Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 146

Chapter 41 A terrible affair

“Who embroidered?”

Still, he thought that he had turned himself in, and that Dohye was very fortunate. Of course, the investigation network would have been narrowed through the data handed over from the former man earlier, but it could be said that the number of labors was reduced.

"excuse me."

Do-hye turned her gaze to where Tae-hoon was pointing. Sitting there sat a man of a petite physique and with a pale gray hair on his head.

“Is that person?”

Dohye frowned. She said that the culprit, which she and the netizens who gave her tip, estimated was at least the same height as Tae-hoon and the same age as Tae-hoon.

However, the man sitting there was in his early fifties with an average height of about 175 cm.

She also thought she was strange.

“Oh, is the prosecutor here?”

Then a police officer who discovered her escape gave her a salute.


"It's done. here."

He pulled out her printed affidavit and handed it to her Dohye. She scatters her affidavit with her calm eyes.

The perpetrator's occupation was a secretary. Secretary for Kim Min-wook of Inseong Enterprise.

He was a secretary who served a really great person.

Next, we looked at the statement.

The perpetrator drove the car while intoxicated. The vehicle is a Mercedes-Benz used to drive Kim Min-wook.

For a moment, something flashed through Dohye's mind.

Something wasn't quite right. She and her netizens speculated that the culprit was the person riding in her backseat.

So, is he Minwook Kim? Could it be that Kim Min-wook was hit and run and the secretary took the blame instead?

Suddenly, the first thought came to my mind.

That was quite possible.

“Really, the Chief of Police came and went.”


When she heard that the chief of the National Police Agency came and went, Do-hye had a slightly surprised expression on her face. What she didn't know meant that he had rushed to the police station.

“I think the media was upset, so they told us to move quickly so that the case could be closed. I think the prosecutor will probably be given that kind of instruction as well.”


I will. Whether directed by the chief prosecutor or the head of the branch, the criminal is finally caught, so we will promptly indict and close the case.

Dohye caressed her chin.

Is she too weird for something weird?

She saw Dohye Lim Mangi that she had come to surrender.

“Mr. Im Man-gi.”


“I’m going to the interrogation room.”

Dohye led him. The policeman had an expression on his face as to whether there was any need for interrogation.The perpetrator had committed suicide. Also, the head of the department said to finish it quickly, so why do you have to bite and fall?

Even Police Officer Sohn Kwan-sik, when the police chief came and said those words, he had completely forgotten what he had been suspicious of before.

Taehyung followed.

“Why are you?”

She tilted her head. Then ‘Oh. You said you had come to see a lawyer.' I wanted to, but soon Taehoon spoke in her ear.

“Isn’t something strange?”

When he found out that Tae-Hoon had felt the same thing, Do-Hye had a smile on her face as well.

An unusual visit was made by the police chief, and the perpetrator was an assistant secretary serving the first of the Inseong Enterprises. There must have been something strange.

Dohye entered the interrogation room. Taehoon decided to watch the scene from outside the clear glass with the police.

“Did you drive the car with the thought ‘Let’s drive this car like my own’ while drunk?”

"Yes. That's right."

At Dohye's question, he nodded her head.

“He was intoxicated, and the traffic light was clearly blue. This is no joke. Of course, since it is not an intentional murder, we will not ask for the price of the murder, and since he committed suicide, the sentence is estimated to be about 5 years. If an agreement is reached with the victim's family, the older brother may give him about four years."

“I have to pay for the sins I have committed.”

He seemed startled at the words of five years, but then bowed his head as if he had given up on everything.

"i See. So how did you come to drive that car?”

“As usual, I was going with Director Kim Min-wook. He was very drunk, and he said he would sleep at an acquaintance's house nearby, so he dropped him off there. I also had something to do nearby. So I parked my car and had a few drinks with an acquaintance, so it was very unfair. Some people get treated while listening to the director at such a young age, but I was wondering what to do. Because of that, I drove the car on a whim, really unknowingly.”

“Are you in a drunken state like you said?”


“By the way, you were intoxicated, but your statement is very smooth, right?”

Dohye smiled a little. At that smile, Lim Ki-mi's eyes frowned slightly, and then she burst out laughing.

“I’m not the type of person who cuts the film even when I’m drunk.”

"i See. If so, did you run away after hitting the victim with a car?”

“Yeah, it was scary and I thought about my family a lot. He was also drunk.”

It was quite a possible story.

Do-hye got her body up. She paused to and fro around her for a moment. Soon she looked back at him with her little sigh and walked over to her window.

So, as she stood in front of her window, Lim Man-ki looked at her with a suspicious expression.

“Who made you say that?”

She looked back at him, Dohye. At those words, Im Ki-myeon's face hardened quickly, and she quickly avoided her gaze.

“What are you talking about… … .”

“Did Min-wook Kim do it?”


He tilted his head as if he had no idea.

“Isn’t Kim Min-wook the culprit behind the hit and run?”

“What the hell are you talking about? Inspector.”

He tilted his head. It was something I couldn't really understand.

Dohye opened the photo materials in the brown envelope she had received earlier, and unfolded it in front of him.

“If you look here, you can see a detailed picture of you burning Min-wook Kim.”

Dohye touched a picture with her hand. And she looked back at the next picture and said:

“At this point, the car was heading in a completely different direction, not at the point of the accident. Definitely this part. Is this you right?”

