Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 80 The third Zixiao Palace lecture, the missed opportunity to become a saint, the opportunit

The sound of the Dao bell from the Zixiao Palace resounded throughout the prehistoric world, and countless creatures heard it.

Among them were the three thousand mortals of the former Zixiao Palace.

Compared with other innate saints and great supernatural powers, the emotions of these mortals were the most complicated.

Because they were the disciples of the first two Zixiao Palace lectures, but they had no chance to listen to the third lecture.

In the past, Daozu Hongjun once said frankly that the content of the third Zixiao Palace lecture was about proving the Tao and becoming a saint.

Become a saint!

Since the history of the prehistoric world, only Daozu Hongjun has reached the realm of saints.

How high this realm is... you can imagine.

But unfortunately, only the top six people in the first Zixiao Palace lecture are eligible to participate in the third lecture.

That is, Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu, as well as Nuwa Niangniang and the two Western Daos.

These six people were the ones who occupied the first six cushions during the first Zixiao Palace lecture and obtained the opportunity to become a saint.

But in fact, when the first lecture was given in Zixiao Palace, the last two futons were occupied not by the two Western Taoists, but by Hongyun Taoist and Kunpeng.

In the past, Zhunti Taoist and Jieyin Taoist had gone through several calamities in the West, which had long been dilapidated and barren, causing them to face many difficulties when they left the West.

So much so that when the two of them crossed the abyss and arrived at Zixiao Palace, they became the last two to arrive.

The futons in front had all been taken.

At that time, no one knew that the first six futons contained opportunities for becoming a saint. Zhunti Taoist and Jieyin Taoist played tricks and cried on the spot, which touched Hongyun Taoist and he gave up his seat to Zhunti Taoist.

Later, Hongyun Taoist scolded Kunpeng in public, forcing him to lose face on the spot, and he had no choice but to give up his seat to Jieyin Taoist.

The grudge between Hongyun Taoist and Kunpeng... was formed from then on.

As for Di Jun, who became the de facto senior brother of Xuanmen during the lecture in Zixiao Palace, he did not occupy the first six cushions.

It was not that he could not grab them, but he knew that the first six cushions had already been determined and did not belong to any great supernatural power other than Sanqing, Nuwa Niangniang and the two Western Dao.

Therefore, Di Jun sat at the first place in the second row and did not compete for the first six sanctification cushions.

Therefore, to this day, Daozu Hongjun still feels regretful.

Because he was not on the first six sanctification cushions, even if Di Jun had a natural talent, Hongjun could not accept him as the senior brother of Xuanmen.

This is destiny and fate.

And now, after the second Zixiao Palace lecture ended, the third Zixiao Palace lecture also ushered in the end.

The sound of the Dao bell in Zixiao Palace spread throughout the prehistoric world, announcing the successful completion of the three lectures in Zixiao Palace.

In the Fusang Imperial Palace in the Heavenly Palace, Di Jun sat cross-legged under the Fusang tree, looking up at the vast purple air above the nine heavens, his eyes flickering with a hint of reminiscence.

"Has it been so long... It just so happens that the expedition has just ended and the third Zixiao Palace lecture has also ended!" Di Jun couldn't help but sigh.

In a flash, he also recalled the two lectures he had in the Zixiao Palace in the past, both of which benefited him a lot.

"The third lecture is over, Sanqing, Nuwa and the Western Two Daos should also start looking for their own way to prove the Tao!"

Di Jun took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he looked up, with a hint of high fighting spirit in his heart, as if it was blazing!

The six future saints of the prehistoric world have finished listening to the lecture in the Zixiao Palace and are about to return to the prehistoric world.

By then, the situation in the prehistoric world will inevitably be reshuffled!

If he was only at the peak of the Quasi-Saint Realm... Even if he could be called invincible under Daozu, could he still maintain his invincibility in the face of a saint who transcended everything?

Thinking of this, Di Jun slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them again, with two rays of true fire from the sun lingering.


In an instant, Di Jun's aura suddenly surged, rising continuously until he reached the peak of the Quasi-Saint Realm... and then continued to crawl with difficulty!

"Three thousand great ways, do not stain my body!"

Di Jun hummed, and the laws of the three thousand great ways suddenly lingered around him, interweaving and lingering around!

In an instant, Di Jun's eyes became deeper and deeper, as if he had seen through the long river of time and the changes of all the great ways.

He was deducing the path above the Quasi-Saint Realm!


In the dark, a soft hum came from the void, knocking on the invisible door!

The Gate of Hunyuan!

Di Jun suddenly raised his head and looked at the Gate of Hunyuan that gradually emerged and stretched above his head!

After the last flash... he once again sensed the existence of the Hunyuan Gate, and it was clearer and more stable than the last time.

"Sure enough, after obtaining the destiny and world will of the Celtic mythology world, it is very helpful for me to comprehend the Hunyuan realm!"

Di Jun's heart was shaken, and he was faintly touched. As long as he wanted, he could materialize this Hunyuan Gate at any time and it would always exist.

This is not because he is so powerful that he can reflect the Hunyuan Gate. Although his cultivation is indeed extremely powerful, in front of the Hunyuan Gate... countless years of hard cultivation, without any movement, has already explained the result.

But now, Di Jun can not only sense the existence of the Hunyuan Gate, but also call it out!

This is the difference!

The reason for such a change... the only possibility is that he absorbed the destiny and world will of the Celtic mythology world.

"Origin... all power cannot escape the explanation of these two words!"

Emperor Jun's eyes flickered, and he looked at the Hunyuan Gate above his head, muttering: "Even the Hunyuan realm is just a stronger power and greater magical power!"

"In the final analysis, it is power!"

"The destiny and world will of the Celtic mythological world symbolize the origin and demise of a mythical existence... Using a mythological world as firewood is enough to light a torch and illuminate the journey on the Hunyuan Road!"

Hunyuan realm, since the history of the prehistoric world, only one person has clearly broken through to this realm.

That is Yangmei Daxian.

But if you really want to count, Yangmei Daxian is not the first to break through to the Hunyuan realm... but he himself is an existence in the Hunyuan realm.

In the prehistoric world, there is a rumor that the three thousand chaotic demons killed by Pangu in the past did not all perish.

Among them, some of them slipped through the net, with remaining true spirits and residual souls, and were thrown into the new prehistoric world, reincarnated as innate sacredness and great magical powers.

And Yangmei Daxian is one of them. He is the reincarnation of the Space Chaos Demon God among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in the past.

Therefore, Yangmei Daxian is not so much a breakthrough to the Hunyuan realm... as it is a recovery to the Hunyuan realm.

And this is why, in the prehistoric world, everyone talks about becoming a saint, but no one wants to achieve the Hunyuan realm.

Because, in their opinion, no one in this world can achieve the Hunyuan realm.

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