Probably because of the peculiar smell on Yas’s soul.

The process of convincing Lingling was much easier than Yass had imagined.

They sailed at sea for almost two months.

On this day, Yas finally heard something that surprised him incomparably.

“Is what you said true? Are you really pregnant? ”

Yas held Lingling’s jade hand tightly.

Joy was written on his face.

Seeing Yasi like this, Lingling couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“Yes, I already feel that the soul of that child is gestation.”

As a soul fruit powerhouse.

Lingling is very sensitive to all things about the soul.

Therefore, no doctor is required.

She immediately noticed the change in her stomach.

Thinking of the imminent birth of her first child, Lingling couldn’t help but smile at this time.

Yas was equally excited.

“In that case, we have to find a reliable team of doctors.”

Yas made a decision.

Because Charlotte Lingling’s physical talent is too exaggerated.

In so many years on the sea, I have not been injured or sick.

So of course there was no such thing as a doctor on her ship.

Therefore, finding a reliable team of doctors has become a priority.

Seeing this, Lingling said:

“No need for a doctor, I can do it alone.”

She has plenty of confidence in her body.

It’s just a baby, it’s not a big deal.

On the contrary, she also thinks that it takes nearly ten months to have a baby, which is too slow.

But Yas apparently disagrees.

He said seriously

“This is our first child, we have to make sure he’s safe and sound!”

Seeing Yasi so serious, Lingling went by him.

This is also the first time she has felt the warmth of her family since the New Year.

“It turns out that this is how my husband feels…”

When you are deranged, you no longer have to rely on a lot of sweets to calm down.

It’s someone who can comfort you and hold you.

Thinking of this, Lingling’s eyes showed a hint of tenderness.

“Long bread, are there any islands nearby?”

“I’m going to find the best team of doctors for Lingling.”

Long bread has been in this sea for many years.


He only thought about it a little and thought of a place.

“I remember going to a country in my early years, Frevans, known as the “White Town.” ”

“It’s wonderful, it’s snowy all year round.”

“Everything is white, like in a fairy tale.”

“It is also rich in a precious metal called platinum and lead, which is one of the most prosperous countries in the North Sea.”

“There are many doctors in the Kingdom of Frevans, and each of them is highly skilled, if Lingling can go there to raise a baby, it must be a good choice.”

You can see it.

Long bread is highly regarded as a country of Frevans.

Yas touched his chin and thought for a moment.

Finally remembered the origin of Frevans.

That’s Trafalgaro’s hometown!

Platinum and lead, which is known as a precious treasure, is a heavy metal that can cause human disease.

As for the abundance doctor, that’s true.

“If that’s the case, let’s go to the North Sea.”

Yas gave the order.

Just go and bring the doctor inside out when the time comes.

Although with Lingling’s physical fitness.

This heavy metal should have no effect on it.

But Yas still didn’t want to take the risk.

“But it’s a bit far from the North Sea.”

Bread said.

Their place at this time is the New World.

If you want to go back to the North Sea, you must pass through the Great Sea Passage and then return to the North Sea from the Red Earth Continent.

If you follow this road, I am afraid that Lingling will even give birth to a child by then.

Or choose another path.

Across the windless zone!

Yas raised an eyebrow.

No wind bands.

Known as the Death Zone.

Inside are many giant sea kings.

And there are no currents there, no wind.

With the current conditions of ships, it is simply impossible to cross the windless zone.

But Yas has a way.

“Then cross the windless zone.”

Yasi said confidently.

Long Bread frowned.

“I’m afraid that will bring greater risks.”

Long Bread knows how scary the sea kings in the windless zone are.

For Lingling’s safety, he did not recommend this.

“Don’t worry, I have a way.”

Looking at Yas’s confident look, Long Bread said something more.

But he was interrupted by Lingling.

“Long bread, just listen to Yas.”

“Okay then.”

Since Lingling herself said so, she had to obey.

He sighed.

I don’t know what kind of soul soup this kid poured into Lingling.

It actually made her so desperate.

ps: Take down the aunt, kneel for support!

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