Wiltus, who was returning to the Joshua Mountains, suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Star Flash City, the capital of the Star Pulse King.


He was rarely moved because Chris' soul did not go to the end after his death. The more than two hundred souls around him did not go to the end. They all became nourishment, nourishment for the goddess of courage.

This was something that even Vitus had not expected. Chris's radical approach, to a certain extent, became the new spiritual pillar of the Star Pulse Kingdom and ignited the brave heart in everyone.

As a result, a tombstone moved at the place where the heroes were born in Fast City.

The heavy soil was pushed aside, and a jade hand stretched out from the soil.


If Tan Xiao had been present, he would have exclaimed in surprise at the sight in front of him.

Because the owner of this jade hand is his second magic instructor, Rebecca.

Rebecca slowly wiped the mud off her face, and a steady stream of faith in the void was gathering into her body.

"Thousands of years ago, the Stella family produced a gold, and now the Stella family produced a Chris. You are really"

Her eyes were full of tears, her arms were hanging in the air, and her head seemed to be resting on the shoulder of some invisible figure.

"How can I forget you in the future?! I will always remember you two damn humans. Do you want to torture me for the rest of my life?"

Rebecca's tears welled up. She knew that her early recovery was entirely due to Chris's self-sacrifice, which caused a chain reaction and made the entire Star Vein Kingdom never be so monolithic.

She has already felt the soul energy from Chris and the souls of the nearly three hundred people who came with him. These are the most critical energies for her recovery.

I don't know how long it took, but her tears stopped flowing, and she gradually stopped hugging someone, and her expression became serious again.

Perhaps she shouldn’t be called Rebecca now, because she is the resurrected Freya, the goddess of courage.

Demons cleaning the battlefield were already approaching one after another. They were a little confused.

"I just inspected it and there were no fish that slipped through the net. Why is there another one now?"

The demon flapping its wings behind him in the distance clearly noticed Freya's presence and flew towards this direction at high speed.

"Oh, you are still a fair and tender woman. I can finally eat something good today. What kind of things have you eaten recently? Either it is too old to chew, or the meat is loose and like rotten meat."

This demon had already begun to fantasize about eating the fresh and plump woman in front of him, and he subconsciously licked his mouth.

Then he disappeared.

That's right, it disappeared in mid-flight.

If there were any trace left behind, it might be the almost invisible reddish-brown mist.

In just an instant, his body had decomposed, and most of it was annihilated in the air, leaving only a small part of the reddish-brown mist produced by the demonic energy that could not be neutralized for the time being.

And the instigator of all this, Freya, just made this demon disappear completely from the world with just a look full of murderous intent.

Yifu, who had already advanced to Gloria with the army, seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look in the direction of Fast City.

"It seems another god has awakened."

Yifu was not afraid, he certainly could not fight the gods in their heyday. However, he also knows some secrets of this plane. He knows that all the gods in this plane fell asleep almost at the same time at some point in the past.

At this moment, even if they start to recover one after another, they will not have one-tenth of the strength of their heyday, and it will take a long time to return to the peak.

"Ignore them, we will open the way for the Demon King first."

Yifu looked away, and his eyes, which were sewn with black thread, were tightly closed again.

"When the demonic energy spreads all over the plane, the devil will come here from Pandimaninan. When that time comes, what kind of gods will they be? Just like the souls of these humans, they are just nourishment!"

Yifu's state was obviously abnormal, and there was an unspeakable anger in his words.

It's no wonder, because this plane intercepts countless magic powers that should be sent to the demon world.

And the gods of this plane created their godhood by relying on the magic power that should belong to the demon world.

The demon world is not so much invading the human world as it is to take back what they should have originally. All they do now is just interest.

"By the way, it's just a matter of time before the three northern countries fall. How are the four southern countries doing now?"

Yifu suddenly thought of this question and couldn't help but ask the adjutant next to him.

"Reporting to Your Highness, according to the news from the demon world, two of them have already gone to the four southern countries, and His Highness Mammon should be in the Obsidian Kingdom."

This demon adjutant was obviously very insightful. He continued to add,

"Although the Council of Ten Thousand Demons has not given a clear order to capture His Highness Mammon, I guess that if His Highness Mammon insists on not coming forward to clarify, someone may be sent to cooperate with you and bring him back to the demon world."

This was something the adjutant dared to say only after carefully considering his words, because when he mentioned that person, Yifu's mood obviously fluctuated for a moment.

"Lucifer be damned!"

That's right, Yifu has already guessed that the demon sent by the Council of Demons can only be the current head of the Lucifer clan, Eggens Lucifer.

He also has another title, the Emperor Morning Star.

He is also the only one who has a chance to compete with Yifu for the position of the second Demon King. It is very likely that the ownership of the Demon King will be decided during this trip to the human world.

"I can only hope that idiot from the Mammon family is willing to go back by himself."

As soon as these words came out, even Yifu himself didn't want to believe it and could only sigh silently in his heart.

As for the contemporary head of the Mammon family, Gullid has now stripped off all his dirty clothes and arrived at his secret base, deep underground in the Wards Highlands.

If Lina was nearby, she would definitely recognize that this was the place where she and Tan Xiao once dug a gold mine, and it was also near where she encountered the Shadow of Liquid Gold.

The reason why spirits like Liquid Gold Shadow can be born here is precisely because the Garden of Eden created by Mammon deep underground in the Woz Highlands is, of course, only a Garden of Eden for him.

Because this is an ocean made of gold coins. Countless mammon gold gathered into an ocean, and Gulid was swimming in the ocean of gold coins.

"Sure enough, gold coins make me feel at ease. Ah, this dazzling golden color really heals my tired heart."

"Hey! Isn't this Gulid? I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you so much!"

A familiar voice sounded in Gulid's ears, but this voice made him tremble, and he subconsciously hugged his gold coins tightly.

"Viertus! Don't ever try to steal my gold coins again!"

"Look, what you said is true! Can this be called robbery when it comes to scholars? This is called borrowing!"

It turned out that Vertus had already appeared in Gulid's secret base, picked up a piece of mammon gold, put it in his mouth like a person who had never seen the world, and took a bite.

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