Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 236 Strong wine to cleanse wounds

"I hope it's not a stupid move to feed wolves with your body."

Although Tan Xiao was a little surprised by Jin's approach, while he admired it, he also had a suspicion.

He does not hate those who sacrifice themselves for others. In his opinion, they are indeed a kind of people worthy of admiration, but he does not appreciate them in any way.

Tan Xiao felt that it was also a kind of arrogance and arrogance that did not respect his own life, and he did not want Jin to be such a person.

He slowly moved forward and held the confused child's head.

"Don't move, stay next to me."

The child was frightened by successive changes. First he heard the howling of wolves, and then his head was held down by a strange man.

But he seemed to be able to sense that Tan Xiao had no ill intentions and quickly adjusted his state.


Tan Xiao was a little surprised to see this child being so cooperative.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?"

"Don't be afraid. My uncle must be with the uncle who saved me. You are both good people."

He pointed at Jin who was leading the prairie wolf in the opposite direction in the distance, his tone was childish but firm.

Tan Xiao looked at the child and suddenly felt that he looked familiar. He asked curiously,

"What's your name? Why are you here and taking the risk to steal the magic crystal from the wolf's lair?"

The child's eyes suddenly dimmed, his hand holding the magic crystal tightened, and his body trembled slightly.

"My name is Kifford, Kifford Klein. I must get this magic crystal. This is the only material nearby that can be sold at a good price and save my mother. There are still two days left, If I fail to bring back this magic crystal."

His voice gradually took on a crying tone, and the hand holding the magic crystal became tighter and tighter. So much so that the tender palm was pricked by the irregular protrusions of the magic crystal, and blood began to drip slowly.

But he didn't notice that Tan Xiao's expression was extremely shocked. And the only reason he was shocked was because of the kid's last name, Klein.

"He is the ancestor of Farr and Lina?"

In the Kingdom of Estalia, after the round table meeting, Lina was the only one left in the room.

She seemed to have been hollowed out of her body, not only because of her mother's death, but also because of the tremendous pressure during this period, which she could not bear. More importantly, she had received news that demons had appeared in the arctic tundra in the north of the Star Pulse Kingdom, which meant that there must be something wrong with the plane well where her father was stationed.

In other words, it is not difficult to infer that her father was also killed, so the strange thing she felt on the day she woke up must have been the moment her father died.


She lay weakly on the table, tears falling from the corners of her eyes. The empty hall was one of the few places where she could express her emotions.

"Feel sorry."

At this moment, the voice of Dragon God Bahamut sounded in Lina's ears.

Lina was a little surprised by Bahamut's appearance. She didn't expect the Dragon God to appear at this time. She quickly wiped away the tears on her face and tried to be as serious as possible. Lina thought there must be some new situation. Appeared.

However, what Bahamut said next surprised Lina.

"I'm sorry, child, for making you suffer pain that you shouldn't have to bear. You have done well enough and you have done everything you can. Now you can only wait for the results to appear. There is no need to be so serious."

Bahamut's honest voice continued, and he continued to speak like a gentle and gentle teacher,

"I came out because I just thought about some past events and wanted to chat with you. Don't be nervous."

Hearing this, Lina's tense body suddenly relaxed. She knew that the Dragon God would not be polite to her, so naturally, as the other party said, it was just a chat to relieve her emotions.

"Under the Dragon Temple, I have gained a lot of memories and knowledge. I wonder what past events you are thinking of?"

Lina was also very curious at this moment. She already knew a lot about the dragon clan through inheritance. She didn't know what Bahamut wanted to talk about.

"Your original president, Vertus. Oh no, let's call him Feng Sheng. This name may be more suitable for you. Do you know where I first met him?"

After hearing Bahamut's words, Lina sat up straight. She didn't expect that the conversation would involve one of the people she cared about the most.

She shook her head, wiped away the tears on her face, and spoke curiously,

"Your Highness, I don't know and I can't guess."

"The first time he and I met was in Pangxing City."

Bahamut began to slowly tell the story of thousands of years ago. Although it was too long for the human race to imagine, it seemed to him to be no different from taking a nap.

"At that time, there was no Star Pulse Kingdom on the continent across the sea, and even Freya, the goddess of courage, had not yet achieved the status of a god. However, he represented the goddess of magic, Mystra, and came to my country with two people. Guess what? who are they?"

Lina thought for a while and spoke slowly, her voice no longer crying.

"One should be Jin Stella, the first king of the Star Pulse Kingdom. As for the other one... I can't guess, is it someone from the Karl family?"

"Half right."

Bahamut slowly gave the answer,

"Jin is indeed here. After all, he is the person chosen by Freya. He wants to come to gain my approval and agree to Freya's founding of the country. And the other one is named Kifford. His last name is the one you are most familiar with. .”

Lina's pupils shrank obviously, she opened her mouth, her lips trembled, she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"That's right, the other one is Kifford Klein. The beginning of your family's fortune is also the starting point of our inextricable relationship with me."

Bahamut's tone was a little complicated.

"Maybe at that time, if I didn't give a drop of my dragon blood to Kifu, then you and your family wouldn't have to suffer like this, and your father and my disciple Sylva wouldn't have any intersection because of me. , let alone be forced to go to garrison the plane well."

Bahamut seems to have not fully awakened because his divinity has not fully recovered. At this moment, he is like an ordinary elder blaming himself for causing many tragedies to future generations because of his decisions.

"Although if it's not Kift, there will be another family that has to shoulder such a responsibility, but I still want to apologize to you, to everyone who has made many sacrifices for this world, and at the same time, I want to express to you my deepest feelings. With great respect, your existence is a blessing to this world."

Dragon God Bahamut's voice kept echoing in Lina's ears, like the strongest wine spilled on her scarred body.

While bringing endless pain to Lina, it also washed away the filth on her body and made her clear.

On that day, the white gold divine light filled the air in Riya City of the Kingdom of Estalia, and a girl appeared above the shadow of a platinum dragon, who was none other than the current new king Lina.

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