Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 6 The injustice of the Five, the concept of balance in Takamagahara, Izanami's prayers

Since the birth of the Fusang world.

There is a concept of balance in the will of Takamagahara in the dark.

This is a balance that must exist since the birth of Takamagahara.

That is, Takamagahara, Awahara China, and the Land of the Underworld are balanced with each other.

So the gods ordered Izanagi and Izanami to create the land on earth, and then Izanami fell into the Underworld and became the master of the Underworld.

Everything is under the will of Takamagahara and runs as usual.

Now, many gods have been born in the Underworld, and Izanami has become the real master of the Underworld. Izanagi should not stay any longer.

Otherwise, if he really stays any longer, the Five Gods will not guarantee that Izanami, who is furious and out of control, will kill Izanagi directly.

But it is not so easy to save Izanagi from the entanglement of the gods of the Underworld.

However, this is only relative to other people.

The five gods are different from other gods, equivalent to the saints of heaven in the prehistoric world.

Although their status and power are not as good as a thought of a saint.

But they are placed in this world.

Their power is enough to interfere with what is happening on the Hirasaka Bridge now.

"If we really watch Izanagi being dragged down to the underworld and sinking into the abyss, the kingdom on earth will fall into chaos again."

"The gods will have no checks and balances, and the order will be destroyed!"

"This, no!"

Amanohiro spoke solemnly, as if reading a judgment.

Then, he raised his hand and held a huge stone from the void and threw it at the Hirasaka Bridge!


The huge stone was so huge that it was like a huge mountain falling from the sky!

Those ugly and twisted underworld gods were frightened and fled everywhere. When they calmed down, they saw clearly... It was a huge stone!

Hirasaka was cut across by the huge stone from the end, blocking the way for the gods of the underworld.


Izanagi and Izanami screamed in surprise, both recognizing the origin of this huge stone.

According to legend, there is a huge stone in Takamagahara, which is so heavy that it can only be moved by a thousand people.

This is the Heaven's Stone, the Senbiki-seki!

Gobetsu Tenjin has taken action!

Izanagi and Izanami reacted instantly. The only one who could have such great power to throw down the Senbiki-seki and cross the Hirasaka Bridge was the Gobetsu Tenjin who lived in Takamagahara and was detached from the world.

"No! No!!"

Izanami screamed with a twisted face, full of unwillingness: "Ame-no-Mikado, you are too partial!"

"Izanagi, this heartless and ungrateful beast, how can he get such a blessing... I don't accept it!!"

Izanami was completely crazy. She watched the Senbiki-seki blocking her and Izanagi.

This despair was no less humiliating than the humiliation that Izanagi felt when he turned and ran away after seeing her true face.


"If you dare to run away today... I will order the monsters of the underworld to go to the earth every day and kill your people, killing a thousand a day!"

"Let your country on earth be filled with thousands of miles of mourning and corpses everywhere!!"

Izanami issued the most vicious curse. As the ruler of the underworld, her will will spread throughout the underworld.

In other words, what she said will definitely happen!

No matter how many obstacles there are, from today onwards, the gods and monsters of the underworld will definitely go to the country on earth every day and kill a thousand people!

"Then I will find 1,500 women, mate with them every day, and let them give birth to 1,500 children for me every day!"

"No matter how you kill, you can't kill all my people!"

Izanagi shuddered and replied without giving in, not taking Izanami's threat seriously at all.

Hearing this, Izanami suddenly raised her head, her eyes passed over the Senbin stone, and stared at Izanagi. The ferocity and anger in her eyes burned fiercely, turning into a venomous hatred!

She twisted her huge body like a mountain of flesh, knelt down with a bang, and cried and begged: "Ame-no-Michalaki!"

"Takao-chan Rei-shin!"

"Kami-chan Rei-shin!"



"In the name of Izanami, the ruler of the underworld, I beg you to return my husband, Izanagi, to me!"

In the dark, above the underworld, Takama-ga-hara, floating between the clouds, seemed to be looming.

The gods were high above, looking down at all this indifferently, watching Izanami lower her proud head.

However, they were not moved at all.

The five gods who were watching all this in the void did not respond at all.

Izanagi was entrusted with the destiny of creation. He could not escape the calamity of Huangquan, but he could not die.

From the beginning, the ending was doomed.

The kingdom on earth needed Izanagi to repair and govern, and the gods also needed him as a "father" to manage.

The yin and yang regulation and order balance of the three realms also needed the existence of Izanagi...

Therefore, Izanami was destined to fail.

"Thank you for the help of the gods!"

Izanagi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the Qianying Stone blocking him. He looked up at the sky and bowed as if he had survived a calamity.

Then, he looked at the Huangquan gods and Izanami who were blocked by the Qianying Stone and could not come over, with disgust on his face, and said viciously: "I have remembered today's embarrassment and humiliation!"

"When you return to the earth, you ugly monsters, wait for the punishment of the gods!"

The kingdom on earth has been prospering. With his and Izanami's "efforts", many gods have been born, enough to launch an expedition to Huangquan.

Of course, due to Izanami's identity, whether the gods of the kingdom on earth are willing to participate in this expedition is still a question mark.

But this does not prevent Izanagi from making some harsh remarks now and letting out a sigh of relief.

On the Hirasaka Bridge, the gods of Huangquan screamed shrilly, not taking Izanagi's threat seriously at all, and kept pushing the Qianyin Stone, but they could not shake this stone of heaven at all.

Everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion!


"This Fusang world is too small, even the Supreme God is just a Daluo Jinxian who was promoted by unorthodox methods, not worth mentioning."

"However, this also means the upper limit of the power that the world can bear."

"So with just a little bit of power... you can pry the origin of the world!"

Di Jun sat cross-legged on the cloud, looking at the farce on the Hirasaka Bridge, with a playful arc at the corner of his mouth.

A sense of evil interest surged into my heart, like ink stain, gradually dissolving.

"If it ends like this, wouldn't it be too boring?"

"Let me add some variables to you!"

Emperor Jun was calm and composed, and he flicked his finger to send out a magical power, which turned into divine thoughts and silently sank directly into the underworld.


At the same time -

A grand and majestic voice sounded in the heart of Izanami, who was as disappointed as death!

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