"A very reasonable measure."

Above the Joshua Mountains, in the hidden space of Veltus, he looked at the information brought back by Ace and Uther and nodded.

"Chris, he is quite courageous. He is willing to bear this kind of infamy just to delay Freya's recovery."

Looking at the wording on that decree, it almost said "go die this morning."

In his opinion, this measure is the best way to deal with the current large-scale invasion of demons.

And Vertus also knows that as long as the Star Pulse Kingdom remains immortal and future historians add a little personal emotion to this kind of thing, Chris will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the Star Pulse Kingdom forever, and will never be overturned. body.

"I can't blame him. After all, I didn't tell him that I had already signed a good contract with the Demon Realm. Even if he didn't have this decree, the Star Vein Kingdom would not be destroyed."

Viertus casually put the decree aside. Chris's quick action meant that he didn't need to do anything more for the Star Vein Kingdom.

"How is the situation over there?"

Vertus looked at Rolle. Rolle didn't know what he meant, but his right hand was part of Azket. Soon Rolle was pulled to Vertus by Azket's right hand.

"Your Highness, we have encountered some problems. It seems that the channel is always unstable due to the opening of the plane well. Especially if the entrance of higher-level undead will cause the plane channel to collapse."

Hearing this, Wiltus nodded,

"That's true, hey."

He looked at his illusory body and murmured in a low voice,

"I should have known I would have kept the [Solid Crystal Pendant]."

At this moment, he has not yet fully recovered, and most of his strength cannot be used. If he had the [Solid Crystal Pendant], Vertus could still prevent his body from collapsing when casting large-scale magic.

But now that he doesn't have the [Solid Crystal Pendant], Vertus is a little helpless for a while.

"What about Santuchuan? Is it stable now?"

Vertus no longer dwelled on this matter and asked about the status of Santuchuan. Azikt quickly spoke,

"The abnormality that occurred some time ago has disappeared. Now, except that the traffic volume is a little smaller than before, it has returned to normal."

"very good!"

Veltus stood up and came to Ace and Uther,

"The two of you took the Demon-Destroying Beetle and the Soul-eating Butterfly to help me recover a prop. Now there is only one [Book of the Dead] which is not enough. After all, the prototype of the [Eternal Scepter] has been sent back. I I don’t even have any staff anymore.”

"What are you doing?"

A clear female voice sounded, with a hint of helplessness in her voice,

"I asked you to fuse [Arcane Heart] with this [Oath of the Dead] staff, but I didn't let you inject magic power into it!"

It was Maestra who spoke, and in front of her was a sweaty Tan Xiao.

They are now near a forest, and this area will be the birthplace of Fast Village in the future. The Shadow Forest is to the south, but it is still a virgin forest at this moment.

"I have never tried to remove [Arcane Heart]"

Tan Xiao was panting. He had never taken off the [Arcane Heart] since he got it, so now he didn't even know how to take off such a prop.

You can't even take it off, so fusion is out of the question.

"Um, am I stupid in the future? I chose such a soulless magician?"

Maistra looked at the clumsy Tan Xiao and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

However, the ownership of [Arcane Heart] does belong to Tan Xiao. Maestra shook his head,

"Try it yourself. I can't help you with things related to [Arcane Heart]. I have to stay away from it."

Maestra waved her hand,

"Hurry up and come back to eat when you succeed. Otherwise, you will starve to death here."

Maestra's voice gradually faded away, and the surrounding air gradually solidified, forming a transparent canopy.

It seemed that Tan Xiao was completely trapped here, or that Tan Xiao was protected inside.

Because, with the departure of Maestra, those terrifying orcs are approaching this area one after another.

These orcs were much stronger than what Tan Xiao had seen in the Forest of Shadows, and the lion alone had already reached Level 70.

If he faced these beasts now, even if his level had reached Lv80, he would be worn to death bit by bit.

Tan Xiao sat on the ground, calming his violently beating heart.

"Why didn't I think of taking off [Arcane Heart] before?"

Tan Xiao looked at his current panel and saw that his ID had changed to Vertus, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Is Vitus the name of the god of the dead? Why did I become named Vitus?"

A terrible thought appeared in his mind, making his hands start to tremble.

"No. I have to commit suicide before [Arcane Heart] will fall, right?"

Tan Xiao glanced at [Oath of the Dead]. The souls of Ace and Uther had disappeared. The moment before he was teleported back, their two souls had been plundered by the unknown existence.

So, now there is nothing inside [Oath of the Dead],

"Put my own soul in first?"

The moment this idea appeared, Tan Xiao could no longer give up. He swallowed and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Although the current situation is a bit weird and I can't quit the game, if I really die, maybe I can wake up directly in real life?"

He kept comforting himself in his heart,

"Hmm! That's very likely. How about giving it a try?"

Looking at more and more orcs around him, Tan Xiao knew that if he stayed trapped here, even if he didn't try this method now, he would definitely starve to death here.

He already had some understanding of Maistra's character, and once he said something, he would not change it no matter what.


The next second, Tan Xiao, who was determined, began to continuously send his soul into the [Oath of the Dead], just like his soul lodged in the [Oath of the Dead] at the bottom of Santu River.

With the experience he had at that time, he succeeded with almost no difficulty.

Tan Xiao now raised the [Oath of the Dead] high and pointed the tip of the staff towards his eyebrows.

Looking at the [Oath of the Dead], Tan Xiao's breathing began to become rapid. He didn't know what the consequences of doing this would be, but he had a feeling in his heart that this seemed to be the right path.

The next second, the [Oath of the Dead] held by Tan Xiao was controlled by himself and stabbed into his eyebrows.

Blood gurgled out, and his body collapsed to the ground, all life lost.

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