Attorney Kang Tae-hoon Episode 228

Chapter 62 Disappearance. mother's heart

Dohye, sitting on the toilet bowl, exhaled her breath evenly. With her tight eyes closed, she was clutching at her pregnancy test, which had just been dipped in her urine.

She opened her eyes, which had been closed slowly. Soon her eyes narrowed.

one line.

This time she did not get pregnant either.

A look of disappointment was evident on Do-hye's face.

A year has passed since Taehoon aired.

The couple continued to try to conceive, but it didn't come easy.

Ordinary women over the age of 20 are said to be old birth, but if it is delayed any longer, even if they become pregnant, they are concerned about the health of the child and Do-hye.

The obstetrician-gynecologist concluded that it was due to the nature of the job and the stress.

She is already forty.

Dohye had no choice but to darken her eyes.

Unknowingly, she shed her tears. Her husband, Tae-Hoon, was also eagerly awaiting the news of her pregnancy.

It was the same with her relatives and mother-in-law.

Her kind-hearted parents told her to try it slowly, but she couldn't help but feel the pressure at the same time.

I know that Tae-hoon's parents send medicines for themselves, but it is true that it is burdensome for a woman and as a wife of a family.

She sat on her toilet seat for a long time, closed her eyes and immersed herself in deep thoughts.

“Whew… … .”

She let out a long sigh and got her body up.

I hope you have a day off. She continued to think she would make herself harder if she was depressed at home.

Wearing her comfy sweatshirt with her hat pressed deep, she grabbed her purse and walked out of her house. As she was about to drive her car, she shook her head. It was autumn, so the weather was rather cool, and the lush foliage along the road seemed to make the mood even more comfortable.

Moving her steps, she was thinking about going to the mart while taking a walk. Taking her earphones out of her arms, she plugged it into her cell phone and started humming her hum.

Then her steps stopped.

“Aren’t you here today?”

Near the crosswalk, not far from Dohye's house. There was always her grandmother sitting there with her mat spread out and selling miscellaneous things like herbs.

She was also a hyega, and she sometimes bought her, and every time she saw her, she would say hello to her, but she couldn't help but wonder if she didn't come today.

“Where are you? … .”

She was slightly worried, but soon after her signal turned on, her worries were swallowed up by her back.

Do-hye's body, which was about to step down the stairs from her hill, stopped for a moment. Unknowingly, she pulled her earphones out of her ears.

“Hey, Grandma!”

At the bottom of her steps, as if she had fallen, she, who was always digging herbs, was lying there. Next to her was a rubber basin and herbs she had always sold.

Do-hye hurriedly stepped down her stairs and looked at her grandmother. She seemed to bleed as if she had injured her head. The most worrisome thing was the fact that at this age, even a small accident could easily cost her life.

Dohye hastily called her ambulance.

Shortly after she arrived, an ambulance arrived.

“Do you know anyone?”"Yes. I will go with you.”

Do-hye, who was worried about her, got into the ambulance car together. The ambulance vehicle headed to a nearby hospital.

On the way, the paramedics said fortunately that nothing appeared to be broken or anything.

She said she would have to get a CT or MRI to know for sure, of course. What both the paramedics and escaping worried about was the bleeding in her head.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital quickly, and she was laid on a mobile bed and rushed to receive emergency treatment and tests.

“What is this?”

Perhaps it was because she stumbled on her foot.

For now, it was decided that the calculation of her hospital bills would also benefit.

However, one problem arose.

When she finished her calculations, she said that Dohye should call her guardian.

The nurse brought her belongings to Dohye.

The only thing that came out of her arms was her coin purse.

Do-hye opened the zipper of her old coin purse and took out the contents inside. A few thousand won and one ten thousand won. And I had my ID card.

Her face frowned upon checking her ID.

She was a resident registration card that had been issued for more than 10 years.

Moreover, her address was erased and hard to see, and her social security number was also blurred.

Fortunately, her name was somewhat recognizable.

She was Lee Yeon-chun's grandmother.

Dohye narrowed her eyes and managed to write down her social security number on her notepad. She called the investigator and asked for a background check. First of all, finding a guardian was an urgent priority.

About 10 minutes after she called the investigator, the phone rang.

- Inspector. The person named Yeon-chun Lee, who was declared missing, was declared dead?


-She's been missing for five years and she's supposed to be declared missing.

Dohye's face contorted.

If it is confirmed that for five years after her disappearance report has been filed, her cell phone or account, etc., that belong to her have not been used, she is declared missing. In other words, she will be declared dead.

But isn't she still alive?

"I… … Guardian?”

"Ah yes. I'll call you back later."

When the nurse approached, she hung up her phone and followed the nurse. When she entered the treatment room, Hye-ga sat down and the doctor was checking her film of her head.

