"You guys, go and knock down the Huitie City in the west."

"What? Don't you know the location of Huite City? I'm really impressed by Yifu, will you demons just go east?"

"Remember, keep 30% of the population, mainly children with potential and women of childbearing age. The rest are at your disposal. If you encounter a particularly strong opponent, flee first."

"Where else can you run? Run away to me!"

"Get out of here! I'll be mad at you if I tell you to do something."

The one who spoke was Vertus, and the demons who left in a hurry were targeted by him using the [Soul Cleansing Curse] to clear certain marks in their souls, and at the same time, they were imprinted with his traces.

As a result, these demons became Vertus' latest thugs. Before the undead army could not enter the human world for the time being, Tan Xiao planned to find some skeletons for two incompetent guys, Ace and Uther.

After all, it was a bit unsatisfactory to always find some demons to make up the numbers as thugs, especially since these demons were obviously not very smart, which he couldn't accept.

"Forget it, I guess you won't be able to escape from me, and you will be killed by the strong men of Huitie City on the way."

Looking at the demon who had gone away, Vertus couldn't help but curled his lips.

"Let's collect some interest first. The damn Obsidian Kingdom actually wants to embezzle my [Nine-Star Wand]."

Viertus suppressed the emotional fluctuations in his heart caused by the long-lost staff, and disappeared again in the Joshua Mountains.

Ace and Uther were lying quietly on the ground. They didn't know at this moment that a great wealth would befall them.

"Today's topic for you is how to use the newly grown talent tree to complete the hunt for the King of Shadow Forest."

Maestra's voice rang in Tan Xiao's ears, showing no pity for Tan Xiao who had just woken up.

"By the way, you have to keep this staff with me, otherwise it won't be difficult for you. I'll lend you this staff. It's the embryo I just made."

Tan Xiao, who had just woken up, felt confused. The [Soul Abyss Staff] in his hand had disappeared, replaced by a simple wooden staff with nine holes on it. Only one hole was inlaid with a scarlet stone. The gem is releasing fiery energy.

"I happen to have a flaming crystal, so I embedded it in it first. This is a small help to you."

Seeing that Tan Xiao still didn't move, Maestra waved his hand directly, and Tan Xiao's figure fell into the space passage and appeared in the center of the Shadow Forest.

"Today's young people don't have much energy, and they have to be pushed by old people like me."

Maestra shook his head, not satisfied with Tan Xiao's performance.

On the other side, Tan Xiao, who landed in the middle of the Shadow Forest, swallowed his saliva as he looked at the bull-shaped creature in front of him, which was more than ten meters tall at the shoulders.

He was not scared because of the opponent's unusually large size, but when he saw the opponent's level, he couldn't help but want to run away.

This is a forest cow with a level as high as Level 179. It is a creature that Tan Xiao has never seen before.

Its back is covered with green moss and lush plants, like a small mountain peak.

This forest cow is the overlord of the Shadow Forest in this era and a nightmare for the surrounding countries.

"Human race? Are you worthy of appearing in front of me?"

What Senniu spoke was not human language but animal language. Although Tan Xiao couldn't understand it, he could barely understand what he meant from the fluctuations in magic power.

Tan Xiao stood up slowly, looked at Sen Niu warily, picked up the staff on the ground, and wanted to get away from Sen Niu's attention for the time being.

The moment Tan Xiao touched the staff, a small fireball shot towards Sen Niu's face.


In Tan Xiao's surprised gaze, a fireball exploded on the Senniu's face, and the hot flames ignited part of the moss that spread to its face.

However, I don’t know whether it’s because the water content of these plants is too high, or whether the level of the forest cattle is too high.

This fireball didn't look like much, but in fact it was quite powerful and it still didn't cause much damage to it.

However, Senniu's eyes gradually turned blood red as if telling its anger.

"Very well, Terran, you succeeded in irritating me!"

After saying this, a shocking cow roar sounded, causing all the surrounding birds to fly up in fright. It raised its hooves high, then stepped down hard, and the ground in the entire area began to roll and surge like waves.

Tan Xiao ran away desperately, still cursing.

"Damn Maestra! You actually tricked me! You deliberately set up this kind of magic!"

It turns out that the magic just now was set up by Maestra specifically for Tan Xiao.

Based on Tan Xiao's reaction to seeing the Senniu, she set up the magic circle so that whenever Tan Xiao touched the staff while his heartbeat was accelerating, a flaming fireball would be automatically released.

"You're really not human!"

"Yes, I am not a human in the first place. I am the goddess of magic, Mystra."

Just as Tan's joke ended, Maistra's voice rang in his ears.

At the same time, a violent magic was cast on Senniu, causing it to fall directly into an abnormally violent state.


The cow's roar sounded, turning into powerful sound waves and hitting Tan Xiao's back, directly hitting his [Magic Matrix].

Although no harm was caused, Tan Xiao had already felt the terrifying strength of Sen Niu from this terrifying force.

"Since you miss me so much, I'll make it a little more difficult for you. Come on."

Maestra's voice sounded, full of teasing.

Tan Xiao felt his scalp numb, and he suddenly had a new understanding of a sentence.

"Don't mess with women, and don't mess with beautiful women."

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the Senniu suddenly disappeared.

Tan Xiao instantly felt the terrifying pressure coming from all over his body. Every inch of his skin felt like pinpricks. This was a sign that he was in extreme danger.

But he didn't see where Senniu went. Just when he was paying attention to the situation underground, he judged that the other party must have sneaked into the ground.

Then, at this moment, a fallen leaf fell on his shoulder.

The next moment, huge cow hooves stepped out from the fallen leaves, followed by the body of the forest cow, with blood-red eyes staring at Tan Xiao.

A pair of cow hooves stepped hard on Tan Xiao's shoulders, trampling him into the thick soil.

In an instant, a huge shock wave caused the surrounding woods to collapse instantly, and an extremely huge hole appeared.

Tan Xiao was at the bottom of the pit, spitting out blood foam at the moment. Strangely, fine seeds appeared in the blood foam, which began to sprout and grow in just a few seconds, turning into a lush green plant.

The blow just now was not a simple physical attack, it was also Sen Niu's innate skill, and Tan Xiao was powerless to parry it.

"Are you going to...die?"

Tan Xiao only felt that there were countless seeds in his body absorbing his vitality and preparing to sprout.

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