Chapter 74: The Fruits of Surgery! Robbed! 【Subscription requested! 】。

“Billion Bailey?!!”

Although I know that the slaves of the Lunaria tribe are very precious. But a billion Bailey is still too exaggerated!

This is almost the price of ten Devil Fruits! Faced with such a huge amount of money, Yas waved his hand: “That’s right, a billion Bailey, I want this person.” ”

That auctioneer is happy to blossom.

You know, he can get a commission for every item that is successfully auctioned. The sale price of one billion Baileys.

It can completely make him a little hair!

Only the staff from the Kiberson family brought a hint of scrutiny to their gaze towards Yas. But it is the master who gives the money.

This slave of the Lunarian tribe was soon sent to Yas’s side. To ensure her safety, Yas paid a billion Bailey directly. That’s right, Yas paid the fee.

Although the nations are poor, yes.

But a billion Bailey was barely able to take out.

It’s just that after buying this slave, Yas has no money left to buy anything else.

Immediately after Yas paid the fee, the staff sent the slave to Yas. By the way, he gave Yas the key to control the exploding collar on her.

Without saying a word, Yas directly lifted the collar. After all, he bought it for a billion Baileys. In case of accidental explosion and death, it will be bloody.

This female slave of the Lunarian tribe knelt beside Yas, bowed her head, and did not dare to say a word. Finally, Yas was the first to ask, “What’s your name?” ”

“My lord, my name is Elbeth.”

The slave girl replied very restrainedly.

It is clear that she had suffered a lot of abuse in slavery. Of course, such a thing as breaking up is impossible.

The more precious the slave, the more attention is paid to the integrity of the body. Because only complete slaves can be sold for good prices.

“How did you get caught?”

Yas was a little puzzled.

Because in the legend, the Lunaria originally lived on the Red Earth Continent. It was later discovered by the Draco, so it was exterminated.

Of course, it is not so easy to exterminate such a powerful race. In the end, a few Lunarians ran out.

But after all these years, how could she be caught again? Elbeth glanced at Yas, his eyes full of misery.

“Back to adults, I’m because of playfulness.”

“I wanted to see what human habitation looked like, and then I got caught.”

Looking at Elbeth’s effeminate appearance, Yas sighed.

“Okay, you can follow me 057 in the future, don’t worry.”

Hearing Yas’s words, Elbeth hurriedly crawled on the ground and said, “Thank you, my lord, for your great kindness. ”

“Okay, you sit on the chair.”

“Sir, this…”

Elbeth glanced at Lingling.

She had studied human knowledge in the slave house.

I know that some hostesses are very mindful of other women approaching their husbands. Therefore, in order to please her master, she must observe her words.

This was what slaves taught them so that they could better please their customers. Lingling felt Elbeth’s gaze and said with a smile: “Come up.” ”

Elbeth was a little flattered.

How could this hostess not only mind sitting with her master. Instead, there was one more point in his gaze… Hot?

What she didn’t know was that Lingling couldn’t wait for her to have a child with Yas right now, giving birth to a Lunarian bloodline for the Tros family!

Yas smiled, then returned his attention to the auction table.

After the highlight of the Lunaria, the next auction began to become vigorous.

“The next auction items are…”

“Fifteen Devil Fruits!”

With the black bula open.

Fifteen devil fruits of different shapes stored in the glass case appeared in everyone’s sight. Fifteen devil fruits, with different patterns and great differences in color.

Before they were eaten, no one knew what kind of power these devil fruits contained! Spend a hundred million berry.

You may soar by eating the Devil Fruit!

It’s also possible that you just spent a hundred million beri to try the taste of poop. In short, auctioning the Devil Fruit is two words.


It’s like opening a blind box, it’s very exciting!

Of course, this blind box opening rule does not apply to Yas. If the auction of Devil Fruit is a game of opening a blind box. Nayas is the open player who turned on the cheat!

After all, others can only guess if they want to know the role of the Devil Fruit, and Yas, he has the Devil Fruit Guide! This thick Devil Fruit Atlas Book erupted into an unparalleled effect at this moment.

Yas looked at the Devil Fruit on it, frantically searching for a book from his memory that could be matched. As the auction began, Lingling leaned on Yasi and asked curiously, “How is it?” What is the fruit? ”

The corners of Yas’s mouth hooked.

“The first one is the Superman Aquarius Fruit!”

“The second one is the Animal Horse Fruit.”

