Aura Recovery: Extreme Ice Emperor

Chapter 246 Destroy the Heavenly Fallen!

Chapter 246 Destroy the Heavenly Fallen!

Professor Hai had no intention of catching up.

Instead, he stood there and chewed the information that Ye Dong had brought him earlier.

It is now 2989 years.

In other words, more than two hundred years have passed outside.

For more than two hundred years, the technological level of the Dragon Kingdom may have already entered an unimaginable level.

Although Li Wei is dead, it does not mean that there is no second existence like Li Wei in the Dragon Kingdom.

"No! Looks like I can't waste my time here! I have to make superhumans as soon as possible! That way, I have nothing to fear! Hehe!"



Ye Dong took Lan Lan and fled all the way, and then quickly flew out of the mechanical fortress.

Lan Lan hugged Ye Dong tightly and said, "Ye Dong, could it be that that person is..."

Ye Dong nodded pale and said, "Yes, the number 1 on his chest proves that he is indeed a person of the Dark Sequence, and it is very likely that he is the founder of the Dark Sequence!

The strength of this kind of person is definitely not something we can deal with, and we are still in his mechanical fortress.

We must go back immediately and report the news to the King's Bureau.


before that! "

Ye Dong looked at the mechanical fortress in the distance with a solemn expression.

Lan Lan wondered slightly, "Ye Dong, what do you want to do?"

Ye Dong smiled coldly and said, "He doesn't seem to have any intention of catching up, it seems that he is not an elemental power user, or he can't fly.

He asked me a question just now. He asked me if Li Wei was dead.

Do you know who Li Wei is? "

Lan Lan shook his head, he was indeed hearing this name for the first time.

Ye Dong said with a solemn expression, "Li Wei is the first generation of extreme cold ice soul ability user, Hemingway hid on this island because he was afraid of Li Wei!

This has been hiding for more than two hundred years. Now that he knows the news that Li Wei is dead, he will definitely plan to do something after that! "

Lan Lan had already understood what Ye Dong meant at this time.

"You mean, after learning that Li Wei is dead, there is no need for him to hide, he will leave this island?"

Ye Dong nodded and said, "That's right, he will leave this island, take the mechanical army on this island, and return to the dark sequence!"

If Hemingway returns to the dark sequence, what impact will it have on the Dragon Kingdom, even a fool can know!

The original dark sequence was already very powerful.

If their former founder suddenly goes back, then the strength of the dark sequence will get an even more terrifying boost!

At this time, Ye Dong slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the sky, "At least! At least he can't take these mechanical legions out of this island!"

Seeing that the first full-scale war between the Dark Sequence and the Dragon Kingdom is about to start.

If these monsters on the island also join the war at that time, it will cause incalculable damage to the Dragon Kingdom!

"Ye Dong, you..."

Lan Lan looked at Ye Dong in surprise, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Destroy the sky!"

A milky white light beam instantly emanated from Ye Dong's fingertips, turned into a meteor and rushed into the sky, and reached the troposphere in just a few tens of seconds!


There was a sudden tremor under the troposphere, followed by a milky white vortex spinning and condensing from the beam of light emitted between Ye Dong.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the center is directly transformed into an ice ball that exudes terrifying elemental energy!

The size of the puck expanded thousands of times in just a few seconds!

Ye Dong suddenly opened his eyes and then pointed down.


There was a deafening and terrifying sound in the sky, and a huge hole broke out in the clouds.

Lan Lan suddenly raised her head to look at the sky, and this look made her eyes widen, and Hua Rong paled in fright.

"Meteor... Meteorite?"

Lan Lan looked at Ye Dong who was sweating profusely beside her with an incredible look on her face.

How on earth did he do it?

Created a meteorite?

Could it be that this meteorite is also the power of extremely cold ice?

Lan Lan's ears were filled with a deafening rumbling sound, as if the sky was about to collapse, a terrifying pressure fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a meteorite covered in raging fire appeared in the sky!

It directly washed away the dark cloud over the mechanical fortress!

Hemingway in the mechanical castle suddenly seemed to feel something, and he looked up suddenly.

The ceiling on the castle instantly turned transparent, and a meteorite that could not fit in his eyes had already fallen from the sky!

His seriousness is shocking and incredible!

How could a meteorite fall from such a good end? And it is not biased towards the direction of the mechanical fortress?

Hemingway suddenly shouted angrily, "Open the sky shield! Execute immediately!"


The sky shield is opening, expect 30 seconds, 29 seconds, 27 seconds...

The edges of the small islands in the mechanical fortress began to emit light at this time, followed by a line of blue light.

The light shot into the sky to form a defense layer like an iron barrel, as if a huge glass cover was covering the entire island!

Seeing this scene, Ye Dong snorted coldly, "It's too late to start defense now!"

When the words fell, Ye Fan picked up Lan Lan and ran in the opposite direction at the fastest speed.

Accelerating without a distance, he didn't stop until he came to a very far position.

The two looked back.

I saw that the meteorite was directly above the mechanical fortress, and the iron barrel-shaped protective layer did not hold for a second under the bombardment of the meteorite, and it was declared invalid!

"Damn! This is no ordinary meteorite!"

At the moment when he saw that the defense layer was instantly invalid, Hemingway suddenly cursed, instinctively raised his hands, and Hu let out a shrill scream.



The meteorite hit the mechanical castle, and the entire mechanical fortress suddenly shook violently. The ground began to crack, the trees began to naturally catch fire, and the mechanical creatures on the island began to flee frantically, or jump into the sea!

The entire island was torn apart in an instant, and in the center, a giant mushroom cloud with a height of dozens of meters rose!

[Congratulations to the host for killing the fourth-order alien beast, breaking through the realm, strengthening points +800]

With the constant prompting sounds in his ears, as well as the activity of his muscles, it means that under the destruction of the sky, many mechanical beasts died on the island.

But not a single voice was about Hemingway!

Of course, Ye Dong was not so naive that his own destruction Tianyun could kill this legendary figure.


What if it succeeds?

The impact of the falling meteorite swept the entire sea surface, and the water surface near the island was instantly evaporated into hot bubbles and white mist. Where the original mechanical fortress appeared, a terrifying big hole appeared!

[Congratulations to the host for killing a seventh-order warrior, breaking through the realm, and strengthening points +100,000! 】

Ye Dong suddenly widened his eyes and hugged Lan Lan who was beside him, "Sister Lan... I just... Maybe, no! I just killed a seventh-order ability user! Seventh-order! "

After saying this, Ye Dong himself took a deep breath.

He just wanted to destroy the mechanical fortress and make Hemingway feel uncomfortable for a while.

It never occurred to me that Hemingway would die under his annihilation!

When Lan Lan heard the words, a look of shock appeared on her face, "What... what? What did you say?"

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