"One more slam!

"Storage, energy storage flame attack!


He took a long breath and swallowed it down, the flames rising from the inside out leaping around the furry body. With dazzling sparks on his feet, "Flash Charge" and "Slamming" collided head-on... Don't lose each other's strength-for-tat, and the moment of impact will bounce off each other.

The smoke and dust dissipated, looking at Eevee and Furry whose eyes turned into dizzy circles, Xiao Yao raised his hand and hurriedly announced the results of this round: "Eevee and Furry lost their ability to fight at the same time!


“... You've worked hard, Eevee. Putting

the Ibrahimovic back into the ball, Ash looked down at the slightly old red and white ball, smiled a little, and whispered.

On the other side, looking at the furry who fell on the battlefield, Chao still didn't seem to come back to his senses. He stood still for less than two seconds, as if driven by instinct, and suddenly ran in the direction of the furry, his hand trembling in the direction of the furry.

Pulling the Poké Ball back into his waist, Ash raised his head and found that he had not taken back the Pokemon that had not yet lost his combat ability, and shouted with some confusion: "... Toward? "

Asahi seemed a little flustered when Ibrahimovic first hit the furry, and the final orders were not as easy as they were at the beginning. ... But he was carried away by the flaws he was caught at the time, and Ash didn't notice it until now.

It seems that he has waited too long, and after resting for a while, the furry lying on the ground shook his body and got up tremblingly. Its steps were still a little vague, but it managed to stabilize its body when it stood still.


It shook the hair off its body, and when it looked up, it saw the uncompetitive face of its trainer, and for a moment it couldn't beat its anger, and in full view of everyone, it stepped on the ground with its hind feet, and jumped up with a "brush" of the ground, and hit Chao's forehead hard.


Furry used the "forehead charge", and the effect was perfect, and Akaza fell down with his forehead covered.

"Towards ?!

This change happened suddenly, and Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhi were taken aback, and hurriedly rushed forward to see what was going on.

Under the impact of the furry just now, Chao some came back to his senses. Noticing his friends' worried gazes, he looked up with a wry smile and let go of the hand covering his forehead—there was a smooth forehead under the shaggy bangs, and there was not even a trace of collision.

"Qiu..." jumped out of the wind towel at some point, and Pichu stood on the edge of the court, helplessly spreading his little paws.

Of course, furry can't really be ruthless. It's much hotter than the rest of the company, and sometimes it really can't contain the emotions of the other people... But in the long run, it also has its own way of getting along with trainers.

Lowering his eyes guiltily, he looked at the messy fur, took out the Poké Ball from his waist, and retracted it into the ball, not forgetting to explain the matter to his two new friends: "Well,... I just saw it hurt, and I didn't know what to do. Because it's not the first time, it's just a little angry. "

... But his state just now doesn't look like "somewhat".

Xiao Yao hesitated for a while, but still asked: "Then do you still want to fight?"

"yes, if you're embarrassed, forget it.

Ash obviously didn't know that this would happen, nodded and expressed the same opinion as Haruka. Standing next to Ash, Pikachu also looked at Asahi with worried eyes.

Chao shook his head and smiled comfortingly: "... No, it's been a long time since I've had a serious battle that I've had to deal with in a serious way, so that's why this kind of problem has arisen. With that

, he stood up and ran back to the edge of the arena in three steps and two steps. Without showing a casual and relaxed expression anymore, he took a deep breath, spit out slowly, and finally looked at Ash seriously: "-Actually, if I could, I wouldn't really like this kind of battle where something went wrong in the middle of the road.

Staring into Chao's eyes, he found that the other party's eyes didn't look like a joke - or rather, he felt the excitement from inside, and Ash couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Then let's move on!


After speaking, Ash took three steps and ran back to his original position. Pikachu stayed on the battlefield, and some electric sparks leaked out of the electrical sac due to the fact that it was in a state of readiness.

Xiao Yao looked right at Chao, who was still squatting on the ground a second ago, and left at Xiao Zhi, whose eyes were already shining, shrugged helplessly and speechlessly, "... Boys are strange creatures. But

as a trainer, she understands the emotion.

"Pikachu... Actually

, I expected it, but Chao never thought about how to deal with Pikachu.

"I want to be a little more ceremonial... He muttered.

Just like he chose to send fire Ibu to make a furry appearance, the evolution type always has a heart-warming feeling against the pre-evolution form. In this sense, sending Pichu to the scene is the best ——...

But... That's too much of a cheat. Thinking so, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Pichu - and was surprised to find that the little yellow electric rat was still on the battlefield, and even crackled on all fours aggressively, apparently ready for battle.

“... No, wait a minute, Pichu, it's cheating. Chao pulled the corners of his mouth and waved his hand helplessly.

"Cheating ? " Ash said he didn't understand.

"Leather ? " Pikachu was also puzzled.

"Ahh That being said, it's not that excessive. Chao shook his head, but in his heart he felt embarrassed by his toe picking at his Xi of talking nonsense, "... Pichu also wants to fight Pikachu, so that's no problem, right? "

Of course ! Pikachu and I were also curious about what Pichu had to do with it, right? Ash agreed without hesitation.

Pikachu cheerfully replied, "Pikapi!"

“... That's just a casual remark... "Chao is about to die of embarrassment.

Xiao Yao curiously took out the illustrated book and aimed it at Pichu on the field.

"Pichu, mouse Pokemon. Due to his young age, the electric sac on his cheek is still very small, and he cannot store much electricity, and once he has strong mood swings, he will discharge immediately. Unlike a petite body, it can release electricity that paralyzes even adults, but if you are not careful, you will be electronumbed by yourself. Although you and your partner play a daring game of shooting sparks with the front of their tails, they are also scared to cry when sparks burst out of each other's electrical short circuits. It is easy to store electricity in thunderclouds or dry weather, and it will make a crackling static sound, and it will be full of energy when it is fully charged. "


Xiao Yao didn't see anything from the illustrated book, and frowned in confusion.

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