Auntie Went Down To Raise Her Cubs, But She Was a Sensation!

Chapter 529 Can't beat it, it's embarrassing

As long as the Cup of Justice is in hand, the status of the Nantan Sect will rise accordingly, and the righteous people who can dominate the entire Taoist sect will naturally have a lot of fame and status. This is not only beneficial to the sect, but also beneficial to holding the Cup of Justice Personally, this is the most gratifying thing for everyone.

"Bai Qinxin, you did a good job, the justice cup is still ours!"

Given the compliment, Bai Qinxin was naturally very happy, and her heart became more and more confident in tonight's rescue.

Seeing that the time was almost 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, Bai Qin Xinbi made a gesture, and everyone stared at him intently until the gesture fell, and the victory officially began!

People filed in from all directions, holding the magic weapons in their hands. Sure enough, there were spells guarding the gate at the entrance, but this was not a problem for people of Taoism. Break open the door.

This quick breakthrough lifted everyone's spirits, but it was only after entering the door that they realized that what awaited them was a net that the Heihe Society had already laid out.

At the beginning, everyone was able to resist with all their strength, but the more they walked inside, the more they realized that they might be thinking too much.

The Heihe Society seems to have come prepared, obviously Qin Xin has called many people, but the Heihe Society has more people, and the tricks they use are all vicious tricks, which make people powerless.

As a villain of the Taoist sect, Hei Hehui practiced different mystical techniques from the orthodox Taoist sect. It was insidious and very lethal. Coupled with the large number of people, it quickly overwhelmed Bai Qinxin and the others.

It took more than an hour to spend more than an hour in the small abandoned factory area. Until the end, Chen Yuqiu couldn't help but said: "No, we have been ambushed, and they came prepared!"

Naturally, Bai Qinxin also noticed the strangeness, but it was too late now, the escape route was blocked, and all they could do was to bite the bullet and move on.

But even so, they still couldn't beat these people. After being hit by magic weapons for countless times, Bai Qinxin finally couldn't hold back and spit out a mouthful of blood, and when he was injured, someone didn't hesitate The attack came, if Chen Yuqiu hadn't taken advantage of the gap to rescue him from the abandoned factory, Bai Qinxin might have confessed that he was there.

how so! !

Bai Qinxin gritted her teeth, obviously her side had already made preparations, and everyone had been called, but now she could only flee in embarrassment, and instead, people from the Heihe Society were chasing after her, this was simply the greatest humiliation! !

In the distance, the blindfolded man stood tall on the roof of the abandoned factory, the only eye left outside stared at the fleeing people, and suddenly raised his lips and smiled, and said in a mid-spirited voice: "Want to come from here?" I took people away with my hand? It's a good idea, let Lin Zhendong bring the justice cup, otherwise the ticket will be torn up, there is nothing to say, anyway, the police can't catch us, and you can't touch us either!"

Chi Guoguo's sarcasm sounded far away through the night, and everyone heard it. It was like a slap in the face of the Nantan Sect's face, which made everyone feel ashamed and angry.

"Damn it, the damn Heihe Society actually humiliated us like this!!"

The voices of abuse came out, but no one spoke, because they were powerless to refute, and the best evidence was that they couldn't beat them. Now they have no confidence, let alone that face!

Damn, lose, can't beat, what a shame!

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