Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 221

“I don’t see an agreement.”

“Even if you say you will win the trial, this much… … .”

“There are things more important to me than rewards. Would someone like you know that?”

Hyunsoo's eyes fluttered open. Go Doo-gil frowned. She seemed to have made up her mind.

Because it was unexpected, Taehoon was also surprised.

“Mr. Hyunsoo.”

If other people are doing this because they are stepping on them, I hope they don't do it. In fact, as Godo-gil said, even if you win, you will never receive this much reward.

"no, I do not want. I don't want to come to an agreement. It's obvious to think of these people. Who do you like? What I want to do.”

She pressed her index finger to her table.

“You’re fucking these people.”

Go Doo-gil's expression changed for the first time. Hostility appeared on his face. He took off his horn-rimmed glasses and wiped them with a soft cloth.

He took off his glasses, revealing his sharp eyes.


He blew the dust off his mouth and smiled.

“That’s right. All right. If so, we'll see you in court."

Oh Hyun-soo wins when he thinks about the worst. But that was just the worst move, and there was no guarantee that she would win.

It was just an attempt to lead an agreement to exclude risk factors.

Even so, it seemed that she was unlikely to win her. About 20-30%? Of course, it is inevitable to set the odds for a trial in court. It was true that the field of medical litigation was difficult to win.

Godo-gil left without delay.

Tae-hoon looked at Oh Hyun-soo with a worried expression. Hyunsoo smiled awkwardly.

“Why are you looking at me like that? If you did well, you should stroke your hair.”

“Aren’t you sorry?”

“Yes, I have no regrets. really."

Her face was firm. Just then, a smirk passed by Taehoon's face.

“Then we will fight nicely so that Hyunsoo Oh can win.”


It was not uncommon for the trust between the client and the lawyer to be strengthened. It is so difficult to make only that person believe unconditionally. However, Oh Hyun-soo believed in Tae-hoon, and Tae-hoon also believed in Oh Hyun-soo, who had chosen a difficult path for them.

* * *

“Is that really true?”

A smile appeared on Lee Soo-ae's face when he heard that Oh Hyun-soo had rejected the agreement. He actually criticized her himself, but if that condition is true, it is true that anyone in her was forced to act.

“Tell Hyunsoo Oh that you did well. If he agreed, he would run to pull all his hair out.”

She said so, but her sincerity was glad that she was not shaken.

She waited in front of the hospital for the third day.

She was able to find a man in his mid-thirties who came in and out of the hospital a lot, excluding the doctors who had herpes in plastic surgery.

It was when he came out again. He got on the BMW 520D.

Soo-ae's car naturally started chasing after it. The vehicle was heading toward Gyeonggi-do, not Seoul.

With her cigarette in her mouth, she grinned.

“You catch it today. please!"

Like the voice of a hot-blooded homicide detective, she had a wretched expression as if chasing the criminal she had been looking for for a long time.A smile crept across Lee Soo-ae's face as she looked up at the signboard where the vehicle had arrived.

“It was just like this.”

There it was written 'Very good plastic surgery'.

There were also chain stores of plastic surgeons. Seoul branch, Gwangju branch, Busan branch, etc. Most of them were limited to famous plastic surgeons, and the man seemed to be a doctor here in Gyeonggi-do.

As she entered her building, she could see the hospital's doctors faces engraved in her lobby.

The careers were written below it.

Again, the male was a specialist in orthognathic surgery.

But even if that's the case, will he be able to perform as much as a director at the age of mid-thirties?

Doubts clearly exist.

Why didn't the director do the work himself?

Is it because you have been busy?

Or is there some other reason?

She went outside again and lit a cigarette.

Today, I would like to meet the director of a very good plastic surgery clinic. Of course, she wouldn't have met her. Because she already had her face to face with Hyuna herself when she was demonstrating her.

She already knew where the person she was looking for was working.

She went back the way she came again.

Very nice plastic surgery. Parked across from her, she could see a woman coming into her passenger seat.

“Hello, senior!”

She was Gu Su-min, whom she liked the most among her juniors. As her new employee, she has a pretty, cute-looking appearance.

“I am going to give you a special mission today.”

“A special mission?”

Gu Soo-min rolled his lips as if he was interested in the word "special mission". He said he was popular with men, and it seemed to be true.

Soo-ae Lee gave a brief explanation.

She said that she wanted to undergo double jaw surgery and asked to meet and talk with the director. And it was to listen to if she asked if she would do the housekeeping.

“Did you know that the senior is running the program together with lawyer Kang Tae-hoon this time?”

"sure! The chief is also very interested.”

“If you do well, well, this senior.”

She placed her own hand on one side of her chest.

“I will make you very happy.”


Even with that, Gu Soo-min looked satisfied. She got out of her car and toddled into a really good plastic surgeon.

Lee Soo-ae put her cigarette into her mouth.

It was the nurse at the front who greeted Su-mi Gu who came into her.

"welcome. Is this your first time?”


“Please write your name, contact information and address here.”

She began to write down personal information that is common in hospitals.

“You say that Dr. Lee Min-geun here is so good at double jaw surgery?”

Contrary to her naive and cute appearance, Goo Soo-min was able to shake her wit well.

"Sure. In Korea, it is rare for plastic surgeons to be recognized for orthognathic surgery. However, our director is talented enough to be recognized even by oral surgeons.”

At the nurse's kind explanation, she had a puzzled expression on her face.

“But these days, there is a lot of talk about side effects.”

A look of embarrassment crossed her nurse's face, and then she disappeared.

