
Yas, who was standing on the deck, exhaled deeply.

He looks calm on the surface, but if you notice his crazy shaking legs, you probably don’t think so.

Just kidding, it’s strange to be calm.

After all, Yas’s two lives combined, this is the first time he has become a father.

It would be strange if it could be calm.

Yalbed circled in mid-air several times.

“I don’t know what kind of monster the eldest sister will give birth to Yas….”

She muttered softly.

Monster here is not a derogatory term, but a positive term.

After all, in the pirate world, people’s strength and genetic problems are not unrelated.

Strong genes often determine the success of the next generation.

For example, there are three ancestors and grandchildren of the Monchi family, Roger and son, Whitebeard father and son, and so on.

Although not as outrageous as the Hokage world’s pure-blood theory, a good gene is still important.

And whether it is Charlotte Lingling, who has the talent of steel balloons, or Yas, who has the blood of a titan.

Which one is the world’s top bloodline, the child born of the two….

Can’t even think about it.

Yalbed couldn’t help but fight a cold war.

She looked at Yas above the deck and fanned her wings to fall.

Yalbed saw Yas’s nervousness and comforted him in his characteristic charming voice

“Don’t worry, my Lord Yas, big sister, she will be fine.”

Yas smiled reluctantly.

“Well, there are so many doctors here, it should be fine.”

Although Traufar, Gabeti at this time did not master the ability of surgical fruits like Luo.

But the medical skills are also very high.

In addition, Lingling’s own physique is very strong, and if she gives birth to a child, nothing should happen.

Despite constantly comforting himself, the tension in Yas’s heart is inevitable.

And Yalbed, who was next to him, had already begun to fantasize about what his and Lord Yas’s heirs would look like?

Will it be a little devil?

What a shame, in broad daylight….

Feeling the pale pink color that surged on Yalbed’s soul, Yas couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Yalbed is very good in some aspects of technology and ability.

But one day is not good, that is, it is too hungry.

Completely worthy of the name of the succubus, I can’t wait to stick it on myself all day.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Titan bloodline was strong enough, I am afraid that he would have been squeezed dry a long time ago.

This kind of crankiness can also be regarded as distracting some of Yas’s nervousness.

“Lord Yas, do you want Lilian and Manly to go back to rest first.”

Yalbed suggested.

After all, Lillian and Manly also hold up their stomachs.

Their pregnancy was a month or two slower than Lingling’s.

Now the child in the belly is almost eight or nine months old, and he still needs to rest more.

If you nodded: “That’s fine.” ”

Yalbed smiled sweetly, and then took Lilian and Manly back to rest.

In Yas’s anxious waiting, finally, a new soul was born in his mind.


But the next second, something happened suddenly!

Because in Yas’s perception, in addition to that tiny soul and Lingling’s powerful soul.

The souls of others actually fell silent!

“What’s going on?”

Yas burst out as fast as he could and rushed to the delivery room.

I saw Lingling lying on the bed, and she was a little fart child.

Although she is a newborn baby, she is not as wrinkled as a normal baby.

On the contrary, it is quite full, and it looks like a two- or three-year-old child.

And you can sit right at birth!

As for the doctors and nurses next to them, including the doctors and nurses outside the delivery room, all fell to the ground.

Even Traufargabeti and Traufargana are no exception.

What happened?

This question was answered when Yas looked at his child.

I saw that in my child’s eyes, a complex black pattern was slowly rotating.

And the outside of the pupil is a blood red!

Yas’s eyes widened.

The moment he saw these eyes, a powerful spiritual impact surged like a tide.

Yas hurriedly mobilized his [Soul King] ability and used his spiritual power to form a shield to block the spiritual impact from his own child.

Or should I say…

Hitomi power!

That’s right, as soon as his own child was born, he awakened the top bloodline in another world.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

It may be because she is still too young, causing her to be unable to control her pupil power, which makes the people around her unconsciously fall into illusion.

After Yas blocked the impact of the pupil technique, the child’s kaleidoscopic chakra eyes were finally lifted.

Then a loud cry came out.

Only then did he have a little childlike look.

Yas finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Lingling, are you all right?”

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