Not only the two teenagers, but Pikachuye, who was on all fours and had hair standing on end, looked at the Abel monster in front of him vigilantly, and shouted sternly and unkindly: "Pika! Pikachu!

Hearing Pikachu's scream, Ash seemed to understand its voice, and asked Pikachu in surprise, "Pikachu, do you mean that this rice spoon snake is from Team Rocket?"

"Skin!" Pikachu nodded.

Witnessing this magical human-mouse exchange, Chao, who only had "Pi", "Ka" and "Qiu" in his ears, only felt a huge question mark popping up in his head: Wait a minute, when did Pikachu also have waveguides or superpowers and could telepathize with each other?

But jokes are jokes... Maybe it's just a tacit understanding. Rather than complaining about Ash's "proficienty" Pikachu language, Chao paid more attention to what Ash just said: "Team Rocket ? ——

" In an instant, all kinds of information rushed through his brain like flowing water, and a thousand words blocked in his throat finally converged into a doubt: "

... Eh...... Who's that? "

No, I just met it yesterday afternoon, right?! - Even Ash had a crooked mouth and almost fell to the ground. The rice spoon snake standing on the opposite side was also a little shocked, his body was crooked, and the threatening posture he had just put on fell apart directly.

It's just that the question on his face is genuine, but it doesn't look like he deliberately said it. His eyes kept looking in Ash's direction, and he frowned and tried to say something to him...

- Oh ! Ash suddenly realized: Chao is asking him for help!

Just as Ash was about to organize the language and explain to Chaoxian, the grass behind the rice spoon snake began to squirm, and under the shade of the leaves, two black shadows "brushed" the ground and stood up.

"Since you've sincerely asked 'who Team Rocket is


"Then we'll be merciful enough to tell you-" "

For...—Ah, wait a minute! It's you little kid who says you don't know us?!

Musashi was halfway through his line, and his eyes glanced at the person intercepted by the rice spoon snake. Seeing that the culprit who beat them to the sky yesterday had an expression of "Eh, who is this", he was so angry on the spot that he was like thunder.

Asa didn't have much of an impression, but when he heard this familiar loud voice, his memory finally revived his face for a moment. In astonishment, he stretched out his hand to Kojiro and Musashi, who were standing in the bushes, with a leaf hanging in the east and a branch in the west, and recalled their names vigorously: "Ahhh

As if he had finally remembered, he shouted.

"Not really! It's fire-arrow-team!

The three words shouted out of Asahi were only one, and even Kojiro shouted angrily and retorted.

Compared with the newcomer, the veteran little devil - Ash is very cheerful and asks the other party loudly according to the script: "Team Rocket! What do you want to do?

Seeing that Ash was so cooperative with the other party, he looked at Ash with a look of hatred for iron and steel, but Team Rocket was relieved by Ash's cooperation - it's still a familiar little ghost, the guy who doesn't know where he comes out always dismantles them!

Musashi crossed his hands on his hips and pointed at Eevee in Ash's arms with pride: "That Eevee is ours! Hurry up and come back! "

That's it!" Kojiro supported Musashi on the side, standing on the moral high ground and pointing at the two teenagers in front of him, "It's always only us who rob other people's Pokemon, how can we let others rob our Pokemon!" Hurry up and hand over that Ievee! "

This Ibrahim... Is it yours ? Chao repeated suspiciously, and couldn't help but look at the Ibu who was at the center of the contradiction.

... It seems to be very cute... If it's the aunt who casually boasts and her tail cocks proudly, uh, auntie... My sister's words may indeed be chasing this Ibu. Holding his chin, he frowned and thought seriously.

"No kidding!


Ash, who has a lot of intersections with Team Rocket, didn't eat them, and retorted loudly: "If this Eevee is really you, how can you be willing to attack it so ruthlessly!"