“The third one is the animal line, insect fruit, and scorpion form!”

“The fourth one is the Superman Glutinous Rice Fruit!”

“The fifth one is the animal line, insect fruit, crab form!”

“The sixth is the animal line cow and cow fruit!”

“The seventh is the animal line, sheep fruit, sheep form!”

“The eighth is the Superman Cookie Fruit.”

“The ninth is the Superman Gravity Fruit.”

“The tenth is the Superman Cream Fruit.”

“The eleventh is the Superman Mirror Fruit!”

“The twelfth is the Superman Fruit of Books!”

“The thirteenth is the Superhuman Squeezed Fruit!”

“The fourteenth is the Nature Snow Fruit.”

“The fifteenth is the Superman Flesh Ball Fruit.”

Yas read out the names of the fifteen Devil Fruits in one breath. Of course, it is said in a subtle voice.

Except for Lingling and Elbeth, who were sitting next to them, no one else could hear them. Even if they hear it, they won’t take it seriously.

When she heard the back, Lingling raised her eyebrows.

“There are actually fruits of nature.”

If you let the people present know that there is a fruit of nature inside, I am afraid that it will directly rob the crazy! Elbeth, on the other side, was completely blinded.

Good fellow, for the first time, I saw someone who was able to recognize all the Devil Fruits. As for whether his new owner is guessing?

Albeth thought not.

After all, there is no need to guess this kind of thing, and even if you guess correctly, there is no benefit. Compared with Lingling, she valued the penultimate natural snow fruit.

Yas’s attention was more focused on the superhuman fruits.

As a traverser, he deeply knows how perverted the fruit of the superhuman line is. This is the fruit of a brain hole that is extremely dependent on ability.

In other words, the larger the brain hole, the stronger the ability to develop. Therefore, Yas’s focus is completely different from Lingling’s.

The moment he recognized these fruits, he almost burst out laughing.

Not only did the vast majority of the Devil Fruit satisfy his vision of the zodiac.

There are also strong fruits such as waxy fruits, gravity fruits, mirror fruits, and even flesh ball fruits. It’s true.

Grab is earn! Needless to say, the fruit of gravity.

Future Admiral Fujitora’s Devil Fruit ability.

Even spaceflight meteorites can be pulled down as a means of attack!

The waxy fruit is the ability of the kataku chestnut in the original book, and has similar characteristics to the rubber fruit. Paired with the top-level domineering, you can completely grow to the level of the emperor and vice!

Even if he doesn’t have the exaggerated domineering level of Katakuri, it is not a problem to grow to the level of lieutenant general! The mirror fruit and the book fruit are auxiliary abilities.

The former can build a channel between the mirrors to achieve the role of rapid transfer. The Book Fruit is a large number of soldiers that can be stored in the Book World.

These two are combined, and the effect is simply amazing.

You think, there is a war on your side, and suddenly two figures jump out of the mirror.

And then open the book, thousands, even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of reinforcements will pop out of it, what is the feeling? That’s absolutely desperate, okay?

As for the fleshy ball fruit.

Yas can be said to have high hopes for this fruit.

Because the development of the Bartholomew bear is so amazing. Not only capable of slapping enemies to various places.

You can also use the properties of meat balls to conceptualize the pain, feelings, and so on in others. It’s just too against the sky.

In short, these fruits, Yas wants to get his hands on. Even what the final fruit of the final was Yas, I didn’t really want to know.

After all, if these fruits are auctioned off into the hands of different people, it will be too difficult to snatch them back. Feel the change in the momentum on Yas.

Lingling suddenly held him down.

“Wait a minute.”

Sure enough, immediately a pirate spoke.

“Hey, or you can release the last fruit too, so that we can also consider whether to drop money on these devil fruits.”

This statement is supported by almost everyone. It can be placed at the end as the finale. It must be the devil fruit of known functions.

And this devil fruit must be strong enough to be worthy of this finale identity.

Therefore, in the situation that this fruit has not yet been revealed, people will not easily spend their funds on these unknown devil fruits in front.

Seeing everyone say that.

The auctioneer looked embarrassed, but finally agreed to this approach. After all, after the finale is auctioned.

The rest of these customers’ money will be invested in the remaining Devil Fruit. So, in anticipation, the auctioneer finally pulled the black cloth of the finale fruit.

“Everyone, today’s final auction item is the legendary surgical fruit!”

A fruit in the shape of a heart lay quietly in the glass case, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“It’s actually the fruit of surgery..”

