Coming with the guard was none other than the ruling minister of the empire, Ernest.

He is fat, obviously full of white hair, but like a male lion.

The Queen, or should I say Eders.

That’s right, Yas has already learned the queen’s real name during the ‘battle’.


According to her.

The tribe where she grew up as a child was completely wiped out in the war.

She fled into the mountains, and when she was about to starve to death, she happened to eat a strangely shaped fruit.

Animal line, canine fruit, phantom beast species, Fenrir!

Has the power to control ice and snow!

Even with the continuous development of Eders, it can make a certain area snowfall on a large scale for a long time!

This also explains why she likes to fight with moves in the form of a wolf.

It is precisely because of her childhood experience that she will develop her personality that she now worships force and likes to use force to solve everything.

Eders didn’t care about the eyes of others, and said with a red face

“This is my new husband, Tros Yas.”

“From now on, he will be the king of the Kushan Empire.”

Hearing this, Ernest’s face was shocked.


He looked up at Yas and saw that the latter was looking at him playfully.

“I heard that you are powerful in the country, Minister, and even a small relative can casually kill people.”

Yas said with a smile.

He wasn’t as indifferent to internal affairs as Eders.

These brutalized people will be part of the building of all nations in the future.

Hearing Yas’s words, Ernest’s face changed instantly.

Without saying a word, he ran away.

After all, Yas and Eders had just gone through a terrible battle.

And judging by the results, there is no doubt that Yas won.

Ernest clearly knew how terrifying his queen’s strength was.

And Yas was able to defeat Eders.

Want to kill yourself, that’s not just a casual thing?

So he made a quick decision, which was to run.

Unfortunately, Yas couldn’t have run away.

As soon as he turned around, a magma dragon flew out instantly, opening its mouth to devour it.

And Eders faced the killing of his minister, with no expression on his face.

She now sees only Yass alone.

The imperial capital changed abruptly.

It was only one afternoon.

The powerful minister was killed.

And the master of the country also changed from Queen Eders to a king who does not know where he came from!

All the ministers and the people were very apprehensive.

Because they witnessed the battle that could be called a natural disaster in the afternoon.

I don’t know what happened to this new king….

Eders really didn’t care about internal affairs at all.

So whatever Yas said, she followed suit.

Soon, a large number of corrupt officials in the imperial capital were purged.

And with Yas’s persuasion, Eddes soon agreed to the idea of moving the entire country to the borders of the nations.

After all, for her, the country actually has nothing to care about.

She only likes strong people like Yas.

It’s just about fighting.

When he heard that Yas had other wives, Eders’ eyes suddenly became dangerous.

“You mean to say that I’m just your concubine?”

Yas scratched his nose.

“It’s not a concubine, you are all my wives.”

But Eders obviously doesn’t eat this set.

“No, I want to be the highest status of all your wives!”

Eders’ personality is too strong to allow himself to be a concubine at all.

Faced with this problem, Yas could not do anything.

“This may not be helped, after all, Lingling’s strength is above you.”


Edes looked at Yas suspiciously.

“Is there a woman in this world who is more powerful than me?”

Yas spread his hands.

“Of course, otherwise, when the time comes, you and Lingling will compete, whoever has the stronger strength will be the big sister, how?”

The most effective way to deal with Eders is the Agitation Method.

Sure enough, she immediately agreed.

“Well, if she is really stronger than me, then I am willing to accept her leadership!”

Seeing that this most troublesome thing had been solved, Yas finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As for whether Lingling can beat Eders?

Yas didn’t think about it at all.


Lingling, that is the top talent in the pirate world.

One of the ceilings of future combat power.

Not to mention that now she has solved the problem of the soul, and her future strength may be even more terrifying than in the original work!

Even if Eders’ strength is strong, it is impossible to surpass Lingling.

So, after a few more days, Yass began to return to the nations with Edes and some of his subjects.

And Yas, who returned to the nations, got good news.

Dorsia and Vana are going to be produced!

ps: The previous chapter was blocked, and the editor is being contacted to unblock it, everyone wait!

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