

Obviously, the blow that Chi You casually chopped out had faintly exceeded the defense of the Royal City of Karades...If there was another blow, I'm afraid the city gate would be completely lost!

Countless creatures in the city were anxious and looked at this scene in horror.

If the city gate was breached... it almost indicated the fall of the Royal City of Karades, and also meant the demise of the Kingdom of Karades, one of the twelve kings of the Celtic continent!

What a terrible thing! ?

At this moment, countless creatures in the royal city were already desperate!


The vibration of the city gate was also felt by King Karades and a group of ministers deep in the center of the city.

But at this moment, they had no idea to go to rescue the city gate and appease the anxious emotions of the creatures in the city.

Just when the city gate was in dire straits, the huge temple in the deepest part of the city seemed extremely peaceful.

The Temple of Love and Youth, with a 500-meter-high statue of Angus, stood in the center of this temple, welcoming the worship and prayers of all believers.

This is the only Angus Temple in the Royal City of Karades.

At this time, the bishop of the temple, Moir, led a group of believers to kneel devoutly in front of the statue.

Behind him stood a group of ministers of the kingdom headed by King Karades.

The statue of Angus, the god of love and youth, had his eyes closed, a splendid wreath on his head, a book in his left hand, and an iron whip in his right hand.

This statue symbolizes Angus's priesthood, and is also the artifact he holds, with extremely powerful divine power.

"Eternal God of Love and Youth, in the name of your believers, I offer you a pious prayer and supplication..."

"With ten girls with holy bodies, I ask you to come and save the Kingdom of Karades that is being destroyed by the devil!"

In front of the statue, Bishop Moir waved his hand, and immediately believers brought up ten girls wearing only church robes.

Their eyes were covered with black cloth, and they surrounded the statue of Angus, like lambs, as sacrifices.

King Karades and a group of ministers witnessed this scene with a complicated look on their faces, and they bowed their heads slightly.

This is the sacrifice offered to Angus... the girl who is still holy.

As the god of love and youth, this is the best sacrifice for Angus.


In an instant, as if sensing the sincerity of King Karades and his ministers, the 500-meter-tall statue of Angus slowly opened its eyes!

This unbelievable scene almost brought tears to King Karades and his ministers' eyes... They were not moved, but excited!

"Lord Angus!!"

King Karades, who had just sacrificed ten holy girls and felt guilty and uneasy, immediately threw away all his emotions, knelt on the ground with excitement, and shouted: "The Kingdom of Karades is going to be destroyed!"

"Please send down a miracle, bless the Kingdom of Karades, and protect us!!"

The bishop of the Temple of Love and Youth, Moir, also led a group of believers to kowtow to the ground, showing their piety as believers.

At this time, the eyes of the Angus statue were bright, as gorgeous as gems, watching this scene, indifferent.

As if feeling a little strange, King Karades raised his head and looked at the Angus statue, with a strong feeling... This god of love and youth seemed to be watching the entire Kingdom of Karades.

"The Kingdom of Karades is destined to be destroyed, and I can't do anything to stop this trend."

A soft voice sounded, like a spring breeze blowing, brushing past everyone present.

A handsome young man in a golden robe and full of golden hair slowly walked out of the statue, like a god walking out of a painting.

This handsome young man looked flawless, with a delicate and perfect face, as if he had gathered all the beauty. He exuded an immortal aura and was surrounded by sacred light, which made people instinctively feel close to and love him.

At the same time, everyone who saw this handsome young man felt a little lively, as if they had become much younger again.

This is Angus, the god of love and youth!

However, his arrival at this moment did not bring hope of life to the desperate Kingdom of Karades.

It seemed to be another... deeper despair!

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