“There are no major outliers found. She seems to have fainted from the shock, so I think she will wake up soon.”


“I heard it was not her family.”


“These days, it is common to see things like this too much, or when you come to the hospital, say you are embarrassed because of the hospital bills. I am grateful for everything.”

The doctor in charge smiled softly. Dohye took a small bow and got up.

She went outside and sat down on a chair in the waiting room.

At first, it seemed like I had to wait for her to wake up.

* * *

When she woke up, her doctor and Do-hye couldn't help but be confused.

It was because she appeared to have temporarily lost her memory.

However, the doctor said that she really looked like she had a temporary memory loss, and she said her memory would come back soon.

Her problem was what to do with her right now.

“Even if I am discharged from the hospital tomorrow, there will be no major problems,” she said.

Once she was declared missing, she had ordered investigators to continue to ascertain the whereabouts of her family.

She has yet to be certain that she has not found the whereabouts of the family. It was reluctant to stay in the hospital while paying the expensive hospital bills for nothing.

Dohye picked up her cell phone and made her call.

It was Taehyung.

Once she's done she's thinking of taking her home with her.

Her husband, Tae-Hoon, also heard about her self-inflicted behavior and told him to do whatever he was comfortable with. With her permission, she approached her grandmother.

She was watching her escape with her blank expression on her face.

“Who are you?”

"Well… … What should I explain... … .”

She smiled mischievously.

She explained the affair, but her grandmother did not respond. Just in time, dinner was served. Her grandmother just looked down at it.

Do-hye scooped out a spoonful and spread her Korean flag on her plate.

“Oh, do it.”

Still, I listened to her words.

As she looked at her deceased grandmother, she felt even more sympathetic.

“Chew thoroughly.”

Do-hye smiled a little involuntarily as she watched her chewing her well food.

When she was the next day, she came home with her and her doggy.

“Your family hasn’t been contacted?”

Do-hye's face was distorted when she received the call from her investigator.

- It's not that I haven't been contacted. As soon as she called her and said her grandmother's name, she immediately hung up?

"Hmm… … okay?"

She couldn't help but wonder, because she was a do-hye who didn't know exactly what the cause was. If she had been treated missing and declared dead, she would think she was dead.

She wondered why he disappeared.

Maybe she did something wrong to her family and she got out on her own. In other words, she really shouldn't have thought of her, but they may have abandoned her.

“Can you visit the address and take a look? I'm going to go to work a little late today."

-Yes. All right. come carefully.

Early in the morning, after finishing the phone call with her investigator, Do-hye went to her housekeeper.

"old lady. Can you come all week this week?”

“Hey, that’s good.”

Because Do-hye and Tae-hoon were busy, no one could afford to clean the house, so they hired a housekeeper from half a year ago. She was coming and going about three times a week.

Dohye needed someone to look after her grandmother, so she said it.

“Grandma, I’m going to work.”

"Huh? Yes."

Dohye, dressed in her suit, said to her sitting on her sofa and staring blankly at her TV. Taehoon had already left for work early.

Before leaving her, she turned her gaze to her without Dohye knowing.

I don't know why, but she'll find out soon enough.

* * *

A shabby two-story house.

The expression of the middle-aged couple living on the second floor was very serious. The man was about to put his quit cigarette back in his mouth.

Probably right before going to work, he was wearing work clothes provided by the factory.

“Didn’t the prosecution really notice this? Did you really get a call from the prosecution?”

“Because it is. Yesterday, I was smart enough to say that it was Lee Yeon-chun's grandmother."

“Didn’t you just call for some other reason?”

The male voice was full of doubt. The woman also regretted inwardly. She should have listened more, but she was so surprised that as soon as she heard the name, she unplugged the phone.

“No, there’s no way the name of someone who hasn’t appeared for over 8 years goes up and down for nothing. It was also a prosecutor!”

The woman's voice was excited. The man had no choice but to suck on cigarettes.

“Whew… … .”

He let out a shallow sigh as he pressed his throbbing head down as if tired.

“If that old man is still alive somewhere… … A x punishment!”

The man jumped up with a deep expression on his face. He looked like he was going to do it.

“If you come out of the prosecution or the police, don’t open the door. What's wrong with you guys?"

“Do I have to come out?”

“If you come from the prosecution, you might really know something. no. I'd rather just take the shichimi off!"

The man's eyes gleamed.

The woman nodded her head vigorously, as if sympathizing with her.

“You really went missing, aren’t you? Huh?"

“Yeah, that’s right! Si, you're missing!"

“What did we do, did we do something that suddenly appeared!?”


The two looked to each other and comforted each other.

That was then.


“Mr. Ho-chan Lee! This is Investigator Ko Seok-hwan from the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office! Are you inside?”

really came in the prosecution.

They both covered their mouths at the same time, holding their breath.

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