“It’s actually it.”

Even Yas was a little incredulous.

Except for those new pirate stars who have just debuted.

Which of you has not been mixed up on the sea for many years. I know all kinds of legends.

And among them is a legend that most people are interested in. That is the power of the fruit of surgery!

Legend has it that those who have mastered the fruits of surgery can easily come back to life.

The most important thing is that the ability of this fruit can cast an ultimate skill.

【Immortal surgery】!

In other words, whoever gets the fruits of surgery has the possibility of gaining eternal life! Of course, having said that, the conditions are still quite harsh.

First of all, you need someone who is willing to give their lives for you.

Secondly, that person must be talented enough to develop the fruits of surgery to the extreme state. In short, eternal life is definitely not a simple matter.

But this does not prevent people from pursuing eternal life.

At least with the fruits of the operation, there is a glimmer of hope for eternal life. The auctioneer was satisfied with the shock that everyone displayed.

After all, only when these people deeply realize the value of the surgical fruit can he discharge the desired result.

“The auction price starts at 3 billion Baileys!”

In other words, the value of this fruit alone was far more than the sum of the fifteen devil fruits in front! I have to say that these gangsters really paid for this auction.

Although I would love to be able to take this fruit.

But the price of three billion Bailey really does not come out of everyone. Only a very small number of nobles were able to bid.

“Three hundred million Baileys!”

“Three and two billion Baileys!”

“Three and three billion…”

The smile on the auctioneer’s face grew wider and wider.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the auction. The auctioneer’s face changed.

The surrounding guards were all alert.

This time the auction is suspected of a significant amount.

So the auction sent the world’s most powerful security group. Even those sea thieves of the new world have to weigh their strength. But this time it was not a pirate.

It’s Draco!

“Draco arrived, all kneel!”

“It’s now, do it!”

Yas whispered.

Lingling suddenly burst out, and a small flame flew out from her cuff.

Prometheus’ body burst into flames, forming a pillar of fire that slammed into the auction platform. A strong fire instantly lit up the entire auction house.

Almost half of the people present were pirates, and seeing this, of course, they knew what would happen next, and they all moved. But the guards at the auction house are not easy to mess with.

A figure appeared from the stage, he drew his long knife and cut it out! Directly split the oncoming pillar of fire in half!

“It’s the Great Sword Hao from the Land of Wa, Mitsukiten!”

Someone exclaimed and recognized the identity of the man.

Yas and Lingling don’t care who this guy is.

Even if the Heavenly King Laozi comes, they will take these devil fruits away today! Yas’s figure suddenly emerged from the flames.

A knife fell heavily on the long knife of Guangyue Tian.

“It’s Black Knife Night!”

Yas was a little helpless.

No way, Black Dao Night’s reputation among Jianhao is too loud. Yas can recognize this famous long knife as long as it is Jianhao. The huge force flew out the Guangyue Tianzhen.

When the other pirates saw the opportunity, they immediately rushed up like sharks. Although a little worried about retaliation behind the gang.

But how can you be called a pirate without taking risks!?

Especially those supernovae who have just arrived here, they are not afraid of the sky, and directly followed Yas and rushed up. They don’t even want to fish in troubled waters.

Rather, prepare to rob Yas. The corners of Yas’s mouth hooked.

These young people are kind of interesting!

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye opens instantly, and then….[Heavenly Emperor]!

A powerful and unparalleled repulsion tore the ground apart. Everyone who rushed towards the auction table was ejected!

Like scattered cannonballs, they hit the walls of the auction.

“What is this ability?”

The supernovae said incomprehensibly.

Yas raised his hand.

“Ten Thousand Heavenly Leads!”

The sixteen devil fruits on the stage instantly flew into Yas’s hands. Sixteen Devil Fruits in hand!

“Gone, Lingling!”

Yas wasn’t interested in anything else at this auction at all.

With a wave of his big hand, countless magma gushed out, forming a huge fire dragon that ran through the entire auction. Directly blast out a road.

“Want to run?”

Many pirates went directly to intercept it.

But unexpectedly, there was a strong gravitational pull in the sky. Drew Yas, Lingling and Elbeth into the air.

“Damn it, stop them!”

Everyone rushed out!

After all, the most valuable thing, that is, the fruit of the operation, is in Yas’s hands, how can they let it go. When Yas took Lingling to the ground, he found the Draco in front of him.

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