The picture is really blurry to the point of being unreadable. But tie. This tie was the answer.

The person driving the car then is not the secretary.

Dohye could be sure of that.

“Yes, this is me.”

"You're wearing a tie in this photo, but you're not wearing a tie in this photo?"

The man's face hardened at Dohye's strange smile. She had an intuition that the moment she escaped, she had caught a big one.

She wondered if Kim Min-wook, a personality company, put pressure on her. He must have told her secretary that he would cover his sins and give him some money. The money he can give in return can be billions of dollars right now.

Perhaps Kim Min-wook was nervous. Because this incident continued to spread on social media. Because of that, the netizen investigation team is moving and the police are also narrowing the investigation network, so they must have been afraid that their crimes would be discovered. So, Dohye guessed that she would rather buy the secretary who attends her with money to end the work.

Even if she thinks to herself, she dug into it perfectly. their shallow numbers.

she smiled softly.

Now all that was left was to hear Lim Man-gi, who made a false confession, say, “I’m sorry.” Because she had already dug deep into the story, and she said as if she knew all the truth of the case.

But things turned out to be quite different.


“No, is it okay for her to drive someone who came to embroider like this? Also, how gentle and nice Director Kim Min-wook is, why do you call him a hit and run criminal? Isn't this kind of defamatory?"

Do-hye was immediately taken aback by Lim’s so dignified attitude, but she did not express it.

“The situation is so clear… … .”

“What is the situation? Inspector. Then you can check it out. I made it clear. At that time, Director Kim Min-wook looked down in front of an acquaintance's house. It was near Tower Palace. There, secure the CCTV where Director Kim Min-wook gets out of the car. Maybe I'm all right?"

His very bold attitude. At that attitude, Dohye frowned.

She called the investigator. And she instructed investigators to find out if Min-wook Kim was really there at the time, centered around Tower Palace right now.

For once, Dohye stopped interrogating her.

When she saw Im Ki-myeon's so dignified attitude, she immediately wondered if she had made a mistake.

Come to think of it, it was quite dangerous for her to guess the culprit by her tie. Because she might take off her tie while drinking.

But this case is so questionable, isn't it?

Three hours passed like that.

During those three hours, Tae-Hoon and Do-Hye ate, and so did the others.

Then I got a call from the investigator.

It was the call she had been waiting for, so she answered it right away.

“Yes, Kim Min-wook. Are you sure?”

- Yes, Inspector. Kim Min-wook confirmed that he entered the Tower Palace, and after taking the elevator to the house of an acquaintance, he also confirmed that he came out the next day.

“… … !”

The moment she heard that answer, Dohye felt her heart sink. If so, her own assumptions are all wrong.

If so, it has become a situation in which she can only see that she has driven Kim Min-wook as a hit and run culprit.

The police also let out a sigh as if they had lost their pulse.

It was a face that said that the world's prosecutor Ahn Do-hye was wrong, that something like this happened.

However, in this case, even if Dohye's sense of humor was correct, it could be said that it was a big deal.

Because the opponent was Kim Min-wook.Just thinking about what would happen if Kim Min-wook rushed in for defamation right now, it was a situation in which my eyes became dark.

Because Kim Min-wook was a person with power. It was true that he was also a person who could shake the whole of Korea.

She went back to the interrogation room.

“Did you check?”

Lim Man-ki asked with a very confident face.

Dohye sat down in front of him.

she said she made a mistake She bit her lip.

There was something wrong with her head, she said, but in reality it wasn't.

"sorry. I guessed.”

“You know. This is the person I met. Don't drive it that way. Because he is someone I respect.”

He licked his nose.

There was no further interrogation. No further investigation will be conducted.

Im Man-gi is the perpetrator of the Sundae hit and run case. It was almost as if it had been decided as a fact.

Do-hye, leaving her interrogation room, covered her own face. If Min-wook Kim is really accused of being an unfair person, he must have done something wrong.

But what if not?

Is there anything else about this?

My head was too complicated.

Then someone came up behind her. And her strong arms wrapped around her shoulders.

“Are you tired?”

He comforted her with just one word.

In fact, Taehoon was also suspicious of something. However, Kim Min-wook's alibi was very clear. As of now, it can be said that it is the same as the established fact that the secretary who surrendered was the culprit.

The two left the interrogation room and went down to the first floor.

At that moment, I saw someone rushing through the police station door and entering.

She was none other than the victim's wife.

The victim's wife was running into her poisonous eyes.

"calm down!"

Dohye blocked her way.

At the same time, Im Man-gi was about to enter the prison.

“It’s you!? You made our Dongguan like that!? Huh!? Take responsibility, save it, save it! Our Dongguan... … Someone who shouldn't die like that. our baby in the womb. He should have called that name at least once. He's the kind of person who should have seen him grow up. He's the one who should grow old with me. you stole everything you!!"

She vomited so much resentment between Do-hye and Tae-hoon, who stood in front of her, waving her hands and screaming at her.

Lim Man-ki saw that, and she bowed slightly and entered the prison.

She sat down on the floor and began to weep her loudly.

“Mr. Dongguan… … caught the culprit Yes? Dongguan Mr.”

Her crying was only sad.

Dohye stood by her side and stood by her side.

But then Taehoon was looking somewhere.

He was looking at the expiration date.

Taehyung frowned.

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