Chapter 79: Concubinage! A fusion of many abilities! 【Subscription requested! 】。

In the next few days, the whole nation was still immersed in joy.

For their king Yas took concubines again.

The heroines this time are naturally the two people brought from the Chambord Islands. One is a rare race, the Lunarian Elbeth.

The other is the top of the power in this world, Draco, Tunanhi Palace.

To Yas’s surprise, Tunanxi Palace’s personality was not as brutal as other Draco. On the contrary, there is a feeling of shyness.

This surprised Yas.

On the wedding night, Yas, of course, had another drunken drink with Roger and the others. Roger raised his glass and said: “Hahahaha, Brother Yas, you are really powerful!” The first time I’ve seen a pirate marry Draco! ”

“yes, that’s outrageous!”

Even the other members of Roger’s Pirates were incredulous because of this. Renly shook his head helplessly.

He originally thought that his captain was enough nonsense, but he didn’t expect Yas to be even more excessive than him! Roger will only send Draco flying at most!

Yas actually directly robbed a Draco as his wife!

“Hahahahaha, little things, we drink!”

Yas raised the wine glass in his hand and drank it down!

Then he stood up and said drunkenly: “Brother Roger, I still have something to do tonight, so I won’t accompany you to drink!” ”

Roger raised his eyebrows at Yas, and said with a bad smile: “I understand, I understand, you go!” ”

Yasi smiled and walked into the cave room with his new wife in his arms.

The next morning, Yas stretched out refreshed. As for the Tunancy Palace and Elbes, the two are still sleeping.

After all, Yas’s ability is too terrifying, tossing them a little hard last night, and it is normal to sleep a little longer. I have to say that compared to his previous wife, Tunancy Palace and Elbes still look a little immature.

I can’t let go for a while. Elbes is a little better.

After all, as a Lunaria, her physique is there. As for the Tunancy Palace, it is not very good.

As a Draco, he has fine skin and tender flesh.

However, they still bring enough benefits to Yas.

“Congratulations to the host on the success of taking a concubine!”

“Rewards are being drawn…”

“Congratulations on obtaining the [Dragon King to Stop the Bleeding]!”

“Congratulations on obtaining the [Inheritance of the Lunaria Clan]!”

“Because the host has obtained too many abilities, do you choose to fuse the bloodline?”

“The fused bloodlines include [Uchiha’s Bloodline], [Flame Titan], [Red Lotus Flame Dragon], [Dragon King’s Blood], [Lunaria’s Inheritance], [Soul King]!”

Yas raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly.

I didn’t expect this system to come with a fusion function?

The Flame Titan Bloodline and Uchiha Bloodline are almost the ones they use the most.

In particular, the two abilities of [Heavenly Emperor] and [Ten Thousand Heavenly Introduction] have improved their combat power a lot. The Red Lotus Flame Dragon is still used more in flight.

As for the blood of the Dragon King, it must be related to Tunanxi Palace, after all, as a Draco, it is normal for the rewards drawn to be related to dragons. The Lunarian heritage was obtained from Elbes.

Although these abilities are very powerful. But there are a lot of overlapping features.

In fact, there is a limit to what can be played in battle.

If you can integrate it, your strength will inevitably be further improved! Thinking of this, Yas said without hesitation: “Confirm the fusion bloodline!” ”

“Bloodline fusion…”

“Bloodline fusion successful!”

“Congratulations on obtaining the [Titan Red Lotus Dragon King Bloodline].”

Yas felt the power in his body begin to change. If the previous abilities were different power modules. Now it’s all the capabilities coming together.

Yas doesn’t need to make another call.

Instead, they merge with each other as a whole and can burst out powerful forces together! The difficulty of Yas control is greatly reduced.

The efficiency of Yas’s capabilities has been greatly improved! All it can be said is, win!

Yas couldn’t wait to try his fused bloodline.

He jumped straight down from the height of the castle!

The burly body changed rapidly, and crimson dragon scales emerged from the surface of the body. Then the devil’s wings exploded!

The huge wings were like a huge dark cloud that completely enveloped the entire sky. Everyone in the castle unconsciously looked up at the sky.

A terrifying, gigantic dragon king appears over Cake Island! At this time, Yas’s whole body was covered with thick dragon scales.

