The zebra sea kings, under the coercion of Yas, can only eventually succumb to become their mounts.

Yas may be the first person in this world besides Princess Neptune White Star to adopt the Sea King class as a mount.

Yas even moved the entire island ship to the back of this sea king.

Such a huge island ship occupies less than a third of its back.

It can be seen that this sea king class is huge.

As the owner, Yas also gave this zebra sea king a name.

It’s called ‘Pony’.

In this way, under the transportation of Pony, Yass and his party successfully sailed in the windless zone.

The sea kings along the way may have felt the breath of Pony and did not attack them.

Speaking of which, too.

The two snakes of the Nine Snakes alone were able to pass through the windless zone.

This sea king class conquered by Yas is obviously bigger and stronger, so there is no problem.

As for the original bighead fish, Neptune is made of long bread into a delicacy.

The most delicious part is made of sea king sashimi.

The fish head is boiled into a thick white and sweet fish soup.

The others were directly eaten by Yas.

Because he has Titan blood.

Yas’s appetite is also amazing.

This may be the common disease of all the strong people in the pirate world.

That is, it can be eaten!

The stronger the system, the more it can eat.

Because they need to digest this food and turn it into energy to store in the body.

It can only be released when fighting.

This is the truth that Wang Lufei can constantly stand up and stand up.

Lingling’s food intake is also amazing.

Therefore, this bighead fish only lasted for two days, and only a pile of fish bones remained.

Watching this scene, Xiao Ma was terrified, for fear that they would not be addicted to roasting themselves and eating it.

Of course, that hasn’t happened.

Yas was not idle during this time across the windless zone.

I have been working crazy for Charlotte Lingling’s dream.

Every night, in addition to silently hurrying, Little Pony had to endure the tremors on his back.

It can be said that it is miserable.

After a month of sailing, the boring sailing career finally came to an end.

Little Mago successfully crossed the windless zone with Yas and the others, and was about to enter the North Sea.

And Yas finally got good news.

That is, Lillian and Manly are finally pregnant.

Looking at the two of them, as well as Lingling’s already very obvious stomach, Yas laughed directly.

Not only because you’ll be rewarded right away.

It is more about the innate love for the little life that is related to him.

“In that case, it’s time to accelerate towards Frevans!”

Hearing this familiar name, Lillian’s face once again looked sad.

After such a long time, Manly and Lillian, who are proficient in the world, have long been good sisters.

So she asked with great concern:

“What’s wrong, Lillian?”

Yas also cast a gaze.

He is not some scumbag who uses women as a tool for fertility.

I still care about these women of myself, and I regard them as my own family.

Therefore, Yas also showed great concern.

Under everyone’s questioning, Lilian finally told her secret.

“Actually, I am the princess of Frevans, but the former Frevans…”

“Why is that?”

Yas’s brows suddenly furrowed.

Lillian hurriedly explained

“More than a decade ago, the Frevans Kingdom first discovered a special mineral deposit called platinum and lead.”

“This is a very miraculous mineral, it has a wide range of functions, not only can be processed into spices, but also used to produce cosmetics, tableware, industrial machinery, war weapons and so on


“But it also has a fatal drawback, that is, long-term exposure will make people with platinum lead disease, and the sick person will have white spots all over the body, and there is no possibility of healing.”

“This disease has no symptoms at all in the early stages, but once it breaks out it is collective…”

“And my father, the former king of Frevans, realized this and intended to ban the mining of platinum and lead.”

“But the world government is here.”

Speaking of this, Lillian was already crying.

“They claim that there is no danger in platinum-lead ore and that mining must continue.”

“After my father refused, the nobles of Frevans united with the world government and killed all the men of the royal family, while the women were sold as slaves.”

Lillian’s face was full of tears.

Yas reached out and gently wiped the tears from her face, then hugged her tightly.

Comforted in a soft voice:

“It’s all gone, don’t worry, I’ll avenge you.”

His words were as heavy as a thousand words, and the terrible killing intent was inadvertently revealed.

Even Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes, revealing a dangerous gaze.

After all, since Lillian has joined the Tros family, it is her family.

And his own family was bullied, and he had a reason to kill all sides.

The murderous aura of Yasi and Lingling made the entire pirate group tremble.

PS: Kneel for support, brothers!

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