
Charlotte Lingling breathed a sigh of relief after the event.

I haven’t shot her for so many days.

Yas shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“You really are, with such a strong effort, and you are not afraid that the child will not agree.”

Yas’s words made Lingling laugh.

She stroked her belly, her eyes full of smiles.

“No, this little guy is excited.”

Yas saw this scene in his eyes.

I have to say that the woman in front of me and the big Mom in the original time and space are really a huge gap.

Although the current Lingling is not very good-tempered, her mood is stable.

And almost obedient to Yas.

The original time and space are tyrannical and impermanent, and they are furious if they are slightly dissatisfied.

The light ones are angry and scolded, and the heavy ones even take away the life of their own flesh and blood.

Although the entire Charlotte family cannot be said to be completely devoid of family affection, some are also very limited.

In addition to the difference in age, Yas felt that it was probably related to Lingling’s soul.

After all, she experienced something like that as a child.

She must find an opportunity to solve the hidden danger of her soul.

The other side.

The scene of Yas and Lingling’s affection did not continue to Lilian and Manly.

After seeing Charlotte Lingling’s performance like a demon god.

The two were completely confused.

It turns out that their eldest sister is actually so powerful?

Yalbed landed on the deck, and her eyes were also full of awe when she looked at Lingling.

If she still had the idea of trying to improve herself and replace it.

Now it can be said that it has been completely extinguished.

Let’s compete for the position of the second oldest.

Under this deterrence, the departure of Yass and his party was no longer threatened.

After all, almost all those who don’t have long eyes are dead.

And the total destruction of the Frevans Naval Base naturally reached Marin Fandor at the first time.

At this time, the three major generals of red dogs, green pheasants and yellow apes are still little children.

Karp and Sengoku have grown up.

Both are now vice admirals and important candidates for the next admiral.

Steel bone empty has successfully promoted to marshal of the navy.

With a gloomy face, he pressed a few photos on the table.

At this time, the young Sengoku and Karp were staying in the marshal’s office, and when they saw this, they asked curiously:

“What happened?”

Steel Bone snorted coldly and threw the photo in front of the two.

“See for yourselves.”

The image above is exactly what Major General Jodel …

Nude photos?

He was standing on the deck, talking to his subordinates… Flame it up.

Sengoku and Karp looked at each other.

Sengoku took the lead in meditating in his heart.

We are professionals and we don’t laugh no matter how funny things are.

Unless you can’t help it!


Karp couldn’t hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

“Karp! You give me a little seriousness! ”

Steel Skura slapped the table angrily.


Karp laughed for a full two minutes before quieting down under the murderous gaze of the steel bone.

As a marshal of the navy, the steel bone empty said solemnly:

“Where did this name Tros Yas come from?”

“This is undoubtedly provoking our entire navy!”

“This is a great challenge to the majesty of our Navy!”

Three or two sentences set the tone of this matter.

“Now that the whole world is in turmoil, our navy must catch a few famous pirates, so that we can establish the majesty of the navy and completely gain a foothold in the great shipping lane!”

“Immediately issue a bounty to Tros Yas, Charlotte Lingling and others!”


Due to the fury of the marshal, the entire naval headquarters moved quickly.

Through the newspaper of the news agency, the reward order of the Pirates of All Nations is spread to the whole world.

After Karp and Sengoku left, Steel Bone Sora stood in front of the windowsill thinking about something.

Suddenly, a frivolous voice sounded.

“Hey, old man, a few pirates just made you so worried?”

The steel skeleton turned its head empty.

A middle-aged man with a flirtatious expression and a feather in his hand appeared in front of him.

Steel Bone looked him up and down.

“You are all generals, can you be a little more serious?”

“Hahaha, sorry, that’s my nature.”

The admiral sat casually on the sofa.

He is the admiral codenamed [Ink Crow], Dogal Crow.

Steel Bone shook his head.

“The number of pirates has increased in recent years.”

“John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, Lokes…”

“Now there is another Charlotte Lingling and an unknown Yas.”

“It’s been eventful.”

Raven looked at Steel Bone Empty so nervously, and did not forget to make up for it.

“Recently, there has been an additional Roger Pirates, and I think they also have a lot of potential hahaha.”

Steel Bone Void instantly cast a death look at him.

Mo Crow finally got serious.

“Don’t worry, old man, there are many pirates, why is the navy without talent?”

“Sengoku, Karp, Tsuru.”

“Which of them is worse than these pirates?”

Hearing this, Steel Bone Kong’s face finally improved, and he said faintly:

“I hope so, I hope they can grow up as soon as possible.”

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