Chen Er was so excited, the result was really exciting! .

After seeing his son again, Chen Er couldn't help telling him to learn from his little aunt, not to go astray, and not to have any bad thoughts.

"Remember!! Little aunt is the only one in your heart!! Just follow her unswervingly. Do you understand my good son?"

Chen Linyang didn't know why his father's attitude changed so quickly, but never mind, people like Lin Jian are so amazing that even a materialist like him would change his beliefs. It doesn't even count! !

So Chen Linyang didn't find it strange at all, but nodded affirmatively, and drove his father away with disgust.

"Understand, understand, I know everything, all right, you go, I know what to do!"

Chen Erqun glanced at him fondly, then turned and left. As for Wei Chengzi, of course he followed Lin Jian, following Lin Jian every day on saddle, even younger than his younger brother.

Lin Jian couldn't bring him to the Lin family, and after much deliberation, he could only arrange him to work in the head office.

However, what Lin Jian didn't expect was that Wei Chengzi had a very high reputation in the world. When the whole head office knew that Wei Chengzi was going to come to their company as a special master, everyone was shocked.

"Wow, this master actually wants to work in our company, is it true?"

"And he's a specially hired person. Is this going to help our company with Feng Shui?"

"How about helping me to see, I want to see how my love fortune is, and I really want to get married as soon as possible."

"I also want to see my love fortune. I don't know if I can marry my male god, oh oh oh oh!"

"Dream, don't think about such things, I advise you to ask the master for some reliable things, such as when to get rich!"

The people below were discussing a lot, but at this time everyone realized that Manager Chen Linyang, who had always been against Lin Qiang, had completely restrained his resistance this time, and then changed his clothes to look loyal and followed Lin Qiang sweetly. The look of a caring little padded jacket shocked everyone in the company.

"What's the matter with Manager Chen Linyang? Why has there been such a big change?"

"I'm afraid he was hooked by Boss Xiao Lin, and now he really wants to fight wherever he wants, and he is very obedient!"

"Wow, Mr. Xiaolin's methods are too strong, he convinced him in minutes!"

"Have you heard? They went to that place!"


"Manager Lin took him to the haunted house of the Lin family!"

"What's the result? What's the result?"

"The result seems to be settled directly. The ghost house is now rented out, attracting a lot of screaming and frightening players to explore."

"Wow, Manager Chen can make a lot of money again, but my aunt is really amazing, can she do this kind of thing?"

"You say little aunt is better than Master Wei Chengzi, who is better?"

"I do not know."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but at the end of the discussion, there was no reason to talk about it. Everyone could only take a step back and do what they should do.

For Lin Qiang, although the summer vacation was very long, it passed in a flash. He had to deal with a lot of things in the head office, and he also had to understand the internal affairs of the head office. I feel approaching.

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