Chapter 77: The Introduction of Ten Thousand Heavens, the Shame of the Navy [Subscription! 】。

“Hahahaha, you two, it’s quite interesting!”

Silver Axe laughed, completely ignoring the ugly face of the Mo Crow on the other side.

“In that case…”

Before Mo Crow finished speaking, Lieutenant General Karp beside him had already rushed out!

“Eat me a punch! Roger! ”

Karp roared loudly.

He and Roger had met before.

Of course, Karp was the one in pursuit, and Roger was on the side on the run.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Karp!”

Roger controlled the armed color domineering to wrap the blade and slash heavily on Karp’s iron fist. Seeing that Karp attacked, Sengoku also rushed forward.

Dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed from him. His whole body swelled rapidly.

The surface of the skin turns golden, as if a layer of gold has been crossed. A huge golden Buddha instantly appeared in front of everyone.

Animal lineage, human fruit, phantom beast species, big Buddha form! And Karp is different.

Sengoku’s attitude towards the pirates was very harsh.

He raised his palm, and powerful energy converged in his palm, forming a terrifying golden light. Seeing this, Yas was also crazy to accumulate strength.

The powerful armed color domineering energy gathered on the long knife in his hand and slashed out heavily! And the golden Buddha palm of the Warring States fell instantly!


The hot fire and the golden shockwave collided blatantly. The entire ground began to tremble violently!

Yass was so shaken that his arm went numb.

The huge body of the Warring States took several steps back. In contrast, Yas still has the upper hand.


The corners of Yas’s mouth hooked, and he will let you know what a real shockwave is in a moment. In addition to Karp and Sengoku.

The strength of Vice Admiral Tsuru is also incomparably strong. Because of its special ability to wash fruits.

Renly and Jabba are both intimidated by her.

After all, their captain Roger had been sanctioned by Vice Admiral Tsuru for using his ability to wash fruits… At that time, Roger was proud and directly fought with Lieutenant General He.

I was accidentally hit by her, and the whole person was paralyzed in an instant.

“Your ability is really troublesome.”

Renly lifted his eyes.

I have to say that when he was young, Renly was really good-looking. Handsome face, light blonde hair.

Even when fighting, he looks personable! In comparison, Jabba looked much more ruffled. Carrying an axe, it is similar to a silver axe. Hearing Renly’s words, Lieutenant General Tsuru snorted coldly and said, “Only people like you who are guilty of washing the fruits are afraid of washing the fruit!” ”

Jabba agreed with this statement.

“No wonder the captain was washed so clean last time!”

Renly sighed helplessly.

On the other side, countless crows split into the body of the ink crow. These are not ordinary crows.

They have extremely powerful power, and if they are accidentally hit, even the armed color domineering will be destroyed! It’s often a blur of flesh and blood.

Even so, they couldn’t stop the silver axe.

With an axe, he can often kill a dozen crows in one go. But what makes Silver Axe a little helpless is.

These crows are almost endless.

Moreover, the body of this guy Mo Crow is like a natural fruit ability. You can’t see and touch.

Even if you use armed color domineering, you will be predicted by Mo Crow with seeing and hearing color domineering, and then transform your body into a crow in advance to avoid it!

Beat the silver axe extremely humiliated!

And under the delaying tactics of Mo Crow, more and more naval soldiers arrived. Along with them, several veteran lieutenant generals arrived.

“It’s hard to do.”

Renly was dealing with Lieutenant General Tsuru’s attack while observing the current situation.

As the battle raged on, more and more navies arrived.

Those veteran lieutenant generals suddenly had a huge impact on Roger’s pirate group. Yas is equally aware of this…

He slashed out.

The hot fire dragon slammed into the body of the Golden Buddha.

Sengoku slammed his feet into the ground, struggling to resist the fire dragon, carrying great power. Under Yas’s control, the fire dragon exploded instantly!

The violent explosion completely enveloped the Sengoku.

Of course, as a Great Buddha Fruit Ability, it would be too naïve to rely on such an attack to solve him.

“Lingling, cover me.!”

Yas said suddenly.

“Ready to use that trick?”

Lingling and Yasi have been getting along for so many years, and although they rarely participate in battles once, they still have an incomparable tacit understanding with each other. With a word, Yas knew what he wanted to do next.

So she immediately took Yas’s place.

When the Warring States had not yet got up, he was the first to kill the past!

“Elbaf’s Gun Mighty!”

Concentrated all the armed color domineering on his body, Lingling swung the strongest blow!

