Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 208

An hour and a half had passed since the hostage play.

Taehoon and the man still seemed to be talking. The woman who hid her body quickly turned off her phone and was now holding her breath.

After an hour and a half, the reporters slowly began to agitate. It was the same for the citizens. Time goes on and on, because things don't change.

The police commander at the scene was still silent, and reporters were pouring out critical articles stating that the police were not responding easily.

That was how it seemed.

Do-hye believes in Tae-hoon, but other people don't know Tae-hoon well. Also, it was clearly true that Do-hye's actions were reckless.

But since her husband threw herself recklessly, she thought she was just throwing herself too.

Because she believes in her husband, Kang Tae-hoon.

The commando commander of the police continued to smoke a cigarette as if he was upset. He rubbed another cigarette with his foot and turned his gaze back to the CCTV.

He hadn't changed.

At that moment, Dohye's cell phone rang.

was the foreman.

- The firing order has been issued.


- What are you doing without suppressing it quickly?

“What do you mean? Now, the hostage-taker is not doing anything threatening.”

A vein was set around Dohye's neck.

But it was not at all threatening to her, and threatening enough for her people to see.

- You're holding hostages, aren't they threatening? Another person arrested is your husband? Wouldn't it be intimidating if the hostage changed from a woman to a man? Hurry up and subdue it. public opinion is not good Instructions were also given from above. If you drive, fire!

“But now we are negotiating… … .”

-who? your husband? There's been a lot of buzz in the news about what the police commandos are doing now!

Well, anyone can see it.

Neither the police nor the prosecutors, nor the police commandos, but the general public in the complex negotiating was a situation that made no sense.

She bit her lip and ended her call.

“Are you telling me to put it in?”

As if waiting, he was the commando commander who fixed the suspenders of the hanging gun and stood up.


“What… … . Prosecutor, when this happens, you and I both fly away.”

If it's another case, I don't know. If it's a case that can be handled quietly. But now there are too many reporters watching the scene.

He also knows that they may seem uneasy enough.

But what if we send in the police force?

And what if the hostage-taker dies? What if your husband dies?

She didn't even want to think about it.

If the hostage-taker died during the suppression process, it was obvious that the above would say that he had killed it.

“Still waiting… … .”

“I will put it in.”

The commando commander stretched out one of his index fingers with an expression that he couldn't hold back any longer, and then extended his hand forward.

Then the police commandos, which had formed around him, bent his knees slightly and began to move forward slowly.

“I have command!”

“This commando force is under my jurisdiction.”

There was a tense battle of nerves between the two. And again, the commandos did not stop.Then, Dohye's cell phone rang.

There were three characters with the name Kang Tae-Hoon written on it.

* * *

I've heard all of his stories. But he was still in disbelief. The moment he goes out, he will be sent to a psychiatric hospital again, or whether this chagrin cannot be released.

No, in fact, he would end up going to something like a mental hospital.

He obviously took hostages, and the prosecution will be forced to prosecute them.

Of course, Ahn Do-hye will not be prosecuted. Because it is impossible for a married couple to try a case together.

Perhaps the prosecutor's office would assign another prosecutor.

At that trial, whatever the reason for the crime, you will be sentenced. There was clearly a person who was injured, and it is clear that there are police forces outside.

“I will argue that much. So that you can get as much punishment as possible. I will also relieve you of the shame... … .”

“How can I relieve my injustice!?”

He was sobbing. His shoulders shook.

Taehyung frowned for a moment.

Time kept passing. Taehoon of course knows that there are police out there. He also knew that this place was under Dohye's jurisdiction. It's her birthday today, and she'd be waiting impatiently outside her.

Taehyung thought for a moment.

And watching that, Soo-ae Lee was slightly admiring.

Tae-hoon's voice was soft and calm as he listened to the hostage-taker's story. like a psychiatrist. He even responded to the story of the hostage-taker and said, 'That's... … .' He even let out a sad sigh.

Tae-hoon clearly had a talent for calming people, and the hostage-taker is now showing a lot of calm.

Taehoon handed the phone to him.

“Hmm in the address book… … !”

Taehoon coughed while talking.

“There’s a darling… … Could you please call the person who was photographed?”

Taehoon's tone was embarrassing, but the man didn't seem to care much.

“Your wife?”

“Yes, I am a prosecutor. They're probably waiting outside right now. It's under this jurisdiction. Just listen to my wife.”

He meekly put the phone in, and soon switched to the speakerphone.

Soon with a click, she answered the phone.

Tae-hoon didn't say a long word, and he asked her what he could do with the prosecution when she was forced into a psychiatric hospital.

-If you can prove that you were forcibly hospitalized even though you do not have a mental illness, you can be charged with a crime corresponding to the crime of illegal confinement. In addition, you will be able to receive national compensation, and if your wife has planned it, you will be able to file for divorce and claim alimony based on that event. In addition, the prosecution or police will also question the doctor who was treated at the time.

“Do you know? If only the fact that the transfer to a mental hospital at that time was compulsory can be proven, there are many things that can be done.”

A small conflict flashed across the man's face.

He knows he has committed a crime anyway. He still had certain things he wanted to get right, and he didn't want to leave the wife and daughter he had made him here.

- A firing order has been issued from the current superior. If you delay any longer... … .

Dohye blurs the end of her words.

It was a warning and a negotiation proposal to come out.

