Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 231 Element Transformation

Senniu looked at the horrific changes on the ground. Although his heart was filled with endless killing intent, the feeling of dying still made his reason begin to recover and gradually gained the upper hand.

Just when it was about to flee first and stay away from this strange human race, it didn't notice that there was still some ashes hanging on its face.

That was the trace left by the blazing fireball that Tan Xiao automatically released when he touched the staff.

"Cough cough - cough -"

As Tan Xiao kept coughing, he coughed up countless inactive seeds and sprouted plants from his lungs.

The other seeds that had invaded his blood vessels and eroded him had been burned away by the blazing fire element in Tan Xiao's magic path.

The impurities produced by the burning of these seeds were continuously expelled from Tan Xiao's skin. In just a few breaths, dense black matter had appeared on his body.

Tan Xiao naturally noticed the abnormality, but he had no time to wipe it away because the Seniu had already started to move in his perception.

As for why he was suddenly able to see Senniu's movements, it seemed to be because after the talent tree on his body was activated, it not only increased his magic power, but also increased his perception of the fire element several times.

Even the residual magic power of the initial blazing fireball on Sen Niu could be easily sensed. Tan Xiao casually wiped the black stains on his face and pursued Sen Niu.

Originally, he felt that although he had attribute suppression on Senniu, his attack power was limited and he could not cause effective damage to the opponent.

However, the increase in magic power brought about by the activation of the fire talent tree combined with the liquid in his body was somewhat astonishing, making him suddenly realize that Maestra might not be irresponsible in throwing him in front of the Senniu.

Especially after Sen Niu started to escape, he became even more certain of this.

"The next step is to see how we can catch it."

Tan Xiao knew that the offensive and defensive momentum had been reversed, and he quickly rushed in the direction of Sen Niu.

He noticed that Sen Niu's aura suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared again. The trajectory was so changeable that it was not like a simple escape.

The flames under Tan Xiao's feet surged, and the thrust brought by the fiercely burning flames made him fly hundreds of meters into the air.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the intermittent movement of Senniu.


He suddenly noticed certain patterns in Senniu's movements, that is, the other party was next to a certain plant at the moment it appeared and disappeared.

Even though the other party could obviously cross the river and continue to the denser forest to the north, he always fled towards the east along the river bank not far away.

You must know that to the east is the Fasha Plain with gradually gentle terrain. This should be the last direction to choose, but Senniu is still heading east.

This made Tan Xiao keenly aware of the anomaly. With his rich combat experience and the attributes of the Seniu, he guessed that the escape trajectory of the Seniu must be related to plants.

The higher magic affinity brought to him by the magic power increase allowed him to feel the weak magic power fluctuations under the ground.

"Is it through the plant roots?"

The moment Tan Xiao thought of this possibility, he waved his staff directly to the east. The dense fireball fell, directly blasting an entire row of woods into wood slag, and the broken branches and branches fell scattered on the ground, and they continued. combustion.

A gully several meters deep appeared on the surface, directly destroying the root system of plants under the ground.

Sen Niu's escape path changed rapidly. Instead of rushing directly through the ravine, he turned around and continued toward the east.


So, Tan Xiao held the staff, opened his hands, and slowly closed his eyes.

Twelve light balls appeared in the sky, each of which contained the terrifying fire element.

On the ground, Maistra looked at Tan Xiao's movements with a look of surprise in his eyes.

She was not surprised by Tan Xiao's magic, after all, her own magical attainments far exceeded Tan Xiao's. She was just a little surprised that a magician of Tan Xiao's level could use magic to such an extent.

If she knew that Tan Xiao was once the Time Olympiad Supreme, perhaps she would not have such doubts.

Just after this short period of several breaths, the fire element of the twelve light balls was still growing, but their size was shrinking, and the terrifying fluctuations began to spread, so that many orcs in the Shadow Forest His eyes have been cast to the sky where Tan Xiao is.

Sen Niu was no exception. It clearly felt the magic that threatened its life.

The next second, twelve rays of light shot out from the ball of light that was already as dazzling as the sun, but none of the rays came close to Sen Niu's position.

This made Senniu's movements stagnant, and he looked up at the sky in confusion. This sight made the plants all over his body begin to wither.

That is a physiological phenomenon that occurs when it encounters extreme critical conditions. It will begin to absorb the vitality of surrounding plants to heal itself or prepare for the danger it is about to face.

Although those rays did not hit the Senniu, it was confident that it could not be hit.

But it realized one thing, all its escape routes were blocked. Because, the twelve rays of light cut out a regular circle on the ground of the Shadow Forest, not only cutting off all the roots of the plants, but even turned into a wall of blazing flames, trapping it in the center.

The nervous mood made Senniu begin to absorb the vitality of the plants in this area regardless of the consequences. So, in just the blink of an eye, all the plants in this area dried up, which provided enough combustibles for the blazing flames, and the area around Senniu was replaced by a sea of ​​fire.

"Huh? Are you going to commit suicide?"

Tan Xiao thought that Sen Niu was stupid and had tricked him, but in the next second, the huge pain made him realize that the enemy he was facing was the king of the Shadow Forest in this era.

I saw that the place where plants used to grow on the Senniu's body had turned into a mane of fire, as if this was its original appearance.

"Elemental conversion?"

The one who spoke was Maestra. She didn’t even know that this Senniu had learned [Element Conversion].

"No, I haven't fully learned it yet. No wonder I chose to escape at the beginning."

Maestra could see something strange about Senniu at a glance. Although the wood elemental magic power derived from the original native attribute of the opponent was constantly being transformed into the fire element, which conformed to the characteristics of [Elemental Transformation], its vitality was also It was lost at an extremely fast speed, which was obviously against common sense.

Then there is only one explanation for this. This forest cow has not fully learned [Element Conversion], but was forced to activate this skill at this time in order to kill Tan Xiao first.

"It seems I can only help you, but I'm still too weak."

However, in the next second, Maestra's movement stopped abruptly.

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