All the armed color domineering energy gathered on the long knife and turned into a shockwave gushing out! The white light occupied the entire battlefield!

A thick pillar of light ran through everything and hit the Sengoku who had just risen head-on. Although the Warring States have already prepared with their domineering appearance, they have taken a defensive posture. But in the face of Lingling’s strongest blow, it still seemed a little weak!

The Golden Buddha blocked the oncoming white spear with both hands. But in the end, it was still drowned out by white light.

The whole person was completely blasted out!

The battlefield left a huge scar that runs through the entire field!


Even Karp next to him felt the power of this blow. The Ink Crow and the Silver Axe also looked sideways at each other.

“Young people now, it’s really terrible.”

After delivering her strongest blow, Lingling’s chest continued to rise and fall, and she began to pante.

“She has no strength, take advantage of now, quickly kill him!”

In the end, it is a battle-hardened general.

These vice admirals did not feel lost because of the uncertainty of the life and death of their colleagues.

Instead, rent-seeking seized Lingling’s weak time and fought back. However, Yas will not let them hurt his wife.

The Sharingan eye opens with all its might.

Under the cover of Lingling, a black dot flew out of his hand. Then it flew high into the sky like a firefly.

“Stop him!”

Karp shouted.

He could feel the incomparably terrifying power from that black spot! If you don’t stop him, something will definitely happen!

Although Karp is still young, he has already shown enough talent.

Those vice admirals who originally pounced on Lingling immediately turned around and went straight to Yas when they heard this!

“Hehe, I won’t let you navy get away with it!”

Roger slashed Karp open.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he came to Yas with Renly and blocked all the two lieutenant generals who attacked. Yas himself is not unrestrained.

The other kaleidoscope turned its eyes slightly. The huge repulsion bloomed instantly with him as the center!

The invisible barrier suddenly expanded out, bouncing all the several lieutenant generals who attacked! Even Karp is the same.

As soon as he was halfway through, he was blown out by an invisible force!

I can’t even perceive the domineering color! The ground shattered.

In the next second, the sun hanging in the sky has been blocked by that black dot. It looks like a solar eclipse!

The black dots grow larger and larger until they completely block the sun. Immediately afterwards, an incomparably terrifying gravitational pull came from above!



The ground first appeared one crack after another under the pull of gravity.

Immediately after that, it was divided into countless huge clods, and these clods began to rumble and split under the action of gravity, and then flew towards the sky!

“This is, the Golden Lion’s ability?”

As a member of the Rocks Pirates, this idea instantly appeared in Silver Axe’s mind. After all, this move is really a bit similar to the ability of light fluttering fruits.

Even Mo Crow’s face showed a surprised expression.

Originally, he just positioned Yas as a potential pirate star.

Now it seems that just having the potential is not enough to summarize Yas’s performance.

If this guy has such a powerful ability, he may be the second golden lion in the future! The ground crumbled and the entire Chambord Islands trembled.

Those naval soldiers and generals around, as long as they are not capable of flying, are pulled into the air by gravity. And it’s rising.

Only those few admirals who were proficient in lunar steps could barely maintain their balance in the air. But it’s just about maintaining balance.

Trying to break free from the gravitational pull from the sky is simply a fool’s dream!

The only person on the scene who can move freely is Mo Crow.

“Now, leave quickly!”

Yas said coldly.

Roger, these people are also disturbed by gravity. But relatively speaking, it should be much reduced.

Lingling was standing on Prometheus at this time, speeding through the air. Pulled everyone from Roger’s Pirates to himself.

As for the silver axe, it tossed and turned among the galloping rocks, continuing to contain the ink crow. A large number of ground rocks are dead on the black ball.

Squeeze each other under the strong gravitational force and then shatter! The same goes for those naval soldiers who are drawn to it.

There may be some navies with strong enough physique to resist the mutual squeezing inside the rock sphere, but there is absolutely only one way to die waiting for the vast majority of soldiers!

“Admiral Mo Crow, if you don’t save those naval soldiers, they will die.”

Yas said this fact lightly.


Mo Crow stared at Yas very unpleasantly. His heart was extremely conflicted at this time. On the one hand, the lives of Draco.

On the other hand, it is the lives of his own subordinates. It’s hard to decide!

After all, if you choose the former, your own subordinates will inevitably die under Yas’s attack. If the latter is chosen, the Draco will probably be taken away by Yas.

“I remember you, boy!”

After weighing it again, he decided to go and save his men. As for Draco, let’s talk about it then.