Dark red lines appeared on the dragon scales, as if there was magma flowing in it. The whole looks like hot magma is flowing between rock-like scales all the time.

Yas can now control both abilities.

One is flame, the other is lava.

And on his hideous dragon head, between the two sharp dragon horns, a hot flame is burning! This is the talent of the Lunaria!

As a former god race, the Lunaria tribe is very talented in itself!

When the flames burn, their physical fitness will be raised to an unprecedented height.

Almost all attacks can’t damage it, similar to Lingling’s steel balloons. In this state, his vitality becomes extremely strong, and he can adapt to almost all the harsh conditions of the outside world. When the flames are extinguished, the Lunaria’s speed increases terribly.

It can be said that every Lunaria tribe is a natural warrior! Except for Albes.

As the husband of Elbeth, Yas successfully inherited the talent of the Lunaria tribe and fused it into the new bloodline.

As a result, Yas has been greatly improved both in terms of speed and defense! In addition, in dragon form, Yas’s kaleidoscopic chakra eye will automatically open.

The two abilities of [Heavenly Emperor] and [Ten Thousand Heavens] have not disappeared.

Not only that, but his ability to control flames and magma has also been greatly improved. The physique has also been greatly improved under the ability of [Dragon King’s Blood].

As for the ability of [Soul King], it fused with the overlord color domineering and changed into a new skill.

【The Power of the Dragon King】.

That is, an enhanced version of the overlord-colored domineering!

However, with the lesson of the last time, Yas did not unleash his power at will this time. At this time, the hundreds of thousands of people of Cake Island saw Yasna’s terrifying figure.

But there is no fear in their eyes. It’s awe!

Awe of Yas!

Awe of the Tros family.

Whether it is the Long Hand Clan, the Long Foot Clan, or the relocated people of the Kushan Empire. They have no grievances at all against Yas, only respect!

It is not a matter of what homeland is difficult to leave in this era. Being able to survive is the most important thing!

Before coming here, the Long Hand Clan and the Long Foot Clan had to worry about being caught by slave traders every day, and the Kushan Empire was in a civil war every day, and the people were destitute.

And after you get here?

With Yasi and Lingling covered above, plus a special sea area, no one dared to attack them at all. Not to mention that there is food everywhere, so you don’t have to worry about finding food.

Although the Tros family is a royal family, they are still very generous, and they usually do not bully them much. From time to time, there are banquets, where to find such a good country to stay?

“Long live Yas-sama!”

I don’t know who shouted first.

Then everyone shouted along, and hundreds of thousands of people put down their work and knelt directly towards the dragon in the sky. Roger, who had just gotten up, looked at this scene and said with a smile: “Brother Yasi is really popular with the people.” ”

Reilly said with a smile: “In fact, what the people want is very simple, eat well, don’t worry about their own life safety, it’s okay.” ”

“Unfortunately, many countries in this world can’t do this.”

Renly sighed.

Roger patted him on the shoulder.

“It’s not that they can’t do it, the world doesn’t allow them to do that.”

“So, we’re going to change the world!”

Jabba came to Roger’s side and looked at Yas in the sky.

“How do you feel that this guy has become stronger again!”

After speaking, a crisp voice came.

“Uncle Roger, shall we continue to train?”

Hearing this voice, Roger instantly covered his head.

Sure enough, a little girl of four or five years old appeared in front of Roger’s everyone. It was Yas’s eldest daughter, Tros Ichihime.

She was accompanied by a small follower, none other than Natsu.

At this time, Natsu was looking up at the dragon that was worshiped by all his subjects high in the sky. He waved his fist.

“One day, I’m going to be like this too!”

Yiji glanced at him and said with disgust: “You can’t even beat me, and you still want to defeat your father?” ”

Naz suddenly waved his fist.

“You wait, sooner or later I will definitely defeat you, and then defeat Dad!”

Ichihime said perfunctorily: “Okay, let’s talk about it then.” ”

In the face of Ichihime’s perfunctory, Natsu was helpless.

After all, he really couldn’t beat Yiji. Roger looked at these two noisy imps and said helplessly: “What’s wrong again?” ”

Ever since the banquet, the two imps have been pestering themselves to learn how to fight in order to defeat their father. It’s so filial piety.