“Ah, that’s it. It is not a side effect, but a process of monitoring for 6 months to 1 year after orthognathic surgery is necessary, as there are often patients who cannot wait because swelling or nerves do not return during that period. That must be the rumor going around.”

"i See."

She handed me a note with her personal details.

In her treatment item, she wrote ‘two jaw surgery’.

“Are you going to do double jaw surgery?”

The nurse looked at her and didn't have the face to do her double jaw surgery. This is because she was drawing an S-line that her softly connected jaw line and the upper and lower jaws fit harmoniously, and that her lower lip and lower jaw were the most ideal.

"Yes. To the director, directly.”

"all right. Then I will accept it.”

Most of them were not satisfied with how beautiful they were. Because of that, she had plastic surgery dozens of times, and there were people who were addicted to plastic surgery, and the nurse saw that Su-min Ku could do the same.

Gu Soo-min sat down and waited. A very good plastic surgery clinic has good facilities as it has a name. As she drank her cup of coffee beans and waited, her nurse came over and led her.

When I entered the treatment room, Director Lee Min-geun was waiting.


He had a voice of a little anger.

“Let’s see.”

He used her ruler to check the proportions of her jawline and nose. Her nose and chin were in the most ideal proportions, so it was beautiful.

“Are you going to do double jaw surgery?”


She turned her head and nodded her head.

“I want to cut off the chin a little here to make it slimmer.”

“Hmm… … .”

Director Lee Min-geun let out a low moan. In the past, he would have satisfied the needs of those who demanded such unreasonable plastic surgery. Obviously that was what they wanted, and they could benefit too.

But lately I've been cautious.

For a person with such a beautiful line, he was likely to comment on the side effects, and he didn't seem to have a jaw to cut.

“I don’t want you to.”

"Yes? Why?”

“Western music definitely has a dramatic effect on the face. But in the case of Sumin Gu, she is still beautiful enough. If you look at the front chin, you can see the V-line that women often want, and the chin line is also rather slim. If you have surgery now, you will hate it even more. If you still want to do it, I recommend getting Botox.”


Director Lee Min-geun smiled and nodded his head.


Gu Soo-min expressed regret for the conscientious treatment than expected.

“Well, then, maybe one of my friends is going to have double jaw surgery, and my chin is so pointed, can I do that?”

She pretended to stick her chin forward.

Lee Min-geun laughed as if it was funny.

“Haha, you’re talking slurp. The most dramatic effect can be seen during double-jaw surgery for the 3rd-grade malocclusion of the chin. The functional part is also improved. People can suffer from a variety of disorders when their teeth do not mesh together. People with temporomandibular joint disorders, digestive disorders, and most of the malocclusions have dull skin. If you invite me to visit the hospital once, I will kindly let you know.”

There was no one who didn't like it when it came to attracting customers.

“Then the director does the work himself, right?”

At that, Lee Min-geun stopped.“I'm sorry, but I don't schedule surgery for the day. I am not feeling well.”

Sumin's eyes widened at those words.

"Yes? really? The director said he was the best in this field.”

“What is the best? I'm not feeling well these days, so I'm refraining from surgery. It is murder for a doctor who is not in good condition to touch a patient's body. I'll try again when things get better. Instead, our teacher, Hyunwook Joo, will do a good job. That friend is also very good at both music.”


She nodded her head once. A few months ago, there were not only two patients that the director said that he would perform the operation himself, and Oh Hyun-soo did the same.

However, now that the situation is not good, he is saying that he is not going to have surgery completely. He completely excludes risk factors, and he has a good reason for doing so, isn't it?

“Oh, there are so many side effects in this hospital these days… … .”


She did exactly what she said to her nurse.

Director Lee Min-geun was coughing and holding the cup in front of him and drenching his throat.

'what… … that hand... … .'

Gu Soo-min's eyes focused on his hands.

he saw clearly.

his hand.

* * *

Lee Soo-ae, who sent a spy to a very good plastic surgeon, came to see Tae-hoon right away. When she went into the consulting room of the law firm, she saw Hyun-soo Oh sitting there and started to hug her tightly.

There were others in her place as well. They also looked very happy that Hyunsoo Oh didn't leave.

“Did you go to the hospital for an examination?”

"Yes. I didn't go. A junior reporter came to see the director directly.”

She explained to her junior what she had heard. More than I thought, I do not recommend unreasonable plastic surgery.

“Now is the time, so I'm going to try to avoid it. It is possible that there may be repercussions again after doing an unreasonable operation for nothing.”

Taehyung was right.

However, the thing that Su-min Gu felt most strangely was his hand.

“I heard that his hands trembled when a junior was talking about side effects in the presence of Director Lee Min-geun. hydrocephalus… … Should it be the same?”

“Are you having epilepsy? How does a doctor get tremor... … .”

Taehyung's brow furrowed.

Does your doctor have tremor?

That was nonsense. If a doctor with tremor is one who trembles enough to show that tremor in his eyes, he is not a doctor.

The doctor was like a seasoned sculptor. He must not miss even a small margin of error, and he must be precise while performing the operation quickly and quickly.

But what is hydrocephalus?

The voice of someone other than the director could be heard inside the recorder, and as Lee Soo-ae said, the doctor went back and forth at another hospital in Gyeonggi-do.

Taehyung picked up the phone.

He called Jihoon.

- Hydrocephalus? If the tremor is visible, he can't hold the scalpel itself. What kind of crazy person would get a tremor doctor to hold a scalpel?

“By the way, this person was a bone specialist in plastic surgery that was well known in Korea just a few months ago, or even a few years ago.”

- What is his age?

“About fifty-five or eight this year?”

-Ah! It's Parkinson's!

Jihoon's voice came out saying he was right.

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