He quickly transformed into a mass of black crows.

Like a huge dark cloud, it enveloped the naval soldiers who were locked by gravity and flew towards the rock giant ball step by step, and the silver axe also took the opportunity to successfully get out of trouble.

They took the people of Roger’s pirate group and rushed to the port as quickly as possible. I picked a random boat and went straight to sea.

Karp looked at the pirates who were fleeing every day, and said viciously: “You hateful pirates, don’t underestimate our navy!” ”

He used the moon step to step hard in the air.

Under the strong emotional impact, his armed color domineering actually broke through a level.

The even more condensed armed color domineering condensed on his steel fist, and landed fiercely on the rock giant ball in front of him!


The terrifying power was instantly transmitted above the giant ball.

With a bang, the entire giant ball instantly began to shatter! Crumbled into countless rubble falling from the sky!

Smash into the terrifying pit with a diameter of three or four hundred meters below! There are a total of 79 mangrove trees in the Chambord Islands.

In Yas’s move just now, at least thirty were lost! More than a third of the area was damaged.

This destructive power is really terrifying!

Mo Crow had planned to settle these soldiers and continue the pursuit. But because of Karp. Countless huge rocks fell from above.

In order to prevent these boulders from causing a second damage, the ink crows could only open their hands and summon countless crows to take these rocks one by one.

By the time these efforts were completed, Yas and the others had already driven several kilometers away. Seeing this, Mo Crow could only sigh helplessly.

He pulled a phone bug out of his justice coat.

“Let that ship go, don’t get into conflict with them.”

These words were addressed to the naval soldiers stationed on the perimeter.

In the absence of the main naval forces, if they attack Yas, the only end is death! There is no need for action at all.

Karp scratched his head.

“It’s going to be bad now, and when I go back, I will definitely be scolded by that old man with a steel bone.”


Sengoku suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Charlotte Lingling’s blow was too terrifying.

Lieutenant General Tsuru placed his hands on Sengoku’s chest and activated the ability. Soon, Sengoku’s injuries improved.

“What an exaggeration, your ability, Tsuru.”

Karp sighed.

It only took a few seconds to completely wash away the injuries on Sengoku’s body. No wonder Tsuru became the dream lover of all naval men.

With such a nanny here, who is afraid of being injured in battle! Mo Crow took out a rare cigarette and lit it.

Looking at the ship carrying Yas and the others away, he could already anticipate what kind of lessons he would suffer after returning to the naval headquarters…….

After all, Draco was kidnapped, which is not a simple matter.

“Oh, let’s talk about it then.”

Mo Crow spat out a puff of smoke fiercely, feeling sad. Of course, even more melancholy is our marshal.

Because of the kidnapping of Draco, he was immediately reprimanded by the five old stars.

“No matter what, you must do everything you can to bring Draco back!”

Steel Bone sat in the office with a gloomy face.

Look viciously at the wanted warrant on the table.

“The Rocks Pirates, Yas, Roger…”

He clenched his fists so crunched that it was enough to see how angry he was.

“Come on, immediately increase the bounty amount for these guys!”

The chicken flying dog jumping Yas at the headquarters of the Navy did not know.

He is now happily sharing the loot with Roger’s Pirates and Silver Axe.

“This Draco is yours.”

Yas directly threw Valmark Saint in front of the silver axe. Silver Axe nodded.

He was quite satisfied with the harvest this time.

After all, one Draco is enough for them to exchange enough chips from the world government. Still, he wanted to give it a try.

“Yas, don’t you really want to join the Rocks Pirates?”

“Not only Yas, but others who want to join the Rocks Pirates, I am also welcome.”

After a battle, Silver Axe has fully recognized these juniors.

If you can recruit them into the Rocks Pirates. Then their great cause of rebellion will be more certain.

“Hahaha, I’d better forget it.”

“I prefer to run around!”

Roger was the first to refuse.

It is impossible for someone like him to be subservient.

And his philosophy doesn’t particularly fit with Lokes.

Otherwise, during the battle in the Valley of the Gods, he would not have teamed up with Karp to defeat it. Yass smiled and looked at the silver axe.

“It’s okay to join the Rocks Pirates, but it’s okay to cooperate. Silver Axe’s eyes lit up. ”

He understood the meaning of Yas’s words.

Although you can’t be his partner, if you have meat to eat in the future, you might as well call him.

“If you have a chance, you must be.”

Saying that, the silver axe confirmed the direction, and then jumped directly into the sea and disappeared.

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