Hearing Ash say this, Kojiro also retorted loudly with grievances: "Little ghost, don't slander us! This Ibrahimovic picks a place that is not easy to walk on, you look at us, there is no good clothes! "

That's it!" Musashi complained the most about his neat clothes almost turning into tattered strips of cloth. She blew a rough breath from her nose and complained unhappily: "What happened to me to teach this disobedient guy a little lesson for making us so miserable?"

It's the first time I've seen strong words—well, it's not the first time—to see such strong words. Ash looked at Team Rocket angrily, and was about to command Pikachu to break out - but was stopped by Asah.

Taking two steps forward, he and Pichu quietly stopped in front of Ash and Pikachu, and expressed his inner anger for Ash: "Are you R-shaped team so unreasonable... ! That Ibu is injured like that, how can you bear it...!

"So we're Team Rocket! Fire, arrows, team!

Musashi was furious and screamed loudly.

Taking advantage of the anger on the other side, he finally realized the essence of Ash Wood's stupidity, turned his head around the opportunity, secretly pointed to the side of the road, and said in a low voice: "... Hurry up! I'll drag them first, and you go around the side. Along the road, the city of Grace is just a little ahead.

Xiao Zhi suddenly realized: The feelings were squeezing his eyebrows and talking all kinds of things just now, just to help him buy time!

But that's not the problem at the moment. Leaving Chao alone here, Ash couldn't let go: "But if I leave, you'll be alone, okay

? ".

"I'm worried about this."

Asahi winked in surprise. Immediately, he raised the corners of his mouth happily, smiled confidently, and said playfully, "It's okay, if I and the others can't beat them, Lucario will teach me a lesson." "

... Wait a minute, why Lucario lessons... Ash complained silently in his heart, but he could only reluctantly let go of the worry in his heart, and after greeting Pikachu, he and Pikachu hurriedly ran to the bushes on the side.

But it seems that these few sentences have dragged on for too long. As soon as Ash's figure disappeared into the grass, Musashi saw this scene with sharp eyes. These little ghosts don't pay attention to them at all! Thinking of this, the beautiful eyebrows and eyes of women are elongated with anger.

Musashi waved his hand and instructed at the rice spoon snake: "Rice spoon snake! Hurry up and catch up with the little ghost head and Pikachu!

"That's not going to work—Pichu, pull it back to the battlefield with a grass knot. As he

spoke, he reached out his hand to the rice spoon snake and used his arm to build a platform for Pichu to jump.

The tiny yellow electric rat jumped down from Chao's head, its paws stepping over Chao's arm, and finally stepping forward on Chao's outstretched fingertips. The green light condensed into Pichu's palm, and with a wave of his hand in the space, the grass rope made of pure grass elements bound the tail of the rice spoon snake. As Pichu nimbly somersaulted in the air, the figure of the Rice Spoon Snake drew a huge, perfect circle in the air, and then landed heavily on the ground.

It's hard to imagine that this little Pichu has such a lot of power in his body. Seeing that the rice spoon snake was deflated, Musashi was also a little unhappy, and the corners of her mouth pulled out an arc that was not so much disdainful as a little annoyed, and hummed twice: "... Wow, it's difficult. It's just a little pichu! Seeing

that Musashi was deflated, Kojiro couldn't just watch from the sidelines anymore. He took out a red and white Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it out: "Fangs!


Letting Pichu hit two is obviously too reluctant. Asaya didn't procrastinate, took out Lucario's Poké Ball from his waist, and put Lucario on the battlefield.

Under the wary gaze of Asa and Pokemon, Kojiro's fangs had just jumped out of the ball, but he suddenly turned around and went back, opened his big mouth, and intimately gnawed on the head of his favorite trainer.

"Not ! Fangs, the enemy is over there—" Kojiro shouted.

... Ah, what a good relationship. Lucario thought to himself with a loving look at Kojiro and Fangs on the other side.

It's just that... Isn't it a bit out of place for them to be so vigilant?

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