-If you delay any longer, it can spread to the worst.

Dohye's voice was hardened. She herself could no longer stop the incoming police force.

So the call ended.

The man eventually got up from his seat.

He knows that there's nothing good about taking time, either. Also, he has already made up his mind.

He also untied the ropes tying Taehoon's legs and hands.

"let's go."

he said in a weak voice.

Taehyung let out a small smile.

The two walked to trudge up. Then Taehyung suddenly looked back.

Someone hiding out there somewhere like a stray cat will come out soon.

* * *

The commandos, who were slowly preparing to enter, stopped for a moment when the commando commander raised his hand. Dohye was on the call, and she soon ended the call with her.

Her eyes were focused on the CCTV.

Shortly thereafter, a man was seen releasing Tae-hoon's bondage and coming out.

“Coming out. Everyone, don’t slow down!”

It was the nervous voice of the commando commander.

“Did I tell you earlier?”

A soft smile spread over Dohye's face, which had looked quite nervous until recently. She was already holding her arms.

“My husband and the hostage-taker would walk out side by side.”

As soon as those words were finished, the two appeared.

I saw Tae-hoon saying something to the hostage-taker. Then the man carefully placed his hands behind his head.

Police commandos and the police continued to remain vigilant, although it appeared that the hostage-taker was graciously surrendering. They were still aiming their guns at the hostage-taker.

It was then that he approached Dohye.

“An inspection… … ! I can’t stop.”

The commando was wondering what was going on in her head.

Was she born with the emotion of fear deleted from birth?

She walked over to her man and shared her words with her a few words, then pulled out her handcuffs and tied her hands behind her back. She flicked her finger at the investigator, and soon the investigator led him.

The man looked at Taehoon.

“What I said within me is not a lie. I'll do my best."

Taehoon made a small bow. The man saw faith in Tae-hoon's appearance. He nodded his head twice and got into the police car.

"hook! situation has ended. The situation is over.”

The commando commander who put a breath on the walkie-talkie once informed those who were stationed at the back door that the situation was over.

A quick evacuation took place soon.

Reporters were constantly informing the public that the hostage-taker had surrendered and that the confrontation had ended.


His wrists and wrists, which had been tied with a string for a while, were tingling. At that time, Tae-hoon, who was turning his wrist, could recognize the owner of the voice calling him softly. He is the wife he loves.


It was the moment when I turned around to her call.

An intense pain rushed through my stomach. For a moment, her breath stopped.


“Who would do such a dangerous thing!”

Moisture filled the corners of her eyes now. Although she looked strong, she was a woman too. She was anxious, and she wanted to jump right in.

However, she believed in her husband Tae-hoon, so she endured.

She was worried while she was patient and she was waiting for him.

“Why the hell were you in the supermarket? Now is not the time to be there.”


Taehoon scratched his head. It was embarrassing to say that he was going to pack a lunch box for his birthday, so he didn't come out.

But Dohye's eyes were still questioning.“It’s your birthday today. I couldn't even eat seaweed soup in the morning, so I sent it... … I was going to make some food.”

Do-hye heard Tae-hoon's words and hugged him tightly.

My person who was also very cool. My person who was also brave.

I worried. A lot of.

Taehoon patted Dohye on the back. Although she was stronger than anyone in front of others, she was the most beautiful and delicate woman in front of her.

When the situation was over, Lee Soo-ae, who was hiding under her, was sneaking out of her building, noticing her gunshot steps.

However, Dohye had already confirmed her existence through CCTV.

She placed her hand on her forehead, Dohye.



“Catch that strange girl before I get any more mad.”


Tae-hoon aside, she was a crazy bitch who was filming a video.

An investigator approached and pulled her arm.

"Oh! Why is this? Are you suing me for sexual harassment?”

“Come at once. You have to go to the police station at least once.”

“Oh, I don’t like it.”

“Shall I pick you up, then?”

Dohye looked at her.

‘Prosecutor Ahn Do-hye… … .'

Ando Hye knows who she is, too. Kang Tae-hoon's wife, and one of the few real female prosecutors full of humanity in the Korean prosecutor's office.

And if she's wrong, she's the one who can't even break her own bones.

“Who are you? why."

Dohye's voice was hoarse.

She tried to hide it, thinking that revealing that she was a journalist would make her more grumpy.

“I was just shopping at the supermarket… … .”

“This reporter. Did this reporter come here too?”

But she didn't. A person at her same station who recognized her, greeted her and greeted her.

Her face hardened slowly as she smiled awkwardly.

“Ah, ha ha ha!”

‘That ten-year-old porcupine bastard.’

She felt like she wanted to kill the man she had just called before her.

“Are you a journalist? Yes, did you get the number of interviews?”

She waved her hand at Dohye's muffled voice.

“Geonsoo, what are you afraid of?”

“After watching CCTV, I was filming hard. See you next time. Well, there are a lot of invasions of privacy and things like that.”

Dohye laughed and said sternly.

It's good to be reckless But shouldn't it make my heart flutter? Besides, she said he was going to get a knight, and she said that shit, she was so outrageous. Of course, it could be said that it was her job, and that her work ethic was strong. Still, she couldn't help but sigh.

Do-hye and Tae-hoon were going to the car.

At that moment, something flashed through Lee Soo-ae's mind.

She grabbed Taehyung's arm.

She slapped Dohye's hand as if she was offended.

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