In desperation, Roger had to tell the two of them about the training methods of armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering. Thinking about these two domineering is enough for them to study for a long time.


Unexpectedly, it was only three days before they came to the door again. Yiji said lightly: “Today I want to learn the control method of overlord color domineering. ”

“Overlord color domineering?”

Roger was stunned for a moment. As the future One Piece.

At this time, Roger’s overlord color domineering is very powerful.

Now it has been able to initially reach the point of overlord color entanglement. But…

“Didn’t I just teach you the other day to see and smell color domineering and armed color domineering?”

He put on the appearance of an old-timer, dragged out his tail and taught: “Young man, cultivation of this kind of thing, you must not be so ambitious, you must take one step at a time. Before he finished speaking, Ichihime stretched out his arm. ”

In the next second, her arm was instantly wrapped in a black energy and became like steel.

“Is that so? Armed color domineering? ”

“Ah this.”

Roger was stunned.

Not to mention Roger, even Rayleigh and Jabba on the side looked at Ichihime in disbelief.

“You actually really mastered the armed color domineering!”

Roger said incredulously. What an exaggeration! It’s only been a few days! He swallowed.

“Even if you master the armed color domineering, what about seeing and smelling the color?”

Roger had a fluke in his heart.

Suddenly, Yiji closed her eyes and said lightly: “Uncle Roger can try.” ”

Roger tentatively stretched out a finger and poked it towards Ikki’s head. Ichihime’s head was crooked.


Roger didn’t believe it and sped himself up again.


Ichihime just swung her head easily and dissolved Roger’s temptation. Jabba said on the side: “She really mastered the domineering power, which is too exaggerated!” ”

Although Roger definitely didn’t exert his full strength, it was still too terrifying to master the two-color domineering in three days!

“Can you teach me how to use Overlord Color Domineering now?”

Ichihime asked innocently.

Roger rubbed his eyes a little distressed. Why?

Why would that guy Yas give birth to such a wicked child! Say Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

Yas, who had reappeared in human form, had fallen from the sky and was falling in their midst.


Ichihime rushed directly into Yas’s arms.

Yas held him in his arms with a spoiled face, and then kissed him fiercely. Natsu rolled his eyes on the side.

Obviously, he usually kills his younger siblings, but it is completely different when he comes to this bad old man. Natsu thought as he sneaked up behind Yas.

Then, Natsu suddenly burst into flames!

The whole person jumped high, and the raging flames wrapped around his fist and slammed down on the back of Yas’s head.

“Taste mine, Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist!”

Yas was not surprised by Natsu’s sneak attack.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, the flames wrapped around Natsu’s arm suddenly disappeared. Then a turn, easily clasped Natsu’s wrist, directly an over-the-shoulder fall. Drop this rebel to the ground!

“It hurts!”

Natsu shouted.

Yas doesn’t care, anyway, Natsu’s physique is very strong, the skin is rough and thick, and there is no problem with a few falls. Roger looked at this scene and didn’t know what to say.

Anyway, this family is strange. He complained towards Yas, “Yiji’s talent is really terrifying, I just taught her the cultivation methods of armed color domineering and seeing color domineering three days ago, and she learned it today. ”

Yas’s eyes lit up and he looked at Ichihime in surprise.

“Have you learned to arm the color domineering and see the color domineering?”

Ichihime nodded obediently.

“Hahahaha, worthy of being a good daughter of daddy!”

Yas looked very happy and waved his hand.


Seeing this, Roger hurriedly stopped him along with Jabba and Renly.

“Brother Yas, don’t! Stop having a banquet! I can’t stand it. ”

Although the Roger Pirates like to have a banquet, it’s good.

But since they came here, they don’t know how many banquets have been held, and their bodies can’t eat it!

“Okay then.”

Yas had to give up.

This time he was not going to talk blindly with Roger, but something came.

“Your ships are built and ready to be taken.”

Previously, Yas promised the Roger Pirates to build a new ship for them. Now it’s finally built.

Although it is not made by a famous craftsman, the materials are solid and the hull is quite strong. There should be no problem making ends meet for a few years.

As for the long run, Yas doesn’t think any ship can withstand the tossing of Roger’s pirates. This also means that the time for the Roger Pirates to leave the factory is about to leave.

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