Chapter 234 Wolf Tribe

Ye Dong jumped up, and the cold air sprayed from his feet instantly sent him high into the sky.

There is no better way to see the overall appearance of the valley than from a height!

After Ye Dong rose to a certain height, he slowly soared in the sky. The mountains in the entire Chiyou Valley stretched for several miles, and there was no edge at a glance.

After flying like this for about three minutes.

However, he also saw traces of some alien beasts, but they were all petite alien beasts, and he didn't intend to waste time before the level reached the fourth rank.

However, at this moment.

In the woods below, a child was being chased by a second-order wolf beast.


Ye Dong was a little surprised by what he saw.

Isn't this a no-man's land?

Will there be someone?

Ye Dong hurriedly descended, blocking the wolf beast that wanted to continue chasing the child.

The wolf beast stopped immediately when it saw Ye Dong, and a warning sound came out from its mouth.

Ye Dong said calmly, "Don't be afraid, you are safe."

"Lan Ya! Don't shoot at him!" The child suddenly shouted loudly, and then hurried to the wolf beast.


Ye Dong was slightly taken aback, this wolf beast is actually called Lan Ya?

And, is this child's companion?

I don't know what Lan Lan's brother will think when he finds out about this.

Ye Dong saw that the child and the wolf beast seemed to be in a master-servant relationship, and became even more curious, "Little boy, what's your name? Why are you here?"

The child was black and dark, like a piece of charcoal, his hands were firmly around the wolf beast who was constantly grinning at Ye Dong, and he said with difficulty, "Outsiders, you can't break into this forest, this is our wolf clan. territory!"

Ye Dong blinked and said, "This is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. This place is called Chiyou Valley. Are you from a certain mountain tribe? Where is your village?"

"I won't tell you!" The little boy looked at him and gritted his teeth, then rode on the wolf beast and quickly escaped from here.

Ye Dong was a little surprised, this clan might be very xenophobic.

However, since there are humans living here, there should be villages and the like around here.

It's better to inquire about the location of the village. In the evening, Lan Lan and he would also have a place to rest, instead of sleeping in the wind.

The little boy was very alert, riding a wolf in circles in the forest while looking back to see if anyone was following him.

After ten minutes.

The little boy ran into a valley. It was a huge mountain col. There were simple tents set up on the cliffs and rock formations in the col, and a group of men and women dressed in animal skins were constantly busy.

Villagers like this living deep in such dangerous valleys are generally not very friendly to outsiders.

Ye Dong can't handle that much.

fell directly from the sky.

Under the surprised eyes of a group of people, he slowly landed.


"An outsider broke in! Go and inform the patriarch! Quick!"

"Surround him! Surround him!"

A group of men with spears surrounded Ye Dong and looked at him in panic.

"Outsideer, who are you, and what is your purpose here!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Say your purpose! Outsider!"

Ye Dong raised his hands slightly and said, "I'm not malicious, you don't have to be so nervous. Where is your village chief or the patriarch? I want to see him."

"He's lying! He must have come for those beautiful girls in our stockade! Kill him!"

"Hey!" Ye Dong's expression became solemn, what did he say in such a tense atmosphere?

"Go back!"

At this time.

The crowd gave way to a passage. One with a feather crest on his head and leaning on a cane looked like the most respected old man in this place. With the help of several children, he came here.

One of the children who supported the patriarch turned out to be the one Ye Dong met in the forest before.

Ye Dong smiled and said to the child, "Do you still remember me?"

The little boy snorted and ignored him.

The old patriarch now knows what's going on. It turns out that the outsider came here with the child.

The old patriarch sighed helplessly and said, "There are only a hundred people in our village, who have lived in seclusion here for generations, and there are no treasures here, only exotic animals, many, many exotic animals, may I ask this young outsider surnamed Gao Daimyo? What is the purpose of coming here?"

Ye Dong explained with a smile, "Old Patriarch, my name is Ye Dong, the purpose of my coming here is to get rid of these alien beasts nearby, and by the way, I ask for a place to stay at night, by the way, I have a companion, But not here now."

"Are you here to take care of the nearby monsters for us?" The old patriarch was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, Jianhua said to the men around with spears, "Put it down, put it down quickly, they are here to help us kill A dead beast!"

The men then slowly lowered their spears.

Ye Dong asked at this time, "Old Patriarch, do you have a headache for the alien beasts nearby?"

The elders of the old clan are in tears

He said, "Yeah, the number of alien beasts has been increasing recently, and the scope of our people's activities is getting smaller and smaller. If we let them grow unscrupulously like this, it is estimated that we will all be driven out of this place by the alien beasts. already."

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will clean up the surrounding beasts, and let them not dare to approach here, but the old patriarch must promise me, and give me and me at night. How about a place for friends to rest and prepare some food?"

"We must do it! We must do it!" The old patriarch nodded his head.

Ye Dong nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, a burly man with long hair walked towards Ye Dong, "Outsiders, since you promised to help us deal with the nearby alien beasts, can you let me go with you? The alien beast's body is ours. A very important source of food! And, we also want to see your power!"

Ye Dong heard the words, nodded, and said, "It's not a problem, just lead the way, I'm just a thug."

Ye Dong smiled slightly.

"My name is Li Shen! Nice to meet you!"

"My name is Ye Dong, and it's a pleasure to meet you too." Ye Dong smiled slightly.

Li Shen then found about a dozen young people, all tied with ropes, and then lined up in a row, waiting for Li Shen's order.

What's even more peculiar is that there is a second-order wolf beast lying around each of these people.

As expected of a wolf clan, he was able to tame the wolf.

Li Shen also brought a wolf at this time and said to Ye Dong, "This is yours, you can call him Storm, because he is fast and fierce."

Ye Dong shook his head and said, "I don't have to, don't worry, I will have a way to keep up with you, lead the way!"

Li Shen was not surprised, because everyone saw that this guy flew down from the sky.

Li Shen turned around and made a gesture to all the young people, shouting, "Let's go!"


All the young people shout in unison!

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